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Hi guys, this is my first book. Hope you like it. I must say, the idea is same, but this story is unique in its own way.


I was on the quest to find a son of Zeus (who apparently had broken his oath again), named Nathan, near Boston. I remembered a demigod named Nathan once, who helped in the rise of Kronos. No idea, why Zeus named his Nathan too. I don't think the gods name their kid. Did Poseidon name me, or my mom? I was pondering over this things, as I was fighting with a pair of Hell-Hound. Yup, being Dyslexic and ADHD helps in these ways though. Beside me was Annabeth Chase, fighting with his knives against 2 more hell hounds. 

"Hey Wise Girls, I am bored with these" I said as a pipeline under the streets exploded, spraying water all over the hounds. Then I concentrated, and took out all water from the hound's body too. That was my special features. Then I attacked the hounds, with their own water, until they were exhausted, and finally ran. Though I was sure, they wouldn't make it too far, without proper blood circulation and all those things, Wise girl told me, about our bodies. 

"Hey, I told you not to do that. It lacks our pract-" Annabeth was saying but I cut her with a small kiss on her lips. Then we went and entered the school in which this Nathan apparently studied. 

"Mission 91.1  accomplished. Now forwarding to 91.2" I said. Our camp had made a special system, to count the number of jobs done by everyone in pairs, every month. This was only half a month and we had done 90 missions. The pair doing the most missions were awarded with a prize badge, along with 20 drachmas. Our air had been leading for last 6 months. Last month, was a close win against Charisse and Charlie, who had done 162 missions and we had 164. This month we were expecting at least 200 missions. The demigods in Camp had expanded severely since Gaea's attacks. We had like 400 people in camp now. Seemed like the gods were doing a good job. 

"Hey Seaweed Brain, look there. I think that's the boy." Annabeth said pointing towards a 14 year old boy. He had Zeus like features, which I really hated.

"Hey kid, what's your name?"

"Nathan. What do you want?" he scowled. Yup his behavior was no less than Zeus. Seriously.

"Kid, who is your father?" I asked just to make sure this Nathan and the required Nathan were the same.

"Hey. who are you asking who my father is. If I tell you, you will just fall to my feet, and start begging for mercy. My father is Zeus. KING OF THE GODS. Hey, hey, puny mortal."

Really how did he know his daddy was thunder beard. No idea. "Hey kid. I happen to know your father. He is my uncle, which makes you my cousin. Anyway, who's your mommy. We need to talk to her."

"Why do you ask, Cousin."  He said cousin like it was a cuss word.

"Because we are here to take you to a place, where there are many people like you. Many Demigods. Now tell us where your mom is, so that we can ask her permission." Annabeth said, with a really kind tone. 

"I have no Mom. Sorry for disappointing you. But I will come with you to that what-did-you-call-it place."

I almost felt sorry for this kid. Having no proper father was hard enough, but with an extra package, of no mother. Impossible. 

"Okay, hold on to me. I will take a quicker path" I said. 

Both Annabeth and Nathan held to me. I imagined the sea to gulf me. Then I reappeared just beside Thalia's tree, on the border of Camp Half Blood. Yup, I had that special feature, that I found out just 6 days, ago. It's awesome. I looked at Nathan, who threw up on the spot. 

"Seaweed brain, how many times do I have to tell you to give at least a warning to a new traveler." Annabeth said, who liked like she might have puked herself.

"How did you do THAT?" Nathan asked.

"Well I am a son of the Sea God. I have a brother too, named Ronny. Both of us are Poseidon's children. So we have some powers, from the Sea." I explained, especially with distaste when I said the word Ronny. I really hated him. My father liked him a lot more than he did likes me. That's because Ronny's mother's grandfather was a descendant of Aphrodite, making his mother look more lovely than my mom. Poseidon even came to meet him like once daily. Although to me, my mom is the best looking woman, other than- perhaps Annabeth Chase.

"Okay." Nathan said, but their was a sense of Jealousy on his face. But it disappeared, really quickly. I thought I just imagined that - well, more like hoped. 

We entered through the gate, where Nathan was received by Chiron. He said, that we could go off now. 

"Enough for one day. 1 demigod, 2 monster fighting mission. And then rescue mission. I am going near the sea. Wanna come with me?" I asked Annabeth. She just nodded, and we made our way towards the sea. I thought that was enough for one day. And I did not know what to expect later, because that would be like impossible.

Hi guys. Hope you like my first chapter. It took me 25 minutes to write, and now my hand is like super painful, after the typing, and before that today's morning School Assignment. PLEASE COMMENT, AND LIKE, CAUSE THAT MIGHT MAKE MY HANDS BETTER AND ACT LIKE AMBROSIA, TO MAKE SURE I WRITE LIKE 2 MORE CHAPTERS NEXT DAY. IT IS GOING TO BE DAMN EXCITING IN TOMMOROW'S CHAPTER(WHICH I MIGHT WRITE TODAY ONLY, IF I GET 2 COMMENTS AT LEAST *WINK*.)   

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