Ep [4]

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"Sir she has to pay the money so I was just-"

I took out some money from my wallet and shoved onto his hand.


I said and gave him a glare after dragging her out.

"Oh boss wait up! Why you gave that much money!? Didn't even counted and I-"

She got cut off as I left her hand and Said.

  "Do you know how stupid you are!?"

She looked at me with wide eyes and asked while smiling.

"How much?"

"A lot. A lot means a LOT. Do you even have an idea what could have happen to you if I was not there? If I didn't helped you?"

I said scolding her. I couldn't believe someone can be this careless and dumb.

"Oh please nothing would happen to me! I know kung fu okay?"

She said flipping her long hairs.

"Huh." I chuckled sarcastically at her words.

"Huh? What 'huh' huh!? You think I'm joking!? Do I look like a joker!?"

She asked trying to stay still but she was all tipsy.

"Yeah kind of."

I said smiling sarcastically.

"You lemon head!! I know kung fu! Wait let me show you!! See this! Hmm ha! Yo heeee~"

It's proven she is all wasted.

"Cho cha cheeee!! Yooooupeeee!! Ha hoo yeeeeee haii!!" 

She continued to make weird noises while throwing her hands and legs in the air making several different 'weird' poses.

I face palmed myself again.

But the thing had me taken back was, she is wearing a long ass gown with heels yet she is not tripping.

"Oooooolalalala shakalaka BOOM!!"

She yelled while believing my coat is her nanchaku weapons.

"Okay okay you are so good at kung-fu I just saw now calm down."

I tried to approach her but she hitted me with the coat.

It was hard!!

"Haiya!! Now yoush bewich meh. I shan ju kung fu!!"

She said and I frowned.


"Dude I just spoke Chinese!!"

And I face palmed myself again.

"Great!! Awesome!! Fantastic!! Ear bleed- I mean ear blessing performance!!"

She smiled in satisfaction  and again weared her nanchaku weapons or should I clear out as my coat.


She said while grinning ear to ear. What an idiot God. 

"Hii. I'm y/n."

She said extending her hand for me to shake. 

I went ahead and shook hands with her after saying "Hi. I'm V."

"So please to meet you but V?"

I nodded and she made an 'O' shaped face.

"Mr hottie. HEHE. By the way why did you pay for me?"

She asked while smirking, we had started to walk not really knowing where to.

"Because if I didn't payed, they might use you!"

I said feeling angered. 

"Ah thank you mister hottie. By the way Are you lost baby boy? And wait wait wait. What were you doing earlier standing on the edge?" 

She asked and I smiled.

"Was saying hi to the river."

"DO YOU THINK I'M FOOL!? I know you were about to jump. Why?"

She said while her hiccups started increasing.

I kept quite because her question was a lot tough to answer.

"Hello? I asked you something?"

I still didn't replied and she heaved a long sigh while rolling her eyes.

"Okay dude. Don't tell me but whatever you are facing I can tell it's not a big deal."

She said and I looked at her immediately.

"How can you be so sure that it's NOT a big deal!? What do you mean by that?"

I asked feeling angered. 

She doesn't even know anything and says not a big deal.

"I mean look I'm in a lot of trouble too. I'm homeless, with a stranger and drunk in the middle of the night but still I'm happy!! It's all about attitude-"

I cut her off immediately as i said.

"Just because you are drunk doesn't mean you should be saying rubbish here. Doesnt even know anything and talks about attitude? Stupid."

I said and walked ahead feeling so mad out of no reason. 

"I was just trying to help-"

I turned around and said.

"I'm lost not dead. I can take care of myself. Thanks for your concern, now get lost."

With that I turned around and started walking alone feeling instant regret.

"It hurted me!"

I didn't said anything and kept on walking.

"Hey listen up hottie!!"

She yelled running after me.

"How many times I have to tell you not. To. Call. Me. That.!?"

I said turning around and then turning back to walk again but she held my wrist and pulled me close to her.

"Listen up. You are the hot guy and I'm the sexy girl. Both got lost in the middle of night? Guess what can happen?"

She said seductively.

"I might kill you."

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