Ep [37]

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There was silence crept upon you, both of you were just staring at each other until the doorbell rang.

You jolted back to reality and went to open the door.


Irene said pulling you into a big hug.

"What happened!?"

You asked at her sudden behavior.

"N-n-nothing! Just-just missed y-you!"

She said slowly and while stuttering.

"Aish this girl. We last saw each other two hours ago."

I said face palming myself.

"Still! I-i m-m-missed you!!"

"I missed you too but we need to talk about something important, come inside."

You said grabbing her hand and leading her inside.

"I-i-i know but I d-d-don't want to leave you-you alo-alone in this."

She said in a low voice.

"Don't worry about me, I can take care of myself."

"Yeah don't worry! I will be with her all the time!"

Said an excited Taehyung but y/n glared at him.

"Irene...its a life changing opportunity, don't miss it. I know you have been suffering a lot because of this disorder. Its like living with a factured leg, please I beg you to go for it."

You said trying hard to convince her.

She sighed heavily before saying.

"Okay. B-but at o-one-one cost."

She said and you frowned later nodding rapidly while saying "Whatever it is, i will do anything."

You said, "Go to s-s-seoul with T-taehyung."

She demanded, "Irene, why are you involving him in this-"

"What do you mean by involving me in this!? I'm your freind okay? Or am I not!?"

Taehyung asked with a fake crying expression.

"You are. You are my freind but still I can't take advantage of your friendship."

You explained. "F-fine t-then I'm n-n-not going any-anywhere?"

Irene said making you groan in frustration.

"Mumma! We want to see seoul! Please mumma!"

Aera said entering the hall, Sara followed her from behind.

"Mumma pwease!!"

Both of them begged.

"Y/n! Please!" Taehyung also said with begging eyes.

You heaved a sigh before saying "Okay fine!"

"YAYYYYYY" All of them screamed in joy.

You face palmed yourself.


"You b-better take c-care of her! Or el-else.."

Irene said and showed him a


Taehyung chuckled and said "Ofcourse ofcourse! You too take care and best of luck for your training."

He said and ruffled her hairs.

She then hugged y/n and The little cuties. 

She hugged Aera and whispered in her ears.

"Remember our plan right? Do everything perfectly I know you can do it."

Aera nodded rapidly in agreement.

After their small moment, They said bye to Irene who had to go for her training.

"I'm so happy for her, she is fulfilling her dream"

Y/n said with teary eyes, Taehyung noticed her and said.

"Yup! Now it's time for us to leave too!"

"Just yesterday I arranged all the clothes! Now I will have to pack them Gosh."  You said annoyingly.

"Don't worry I will do that! Till then you can get Sara and Aera ready!!"

He said and before you could say anything, he walked away hopping happily like a bear.

"This boy."

You said and looked at your little daughters gossiping something.

You leaned towards them in order to hear their conversation but Aera widened her eyes and yelled loudly.


You felt like your ears just broke.


Sara also yelled after she saw your face just beside hers.


Aera yelled trying to distract you.


Sara yelled back.


Aera exclaimed complaining.

"No mumma, I waph jupht phinging the poem.."

Sara said cutely with a pout.

"You both...you never fight like this at home, why here?"

Both of them kept quite and just stared at you inncoently, as if their big eyes hypnotizing you.

"Get ready for the bath till then i will bring your clothes- oh shoot!"

You were saying but then you realised something and ran as fast as you could.


Taehyung entered in your room while vibing in his on world.

"ThE cOcOnUt NuT iS tHe BiG bIg Nut~"

He sang and opened your closet.

"If YoU eAt ToO mUcH yOu GeT- a bra?" 

He said as the first thing he got was your pink coloured bra with white coloured patterns and the next thing was your pink coloured thong panty also with white patterns on it.


Alright. Its been a while you are on your phone right? Go and drink some water, hug your close one's and come back!

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