Chapter 12: Dinner Time

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Sarpedon smiles, literally from ear to ear—if he has ears. "You are the most resilient of persons," he says, and my resolve strengthens with his praise. "That is Kolomi. He is a Tlaloc, the representative for water. Everyone on the council was selected for their knowledge of what you may encounter on your journey. Kolomi is kind. He has a deep soul and is considered by his people to be a loving and caring ruler."

"He looks like he wants to eat me."

"You said the same about me."

"I meant it!" I shout, then lower my voice. "I stand in that circle and I feel like the main course. The only one there who doesn't look like they would eat me is Queen Ekecheiria, because she looks like she never eats anything!"

Sarpedon takes a breath. "Do you actually believe one of them will eat you?"

I wait to respond. "No. But you need to understand, they're the stuff of nightmares on Earth. I know they won't like someone like me telling them what to do."

"Why would that concern you?"

"They are very important. I'm just a girl from Queens. People like them don't like people like me telling them what to do."

"It is irrelevant if the experience for them is enjoyable. Just because they have ideas does not mean they are correct. You are not asking for much. It is reasonable for you and the people you trust to have a say in your wellbeing. You are deserving of that. They will give it to you. They just may not be happy about it. Besides," he smiles gently, "they cannot eat you until you find the key."

I smile at his humor. "You're right. But before I go in there again, tell me who everyone is and why they were selected."

"Well, I am the Grand Master of the Knights Templar. I have the most knowledge of the portals and whatever was used to lock them. Jonah is the one who found you and you trust him. There is Kolomi, as I mentioned. King Ohad has knowledge of the air. His son, Dathid, is here because you invited him. Queen Ekecheiria is powerful and the elves wanted a say. She is also the one facilitating your training."

He pauses and steals a glance at the circle as if trying to remember who else is there. "Oh, Kyrbast, for the magical arts. And lastly, Laius—she is the anubis. She is here to help with anything underground."

I hope I don't look as afraid as I feel. The anuba-thingy sounds horrible and I don't even know what it is. "What's an anubis?" I wish my voice wouldn't shake.

"This would be much simpler if you would read the books I give you," he says, trying to chide me but instead lightening the mood by talking about something other than frightening creatures.

"The anubis live underground," he says. "They are rather dull, as far as personality goes. They are even-handed and slow to anger."

"But what do they look like? I don't care about its temperament or where it lives. I want to know how many teeth it has and if it's disgusting."

"Well, it is rather human in appearance. One head, two arms, two legs, walks upright. They have superb posture. They are covered in short, black fur and have a head like a dog."

"Like a Rottweiler or a Shih-Tzu?"

"More like a Collie. It is long and pointy, with giant ears that stand up straight, and a thick mane of hair that flows down its back."

"Does she look like she's going to eat me?"

"You think everybody looks like they will eat you."

I can't argue with that. Everybody I've met here is something from a horror movie. I take a few deep breaths. "Okay, I'm ready to try again."

Master Sarpedon slithers back to the circle with me trailing behind. Once there, I take another breath for courage and wrap my hand around the pareixer. Everyone appears and abruptly stops arguing.

"Are you feeling better?" Queen Ekecheiria asks.

"Yes, Your Majesty. Thank you," I mumble. My courage is already waning.

Kolomi growls and draws my attention away from the Queen. When I look at his crocodilian face, it's hard to remember that he's known for his kindness. Especially when he's baring his long, pointy teeth and making odd clicking noises.

"Well, hurry up!" Queen Ekecheiria snaps.

I turn my attention back to the Queen and she gives me a wide smile. It's so fake it makes me even more uncomfortable. "Kolomi can't speak English," she explains. "Not only does he not know the language, but his tongue cannot form the words. His magi are working on a potion right now. We're still waiting for Laius's translator."

I nod an acknowledgment. I'm glad for the break. It gives me some time to learn about the council members and regain some composure. I grab a handful of sweater and coil it in my sweaty palms.

It's taking a long time for the translators to arrive. My stomach is killing me. I stare at my hands as they twist and untwist the fabric. Sarpedon's pep talk has worn off. I either need to look up or leave. I force my eyes up and of course, they land on Laius, the anubis.

I've seen her image before. I remember her from my fifth-grade Egyptian project; I made one of her out of clay. However, now that I can observe a real anubis, I see that I got some things right but others very wrong.

