|Chapter One|

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Years Later...

Maya's P.O.V

The sun started to rise as I began to set my feet out of the house. I had my bow and arrows with me, and a few daggers hidden beneath my clothing. I had long dark brown hair like my brother Liam's, my eyes were grayish-blue and my skin tone was almost fair.

"Liam! I'm heading out," I yelled before shutting the door not waiting for a response. We got use to each other leaving the house a lot once I learnt how to fight.

I moved through the grass about to walk through the forest that was near our house. I lived with my brother, Aj, and his crew.

I grew up around all of them not knowing my parents. Aj is like a father to us while the rest of the crew is like our cousins or uncles. Only a few I count as siblings not by blood.

I started walking hastily not wasting daylight as I was walking to a clearing in the forest I always go to. I practice fighting their and usually one of the others come around eventually to help.

I decided to get a early morning practice in today before the others showed up.

I arrived at the clearing and grabbed my daggers. Targets are always scattered around the area, some of the crew come here while we are asleep and change the targets so we have to locate them. I located two on my right and three in my left.

I grabbed another dagger tossing it in the air and catching it with my left hand while the other was in my right hand.

I closed my eyes and focused on my targets. Listening to any noise and trying to sense where they are. I opened my eye while I threw my daggers to one target on the right and one on the left.

They both hit their target right in the center. "Yes!" I shouted as I jumped up and down a few times with a victorious smile.

Suddenly I heard clapping and I swiftly turned around my senses coming full alert. I smiled once I saw who it was.

"Good job, little sis," Liam said coming over and patting my head.

I smiled a full grown smile. "Thanks! I've been practicing like crazy to beat you," I then smirked at my comment.

"In your dreams. Anyways, since your birthday is soon I decided to get you a early birthday present," he said grabbing a small flat box out of his pocket and handing it to me.

I took the gift out of his hand and slowly unwrapped it. I then opened the lid of the box and what I saw was the most beautiful dagger I've ever seen.

The dagger had a 'M' carved on it decorated with a blue stone in it. I took the dagger in my hands and tossed it around. "I love it Liam," I said still looking at the dagger.

Liam chuckled then grabbed his sword he keeps on him. "Want to practice now?" He asked.

"Yeah," I then smirked getting into a fighting stance with my dagger. Liam did the same.

He lunged at me bringing his sword fast up towards my head. I ducked and side kicked him in the rib.

He grunted in pain but fought against it since he swung his sword again aiming at my shoulder blade. He slightly sliced my shoulder making it bleed a little.

I brought my knee up and kicked him in the stomach then got on top of him holding my dagger on his throat. "I win!" I said happily.

He grinned, "Good job, you finally beat me," he said then wiped the dirt off his jeans then put his sword back in his sheath.

"I think it's time we get home, Aj and the others are suppose to be coming over later," he said

"Yay!" I yelled jumping up and down happily. I haven't seen Aj and the others in weeks! I finally get to see them again.


Walking back to the house was peaceful, besides Liam making weird jokes. I forgot to mention I am fourteen and Liam is twenty-seven, I'm about fifteen.

After walking for a few more minutes we saw a few figures walk out of our house and then came running two red haired boys.

"Maya! Liam!" They both yelled in unison before both tackling one of us.

"Hey!" I said laughing as Kyle tickled me. "I missed you guys too,"

If you didn't know, Kyle and Leo are twins, they both are the age of sixteen and my closest friends.

"So how have you been?" Asked Leo

"What do you think?" I asked rolling my eyes.

"Ok, someone must not be happy this week," said Kyle winking at me with a sheepish grin

"Shut up," I yelled at them. Boys.

"No can do ma'am we are here to annoy you," they said in unison doing a salute.

"I hate you guys sometimes, anyways where is Aj?" I asked looking for Aj.

"Speak of my name and I shall appear!" Yelled Aj startling me from him hiding behind me and Liam.

I shot him a playful glare. Then once more some of the others came out.

"What a happy reunion!" Said Theo grinning cheerfully. Theo was one of the eldest of the crew. He was around his forties and was like a uncle to us.

He had dirty blonde hair with some gray finally coming in. He wore a plain tan shirt with a brown vest and brown pants.

"Theo!" I yelled after giving Aj a hug. Theo was he one who helped me learn how to throw daggers and he taught me all about swords and daggers.

"Hey squirt," he responded patting my head.

"I finally beat Liam at practice," I said.

The boys looked shocked at what I said and Liam just stayed neutral. "Good job," said Aj then planting a sloppy kiss on my forehead.

"Yuck!" I yelled trying to get the slobber off my head. "Aj!"


We talked for a hour or so before heading back to the house. Everyone had their own room. I headed towards my room. Today was exhausting.

I walked into my room, changed into some comfortable clothes that looked was all blue, blue shorts and a dark blue top. I then fell onto my bed and stared at my ceiling.

I then slowly sunk into a deep sleep. Wondering what tomorrow might bring.


Hey guys! Thank you for reading this chapter I worked hard on it, I can't wait till the rest of our journey with Maya.

What will we find on this journey? Find out in the other chapters! I can't wait to write it. I honestly think this is going to be a successful book.

I hope so!

Word count: 1148

Song- Ella Henderson "Glow" lyric video

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