Mr. Chaos does me a favor and I get a new home.

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I realized that my world had ended. My mom died in a car accident 4 months ago, a few days after Gaea lost. My step dad Paul has left me, and went to Paris. My father who long ago stopped visiting me, now completely disowned me. Camp Half Blood had no one who could trust me. The only person who trusted me, Annabeth Chase, died just because of trusting me. And her last words still made me cry. I wanted to die, to go to Elysium and live eternity with Annabeth. Surely she had done enough good things to go to Elysium. If not, I would go to Asphodel or even the fields of Punishment for her. Damn, I would also go to Tartarus for her. My life felt like living me.

Then I saw the surroundings and realized I was under water. Somehow, I felt weaker in water, instead of stronger. But a voice in my head said - Go on Perseus you have to live on. You can still save the person you love. I did not believe in it, but some part of my irrational brain did. I stood up, and faced the 12 Olympians. Then with the remaining strength I had, I teleported to wherever I thought was possible. The water engulfed me. I landed near a vast desert. I did NOT know where this was. But I only knew that there was a man standing in front of me, with a fatherly smile. 

"Perseus Jackson. It has been a pleasure to meet you at last. I am Chaos, creator of the Universe." the man smiled and said. I bowed down a little, but Chaos just held me to his arms. It felt very warm in like a fatherly way. 

"I have seen the perilous journeys you have gone through, the heroic things you have done, the sacrifices you made. Say, what do you want, son. I can grant you one wish only. Just name it." he said in a fatherly tone.

"Annabeth" I said without even thinking once more. "I want Annabeth Chase, daughter of Athena to be restored back to life."

"I see. But a thing like that requires one more sacrifice."

"I am willing to sacrifice anything for her, including my life."

"No, it is much more painful, my boy. You have to promise that you will never ever fall in love for her. She will also not remember falling in love for you. You can not fall in love for her till time and fate agrees, and says so." he said

I replied with an "Yes" instantly. But, then I thought that if I see her, I just can't resist falling in love for her. 

But as though Chaos had read my mind, he said "And I have an offer for you. You can come with me, and join my army as its commander to protect the universe from evil. You can also be my personal assassinator to do missions. I have few more children to in that job too. You will have special powers over everything in the Universe, including new strength, speed, and other physical qualities, that includes immortality, until you fall in battle." 

I thought about that for a while. I had no one in the world for me now, well except Annabeth, but now she won't remember me, and I can't fall for her. So I agreed to the proposal.

"Okay then Perseus Jackson. I have woken Annabeth Chase from her dead.. And... if you want you... can c-c-call me Dad too."

I looked up at his face. A brilliant light was being emitted from his face which had lots of emotions, that included hopefulness.

"Thanks, Dad." I said. Then he pulled me in his arms.

I got teleported to a different place. It looked like a home. Except maybe a really large one.

"This is you home from now. You have 5 brothers and 2 sisters too. And you may know two of them" Chaos said grinning. Then 6 people came. My jaws dropped seeing 2 of them - Luke and Zoe. 

"Luke, Zoe, what are you doing here? I asked 

"They are here, because of their sacrifices. I recruited them, and now they are you brothers and sisters. Let me introduce you to the remaining. Perseus, Theseus. They were the first Greek demigods. Here are Nick, Mickelodenevous whom you can call Mick too. They are Romans. Although Mick and Lick sound the same, they are not brothers. If fact, Mick's great grandson's wife's brother's son's wife's sister's son is Nick. And they are more far related than you are actually to me Perseus. My daughter is Gaea, whose son is Kronos, whose son is Poseidon, whose son are you, so you are m-" 

All these blood relation were enough for me. Besides I DID NOT want to be the son of Poseidon. So I just said "Okay dad, or great great grand dad, please stop now. My head is paining."

He smiled and said "Okay, and this is my very own daughter Diana." He said pointing towards a girl, on the left. 

"Isn't that the Roman name of Artemis?" I asked

"Don't blame me. I named my daughter Diana first. Who would know that the Romans would call Artemis that too. Anyway, don't ask me. You share the same name with Perseus too." 

"Don't ask me. Ask my parents. They thought Perseus was the only demigod with a happy life, so they named me that too. No offence meant, Theseus though."

"None taken. After if you are going into all that family relations, I must say, that everyone here is like everyone else's cousin" Theseus said.

"Okay please stop now. Let's make sure our cousin and my namesake feels at home though." Perseus said.

"Okay. I always fantasized of meeting you one day anyway, cousins." I said to Perseus and Theseus.

"I am honored cuz. Now let's go to sleep." Perseus said. 

Luke took me to my room. When I reached my room, I said "Luke, I am really sorry, if I treated you badly in the Titan War."

Luke just hugged me and said "You relieved me of great pain, Percy. I will forever me in debt to you. Having my grandpa in my body, was really a pain in my ass."

"Okay Good-night."

"Goodnight Sleep Tight. Don't let the bed bugs bite."

After that I had a really long sleep, knowing that I had found a good family, but my heart was never the same.

How was the Update. Please reply in the comment section. I waiting for you. If I get 30 replies and like 100 reads, I will start making more number of chapters weekly. My current target is 15 chapters in a week. It's not that I get a lot of free time though. I just type fast, to make sure my fingers are paining. Give me some nectar (likes) and Ambrosia (comments) guys. Other wise no more chapters for you all. And next chapter is gonna be deadly. Hope you bear with me. 

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