Ep [36]

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Me :

Irene :

Me :

Come on! You can tell me!

Me :

Um...I do like her or maybe even love her... [Message deleted]

Irene :

I saw it already! Better accept that!

Me :
Okay I do love her.


I knew it! You both look so cute together! And tbh for the first time I'm feeling really happy for my sister.

Me :

Irene :

Alright, bye

Me :

Lmao, goodnight!


[The Next day]

"There's no need tae. I have Irene by my side, you should focus on your business you know?"

You spoke trying to convince him, but he was nowhere to listen to you.

"Listen, the doctors also suggested you should get the surgery done in a good hospital because your case is complicated-"

"But I do not have that much money and there are such expensive hospitals in seoul-"

"Your health is more important than money okay? Im here to help you and-"

He got cut off as suddenly they heard someone's phone ringing.

Y/n went to check and found it was Irene's phone which was on charging.

Irene had went out for some work.

Frowning at the unknown number, y/n picked up the call.


"Good morning mam, is this Lee Irene speaking?"

"N-no I'm here sister speaking, she is out for some work."

"Oh okay mam, I called to inform your sister that the last date of submission is today, if she didn't showed up at the institute till 11 am, she might loose this chance."

Y/n frowned.

"Submission for what? Can you explain me in detail?"

"Our institute work for people having speech or language disorder, we help them in their treatment and teach them special skills to overcome the hindrance of speaking, your sister applied for the six month programme, today is the last date of submission of this programme."

"Don't worry mam, she will reach the institute before 11 am. Thankyou so much for informing."

"It's my pleasure, have a nice day."

And the call ended.

"What was it?"

She flinched when she heard Taehyung's voice just behind her.

She sighed before telling him everything.

"That's totally not a problem! You can come with me to seoul while Irene can attend the training!" 

"No. You will be going back to seoul alone and Irene will be attending her training, dont worry about me...I can handle it alone."

You spoke and he just looked at you with a blank face.

"Seriously? Do you think you are a super women? Clearly you are not in the state to take care of yourself whole alone, and dont forget about Aera and Sara."

"Why are you so worried about my life? Who am I to you?"

You suddenly asked making him speechless for a minute.

"Someone who is a lot important to me."

He said staring boldly in your eyes.


Where are you from? Gyuich?

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