Ep [38]

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You entered in the room only to see him holding your under garments in both of his hands.

Eyes widened and heart beat raced.

You almost ran to him. Hands passing by his head, and the next moment you grabbed your clothes, snatched them away from him and hid behind your back.

He turned around awkwardly scratching the back of his neck.

You chuckled in embarrassment.

"I-i will do this till then you can get Aera and sara ready okay?"

You said and he nodded awkwardly.


He said proceeding to leave from there.

"Wait. Take their clothes!"

You yelled and he cameback.

Till now you had kept your garments back in the closet.

You hurriedly took out their clothes and handed him.

He left, you sighed and started packing your clothes.


"I don't want to bath!"

Sara cried while Taehyung was pulling her inside the bathroom.

He has been trying to convince her to bath for 20 minutes straight but no use.

"Fine. Then we will leave you here alone and Aera me and your mumma only will go to Seoul."

He said crossing his arms above his chest.

Sara pouted with a sad face.

"Taehyung uncle!!"

Yelled Aera from bathroom, she had already gone for showering since sara was taking too long.

"Im stuck!!"

Taehyung ran in the bathroom to see her trying to pull her clothes down her neck but wasnt able to.

He went towards her and helped her, he noticed the clothes were too short in size.


She said catching her breath.

Taehyung ruffled her long but now wet hairs and wrapped a towel around them.

Then both of them came out.

Now it was Sara's turn.

Taehyung was shocked to see her already stripping down for shower.

She must have thought they would really leave her behind.

She walked towards Taehyung with a pout resting on her lips.

"I will phower then we will go to pheoul!!"

She said and Taehyung smiled before picking her up and marching towards the bathroom.

After they were done, he tried to make her wear the clothes y/n gave him but they were too short.

The top got stuck at her head.

Sara started freaking out and crying.

"Itph hurting!!"
She shouted while trying to pull her top down with her cute little hands.

"Shhh just a little bit!"

Taehyung said and after trying hard it finally went down.

Both of them sighed in relief then chuckled.

"Uncle i will wear rainbow hairband!!"

She exclaimed happily.

He nodded while smiling at her cuteness.

"Alright cutie!"


Sara was looking out of the window when she felt Aera poking her arm with her index finger.

She looked at her and asked "what?"

Aera signalled her something, she nodded and said-

"Dad!! I have a quephtion!"

His eyes widened and unknowingly he applied break.

The car stopped and both of you exchanged looks.

"He is your uncle Sara."

You said correcting her.

"No! I will call him Dad!!"

She said stubbornly, Aera smirked at her acting.

"Im sorry about her tae."

You said softly.

"Its okay...i don't have a problem with it, by the way what was your question?"

Sara widened her eyes, what was her question.

"Why does 'W' starts with D!? Is it because it has doubleU? But then why does it looks like it has double V?"

Both of you frowned in confusion.


"Uh- nothing! I will ask my teacher no worries."

She said evoke grinning awkwardly.

Leaving you both in a long confusion.

After a while, you were almost asleep but woke up as you felt someone shaking your shoulder.

You opened your eyes and saw Taehyung's  face infront of you.

So handsome? Dude I just woke up.

You thought.

"You are thinking I'm handsome right?"

He asked with a smug smile.

"In your dreams."

You replied and he suddenly felt strange, how long it has been since he saw this side of yours?

"Come on stop staring now!"

You said and he jolted back in reality.

"And where are we!? Wait is it an amusement park!? Don't tell me you are gonna-"

"Yes!! Aera noticed the ferris wheel and told me they have never been here. So i thought I should fulfill their wish right?"

He said happily.

"Yayyyy! We will enjoy a lot!! I have only heard about it by my freinds!"

Aera said excitedly hugging an unbothered Sara.

"Lets goooooooo"

Taehyung said dragging you out of the car.


"Oh my god. It was just so much fun!!"
You said feeling nostalgic.

"Yes!!" Aera said happily eating her ice cream.

And suddenly, you noticed Taehyung staring at you.

As he got caught, he freaked out and started coughing.

"Shit. This boy!" 

You said and rubbed his back.

He calmed down after a while.

"I thought I just died!! And its your fault!!"

He said with a fake mad expression.

"And how's that!?"

You asked firmly, you heard the little chams of yours giggling.

"Because you have ice-cream near your lips!!"

He said "Where? Here?"

He shook his head and chuckled, he leaned towards you and wiped the ice cream off.

You just stood there froze until you heard your daughters laugh again.

Taehyung also started laughing now.

"Why are you all laughing like this!?"

You asked in confusion.

Taehyung took out his camera and showed you, it was on selfie mode and so you could see that brat just putted more ice cream on your face.

And he clicked a pic yours.

"Yah!! Delete that!"

You said trying to snatch away his phone from him.

But no use.

"This pic should  go viral, best for memes!!"

"Don't you dare you lemonhead!"

You said with glaring eyes.

"Lemonhead" Aera said laughing her lungs out.

"Awww Lee y/n is mad on me~~"

He said dramatically acting cute.

You just shook your head in disbelief.

"You are such a.....lemonhead!!"

Yes. Yes. Yes. Its working. She is acting like before!

Taehyung thought dancing on despacito in his mind.

"Mummaa~ I'm bored...."

Sara said with sleepy eyes.

It was her sleeping time, she cared about nothing more than her sleep, reminds me of yoongi.

"Yes baby we will go back now don't worry."

You said trying to convince her.

"Mumma!! I need to go washroom! Real fast!"

Aera said squeasing her lower legs.

"Okay okay okay! Come with me!"

You took her to washroom while Taehyung took care of Sara.

Time passed , they didn't showed up.

It was now getting too late.

Where are they? 


I might not update in a while, depends upon my mood and fever lol. I will try though<3

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