Chapter 13: Seven in a Council

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I don't stand because I'm gripping the arms of my chair so tightly my knuckles ache.

"I..." This is as far as I've gotten, so I haven't thought of any more words. Unfortunately, it's my turn and they're not interrupting this time. Beads of sweat pour down the sides of my face, tickling my ears. I don't dare wipe it away because I don't want the Queen and Kolomi to know how intimidated I am.

"Um," I finally manage, and I'm proud of myself for getting something out.

I take a deep, unsteady breath to calm my nerves and get my brain functioning. I wish they would stop staring at me.

"Um," I say, again.

I grip the chair tighter to stop my body from shaking. Words flash through my mind and I'm so relieved I smile like an idiot in front of these important people.

"Well, um...thank you for agreeing to meet with me. And thank you for the lovely accommodations I have received," I say with a nod toward the Queen. I surprise her with my opening and that gives me some courage.

"Um...well...first off—I apologize for any part I played in the events yesterday. I did not mean to wander off. I was lost."

"Why wasn't a guard with her?" Lauis asks.

"She's not a prisoner!" Kyrbast snaps.

"She almost was," Ohad says.

"I appreciate the freedoms you allow me," I say to stop the prisoner talk; I don't want the Queen getting ideas. "I would not like a guard following me everywhere. Now that I better understand the danger, I will be more careful in the future. I am to start my physical training today, so I'm sure I will improve soon."

I'm lying. I think the physical training is going to be a disaster. I am not an athlete and I'm certainly not a Knight. At least not the kind of Knight they're looking for.

My sweat has run its course down my neck and is joining the river running down my back. What am I going to do if they kick me out? Go back to Auntie? Would she take me? Not without the Orb.

Thoughts of the Orb remind me of Jonah's words. All I need to do is read the Orb. A relaxing breath is able to reach my lungs. My grip loosens on the chair until I remember that I can't do that either.

"Well," the Queens says with a deep exhale. "I guess that's all the explanation we're going to get. I have much to do and this has already wasted too much time. I move we adjourn—"

"—I apologize, Your Highness, but I have some requests." I can't believe I had the guts to interrupt her. I don't know why I did that. From the look on her face she can't believe I did it either. Maybe I can make one demand. If I can remember what they were...

She scowls and grunts her acceptance. I need to make this quick. Maybe I should let everything be. I'm not on good terms here and I may lose my home or at least my comfy accommodations.

Dathid moves in his seat and catches my attention. He smiles at me and completely takes my mind off the council—not because it's a great smile, which it is, but because he smiles so rarely it freaks me out. I almost smile back but then I remember where I am. I take a deep breath and look only at him when I begin. "First, I'd, Prince Dathid to have a seat on the council."

"No!" the Queen and Kolomi say in unison.

"There are seven in a council," Kolomi adds.

The silence confirms what Kolomi said. My friend can't be on the council because there's a rule about a number. A small ball of anger seats in my chest. I'm going to have to fight for this, and I'm not a confrontational person.

Dathid chuckles. Is he laughing at me?

Ignore him. Say what you've got to say and run.

"Prince Dathid is my friend and I trust him. If you want me to help you, then you need to give him a seat," I say with surprising composure.

Everyone yells at once except Laius; she's a little behind because it takes her reevers a moment to translate, but once she understands, she shakes her head. I'm gripping the chair to hold myself down. I will not run. I can withstand some yelling.

King Ohad stands. "Quiet!"

Surprisingly, everyone does as ordered and King Ohad sits back down. "I have a solution," he says. "My son may have my seat."

"Wha—" Dathid begins but shuts his mouth.

"He will be a fine addition to your council and I'm sure he will represent both the faeries and Agatha admirably," the King says.

Dathid looks like he wants to speak, but whatever he has to say, he won't say it in front of the council.

"Any objections?" Master Sarpedon asks. When no one speaks, he continues, "King Ohad, thank you for your service."

Ohad wishes everyone farewell and disappears. Dathid looks stunned but quickly hides it under his usual dour expression.

"Well, that was easy enough. If we're through here..." Lauis' reever says.

"Wait!" I shout as they all start saying their goodbyes. "I have more."

Everyone stills, and Kolomi and Queen Ekecheiria exchange a snide glance. I find that rather childish, and that helps me relax. They're not so scary when they're acting like children. Plus, I won the first round, so my courage is about as strong as it's ever been.

"I want Jonah to be in charge—the president, or whatever the title is of the guy in charge of the council."

No one moves. Their eyes slide over each other, but not a word is spoken. That unnerves me more than the yelling.

Master Sarpedon breaks the silence. "I think we can all agree that having a Knight Crawler as the Voornok is a good idea. He has no allegiances."

"Except to the Knights Templar," Lauis' reever says.