First off, she has a kind face, like a sweet dog. It's very pointy, almost like a dart. She is very tall—not quite as tall as Jonah, who is by far the biggest creature in the room, but slightly taller than Dathid. Her thick lilac hair starts at the top of her head between her oversized ears and flows in waves around her shoulders.

Unlike my fifth grade model, which only had her wearing a gold sarong, Laius is dressed from head-to-toe in gold armor with designs on it that appear to be people fighting, but I can't see it well enough to be sure. Over the armor is a heavy quilted jacket with black and teal brocade. Over that, is a black fuzzy cape with a very heavy jeweled collar that covers her shoulders and part of her chest. It's weird that a woman with a dog face would choose to wear a collar.

Two football-sized beetles jump onto the arms of her chair and sit opposite each other on their hind legs, like dogs begging for a treat. They're cute, which is surprising because I don't like bugs, especially big ones. Soft squishy faces that aren't insect-like at all rest on the top of their shimmering, cherry blossom-pink shells. Tiny little mouths make their long, bright blue eyes seem even bigger, especially because their eyes extend from the crown of their head, like antennae, and bend in every direction.

Laius growls something in her native language and the beetle on her left chirps something, then the beetle on the right says in a surprisingly human voice, "My pardon, this is the best we could do on such short notice. My reevers will have to speak for me and translate what you say."

Laius says something else and after it goes down the chain to the second reever, it translates. "I will take the notes from the scribe when this meeting is finished, but since I cannot communicate well, please make me aware if my comments are needed. I hope by our next meeting, I will have command of the English language."

Shortly thereafter, a bright spherical light floats in front of Kolomi and settles in his lap. "I believe I'm ready now," he says in a beautiful melodic voice. There's no delay, as with Laius, although it's strange seeing his mouth move but not matching the words he's speaking.

Now that everyone can understand English, they turn their attention to me. The Queen asks me to stand and I manage it, but I don't know for how long. I've forgotten how to breathe and I may vomit. All words have left my brain and all my focus is on the bead of sweat streaming down the side of my face. I can't run off again. I taste blood. I've bitten through my lip. I didn't even feel it.

Speak! my brain commands, but my mouth refuses to obey.

Before I can say anything, Queen Ekecheiria starts. "Agatha, we have called you here today because we have concerns. We question how something like what happened yesterday was possible."

"It's obvious she wasn't guarded well enough," Ohad says.

"Yes, obviously," the Queen repeats with an icy glare at me. I've embarrassed her and she will make me pay. I'm glad when her attention turns back to Ohad. Hopefully they'll argue and forget I'm here. "But she was wandering around aimlessly in an unauthorized area."

She turns back toward me. "The guards report that you did not call out, or try in any way to defend yourself."

My heart drops to my feet and I sway a little. "I..." I manage, but Ohad jumps in.

"She has not begun her physical training. Is her safety her concern, or yours? Perhaps we need to find a more suitable arrangement."


"Agatha, you are a Knight," Ekecheiria says. "I would think that your Knight's blood would have boiled over. Yet you did nothing. Did you want to go with your captors?"


"Of course not, don't be ridiculous," Kyrbast snorts.

I smile on the inside. King Ohad is fighting with the Queen because they hate each other, but Kyrbast actually defended me. I have defenders.

Laius growls something, but before her reevers can translate, several retorts are given in numerous languages from the other members. Everyone is speaking at once. I sit back down. This was a bad idea.

Queen Ekecheiria stands and the group simmers down. She paces around the circle and glares at Ohad while addressing me. "Agatha, we appreciate that as a simple human girl living on Earth you had no need to use a Knight's instincts. It is understandable that given your circumstances you are soft and frightened. However, we question your desire to help. We also question your determination to do what is asked. And mostly we question your ability to perform."

I question all of that too, but I'm offended. I've done everything they've asked. It's not my fault that I'm not good at any of it. Every eye is on me. I have to speak.

I open my mouth, but the Queen has more to say. "We doubt your abilities."

"The Orb is not working," Kolomi interjects. "You are not magical. We have yet to see any physical prowess. You did not attempt to save yourself."

The Queen waves her hand and Kolomi stops picking on me. I have no defense. They're right. I just don't know what to do about it.

The Queen sits and practically snarls at me. "The floor is yours."

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