Ep [3]

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Walking alone by myself,

I finally reached my desired destination.

The place for broken hearts to ease their pain.

It looks quite cheap but never mind, I just need something to ease up my emotions.

With that thought,
I went inside.

There were surprisingly many people.

I looked for a seat  at the very last corner and sat there taking out my coat.

Soon, the waiter came to me and asked my order.

"Bring the best drink here."

I said and he told me some names, I choosed one and he nodded.

After bowing to me, he went back.

I massaged my forehead and sigh.

"Finally. I will get some peace."

I thought and just then I heard a voice.

"Hey! Waiter!! Bring me some moreeeeeee drinkuuueee!!"

A girl yelled loudly making everyone look at her. 

I also turned around and my eyes widened.


I thought and hurriedly turned back and tried to act normal. 

Please don't notice.

God save me.

"Hey! Mister! You- waittttt you look familarrr"

She yelled again and I heard her footsteps behind me.

I closed my eyes praying to God that please don't let this happen but..

I felt a hand on my shoulder,

I look behind and saw her face right in front of me and she was grinning ear to ear.

"Hii. Hottie!"

She said and sat on the chair opposite to me.

I closed my eyes in pain.

But opened them again, I was about to say something but stopped at the view in front of me.

She is freaking wearing a white bride gown showing off her cleavage and  collar bone and smiling like an idiot.

And the main reason for me to stop was that she freaking winked at me!!

I shook my head in disbelief.

"Wear this."

I said giving her the coat which I had put on the table infront of us.

"Why? You are not able to handle my.....hotness? "

She said the last word standing up and leaning forward, her face a lot like a lot close to mine.

I turned my head around and saw some guys staring at her in a really disgusting way.

I looked back at her grinning face just an inch away from me.

I want to push her away but how.

I mean her dress is too revealing.

I thought for a while and took my coat.

I used it as gloves and pushed her back on her seat.

The coat was on her now.

She chuckled and said.

"Whoah cool move!"

She said while wearing the coat.

"Though I don't mind wearing revealing dresses. But at the same time I prefer comfy clothes more than fashion. At home I like to wear my dad's shirt and roam in my house smiling and dancing. My mom always says I shouldn't laugh too much because I'm a girl and I talk too much too. But what is the connection between laughing, talking and girl? I don't understand!"

And here we go.

I just look at the floor trying to avoid her.

"And I can't believe many and many girls are being forcefully married to someone they don't even know! They said they will find a good groom for me but man I had already found one! My boyfriend! I ran away from my house because I loved him but he..."

I look at her with so done expression. 

But it didn't affected her a bit.

She just went on talking and talking. 

"He didn't loved me! I mean when I went to him. He said he can't keep me with him because I'm childish and annoying and what not. Literally that bastard!! Like he doesn't even know how hard it was for me to just run away from my freaking wedding! My family is looking for me and once they find me I'm dead. Seriously I will be dead. It's all because of him! Agh I don't know what to do."

She stopped for a while as the waiter came and put the drinks infront of me.

"You ordered? Thanks."

She asked and grabbed a bottle.

I tried to stop her but she opened the bottle and started drinking like crazy.

I was shocked and soon snatched away the bottle from her.

Half of the drink was all over her neck and my coat.

Though her brown skin looked more attractive with the liquid decorated on it.

I thought but shrugged that thought off and said.

"Do you even have money to pay- "

Before I could complete, she cut me off and went on her talking again.

"Don't worry dude. It's not my first time drinking. Me and my friends loved to bunk our birthday party's and drink in a club. You know, it was the best thing to do! I have been like this from the start and literally everyone thinks I'm from another planet and....hey what happened?"

She asked as I left my seat and went to sit on another one.

She made a gloomy face and sighed.

I also sighed in relief.

I looked at her again to see her sitting there. Sometimes she would shake her legs sometimes look around her and flirt with other guys. 

I just shook my head.

I was about to leave from there when I saw her got up and leave.

Yes may be now I can drink in peace.

With that thought I waited for her to leave. 

"Hey miss!! wait you have to pay for your drinks."

Someone I assume the worker approached her.

"Pay? Me? Nah I don't have money."

She spoke while her eyes half closed and she was becoming tipsy.

"You shouldn't had ordered drinks if you didn't had money little girl."

He said while checking her out from top to bottom.

"Ooh yes but now I ordered....what to do?"

She said pouting.

"Wait I will help you. Come with me."

He said holding onto her hand and they started walking to somewhere.

Is she dumb or stupid!?

I hurriedly got up and approached them.

I held her wrist and pulled her behind me.

I look at the creep infront of me raising his brow at me. I made a blank face and said "Where were you taking her?"

"Yah don't worry he is just-"
She tried to say but I look at her with a glare and said

"Shut up."

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