"The Knights Templar are devoted to keeping the portals closed. No one can find fault with that allegiance. After all, we are sending Knights with her," Master Sarpedon says.

"I vote to make Jonah Voornok," Kyrbast announces. "All those in favor say aye."

Everyone agrees and Jonah stands to thank them. He turns to face me. "Agatha, do you have any other requests?" he raises his eyes to prompt me into asking for my last item: a seat on the council. That was the third thing I couldn't remember.

I'm not going to, though. Kolomi already explained there's only seven on a council. They dislike me so much and I'm doing such a bad job, I'm not qualified to be in this room with these people. I don't need a say. I'd be wrong anyway. I bite my lip and shake my head.

Jonah tilts his head and studies me with sad eyes. He was so proud of me when I was thinking I could do this. I can't look at his disappointment.

"I have one more agenda item," Jonah says. I snap my head up. He has his back to me so I can't tell him to stop. Everyone is on the edge of their seats gearing up for round three. "Agatha needs a seat, too."

The council erupts again, but this time they're shouting in a bunch of different languages. They argue for a long time until it sounds as if they're repeating themselves. Laius stands and points to Jonah while growling something. Kyrbast is arguing my side. I'm glad I have some allies.

Jonah bangs his staff on the floor. After a few strikes, the council quiets down. A tense hush falls over the room as the members eye each other suspiciously.

As if to end the hostile silence, Kolomi repeats, "There are seven in a council."

"Well," Jonah says, becoming irate, "it's her life you want her to risk, and I don't believe she's asking for much by wanting a say in what you're planning for her. If you only want seven on the council, then one of you will have to abdicate."

I almost laugh at the horror on their faces.

Before the council explodes again, the Queen stands. "Agatha, since this requires much more in-depth discussion and you are as yet not a member of the council, would you mind leaving the circle until we make a decision?" Her tone suggests that if I don't leave she'll stab me.

I'm relieved they're allowing me to go. The council disappears when I leave the circle. Although Master Sarpedon is sitting quietly, I can still hear the rest of them arguing. I want a break, so I leave the Temple.

The castle hallway is eerily quiet. That was a lot of noise. I slide down the wall and let the glowing pareixer rest beside me. I'm glad I can't see Jonah because I can't deal with him right now.

Eventually, guilt makes me pick it up and I'm shocked when it's Dathid. He sits on the floor across from me. "How are you holding up?" he asks. "It's hard to believe they're world leaders when they fight like children."

"It's weird that it looks like you're here next to me when I know you're in Manahata," I say, ignoring his comment. We sit in our normal awkward silence until I think of something to say. "That was nice of your dad to give you his seat."

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting that. Although you may want him back. He has extensive knowledge of dragons and harpies."

"Well, if I had to choose one, I'd choose you. I'm sure if we need him for something, he'd help us."

Dathid chuckles. "Did you see Ekecheiria's face when she thought there'd be two faeries on the council?"

"Yeah, that was funny," I agree and then sober. "What if they don't give me a seat?"

"Go back to New York." He says it so calmly I'm shocked he could even suggest it.

"There's a lot at stake. I couldn't do that."

"Do you think they would let you leave over a council seat? They just like to fight. Most of these civilizations barely get along in the best of circumstances. A few of them only signed treaties after Ziras encroached on their territories."

"Like the elves and the faeries?" I cringe when Dathid's face falls. "I hope they come to a decision soon," I add to change the subject. Then a thought strikes me and I blurt out, "Shouldn't you be in there?"

He waves his hand and snorts. "They'll give you what you want. This is all a show of power."

I can't comment because the door opens and Master Sarpedon's assistant, Gurador, pops his goat head out. I was wondering where that satyr was. "They're ready for you."

When Dathid and I rejoin the circle, Jonah announces, "The council has agreed to eight." Then he pounds his staff against the floor. "Meeting adjourned."

With that, everyone except Jonah and Sarpedon disappear and the meeting is over. The room is finally quiet. I take a deep breath and recline in my chair. My head hurts and I'm exhausted. I want to go back to bed.

"Well, that went better than expected," Jonah says to Master Sarpedon.

"Really? You think that went well?" The words jump from my mouth out of shock.

Jonah and Master Sarpedon share a laugh. Then Sarpedon says, "There have been many such battles taking place ever since your discovery; some dragged on for days. This one was the quickest yet."

I'm surprised to learn about the many meetings, but I'm glad I missed them. "Do I have to go to all of them now?"

"No," Jonah says. "Most of them are logistical. Where to house you, how to feed you, what should you learn, that sort of thing. I just wanted to make sure that you had a say if you decide you don't like something. You don't need to go unless you want to."

"Good. I don't like them. They fight too much."

"You have no idea," Jonah mumbles.

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