Annabeth Chase DIES

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Hey guys, don't ya all start screaming at me, just by looking at that heading. 
MAKE SURE YOU HAVE A TISSUE NEAR BY YOU. YOU MIGHT NEED IT. Read on to find out what happens. I am not letting everything out too quickly.


CLAIMER - I OWN NATHAN (I need a last name for him), And the other Poseidon's son, whose name I forgot. Got to check the last chapter. Give me a minute. Oh got it - Ronny

Annabeth Chase (yup, it's me today saying the part. Thanks, if u are giving me encouragement, but the author is gonna kill me in the story today. Too bad):

After we rescued Nathan day last week, Percy's life as become hell, nope sort of Tartarus. Here's how it became Tartarus.

The day, Percy brought Nathan to camp by using his powers, Nathan got a little jealous. But when everyone treated him as the leader of the camp, which he is, Nathan got really jealous. Afterwards, Nathan met Ronny- Percy's half brother, and they formed some kind of a conspiracy against my seaweed brain. Both of them loathed Percy because of him getting all the respect, which he should get and more by the way. They decided to drive Percy out of camp, because that's only how Nathan and Ronny will get the supreme job. So they framed Percy for things he could not even imagine to do. They also had got Drew, the Aphrodite cabin's previous consular, on their side, to use charm speak on people. Here's what the 3 of them did in serial order - 

DAY 1 - Conspiracy formed. They broke branches of Thalia's pine tree, which is strictly against law. Then they brought him near the tree, and ran off. Chiron came at the moment. Guess what happened.

DAY 2 - Pranks done on the full Hermes cabin. They influenced a little girl from Hermes cabin, to tell Chiron it was Percy. Drew's charm speaking did the rest of the job

DAY 3 - CAPTURE THE FLAG, a girl from Aphrodite's cabin stabbed from behind, with a sword the exact thickness and length as Riptide. Later Ronny and Drew told everyone that Percy did it. Drew's charm speak. The girl was saved by the Apollo Cabin

DAY 4 - On Percy's closest friends. Thalia's bow lost. Nico's sword stolen. Zeus cabin - Zeus' statue, Oh, you should have seen the statue, with lipstick and Make-up. 

DAY 5 - Really bad. Sea water flooded the nearby areas of the the camp. As only Percy has that much strength, everyone suspected Percy. But it was Ronny, and Nathan together, and they did it only after 30 minutes of bringing water in small amounts. 

DAY 6 - A monstrous bull invades camp - Attacks everyone near the training ground, except for Percy, and then Nathan and Ronny pretended to defeat the bull at last, after a tiresome battle.

DAY 7 - Percy and I find out about the Conspiracy and I was about to tell it to Chiron when the last straw took place.

I was the only one in camp who believed in Percy. So, Ronny secretly threw a huge wave of water on me. Then Huge jets of water hit me one after the other. Percy was not with me, but as soon as he heard my cries, he rushed, and attacked Nathan and Ronny. It was the biggest battle that ever took place on the camp among the campers. 


I heard Annabeth screaming. I ran and saw - OH MY GOD, WHAT THE HECK. There were huge streams of water attacking Annabeth. Then I saw Nathan and Ronny behind the water streams. I understood what happened, and sent a huge wave clashing towards Nathan and Ronny. Both of them tried to hold down the water wave with all their power. But I was not going to stop. I sent jets after jets of water towards them. Nathan called down a bolt of lightning towards me, but my jet of water prevented even that. But behind me, a soft voice whispered, "I love you, Percy" and then the voice faded. I turned back to find Drew smiling, and Annabeth lying dead with a blade behind. I fell to my feet. I knew that Nathan and Ronny would attack me, but I wanted to die. To go to Annabeth. She was the only one who trusted me. I held her in my arms. I felt tears running down my cheeks. I stood up, turned to face Nathan and Ronny. 


I heard screaming from near the training grounds. I ran there, along with some other children. I saw Percy on the ground with a girl on his arms. I went closer and saw that the girl was Annabeth. And tears were running down Percy's cheeks. Then he stood up and turned towards Nathan and Ronnie, Annabeth still in his arms. Then he screamed at the top of his voice " I AM COMING TO YOU ANNABETH" Then a massive wave of water came from the sea, and flooded the whole camp. Then another wave came. Around 30 waves like that until the water reached the tops of the camp cabins. Everyone of us, ran out of the camp boundaries. Luckily the water could not cross the camp area, due to the protected enchantments. But not for long. Soon we heard a huge cry, and all the creatures from the sea came towards the camp. All the clouds appeared and a huge storm started. We knew that the borders won't hold for long. Everyone of the us used our powers to lower the flood. But Percy's powers were stronger than like anything in the world. Soon the borders fell, and the water escaped from the camp. We ran all the way, as far as we could from the camp. Then the largest wave of water came, along with a huge crack on the ground, separating the camp from us. The crack was really big. And the wave of water filled the whole crater. 


I was coming from Camp Jupiter, and even before like 3 miles from the camp, I could see a huge storm appearing at the camp. I was shocked, This type of climate was not expected at Camp Half Blood. Then I met Chiron and the camper. 

"What are you all doing 3 miles outside the camp? And what is happening at camp?" I asked Chiron, who looked really grave.

"It's Percy" Piper answered. 

"What? What is he doing? What happened?"

"Annabeth died. She was killed by someone at the camp. We don't know who. And Percy angry, and brought down the whole sea in the camp. Then the crack appeared on the ground. All of us trying to bring down the flood. But it is not working." Piper explained quietly.

Whoa, its like 400 demigods which includes Chiron, and like 4 children of the Big three, against only 1 demigod, and now everyone is standing 3 miles outside the camp, with a 100 feet deep crater filled with water, surrounding the camp. 

Then I pointed to the sky, where Zeus, Poseidon, Ares, and all the Olympians were trying to calm down the water. But Percy's power out-matched all The Olympians. That guy was seriously freaking dangerous. 


"I DISOWN YOU PERSEUS. STOP THIS NOW" It was Poseidon. But another wave threw them all out of the sky. Then the waves calmed down, but the water and the crater was still there.



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