|Chapter Two: Taken|

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Liam's P.O.V

Maya went off today this morning into town for supplies the boys wanted. The boys went to the docks while I stayed behind and waited for Maya to come home.

Waiting for a hour or two then the door clicked. I got up and started to slightly jog to the door. The door then opened. It was not Maya.

What I saw shocked me. He was staring right at me. Hate and anger in his eyes.

"Miss me, my dear son," he said. My eyes widened I then reached to my sword and unsheathed it.

"I am not your son," I held my sword up and aimed it at him. The king's guards came in them tried grabbing me. "No! I'm not going anywhere with you!"

The king laughed, "Oh how I enjoy this, anyways guards grab him. I'm sure Maya will come looking for him. Leave a note too," he then walked off while his guards came at me.

I tried fighting them off but they were well trained. One of them knocked my sword out of my hand and took it away. The other then swung the back of his sword and hit me on the head. After that darkness consumed me.

Maya's P.O.V

I was walking home through the woods. I got everything the boys needed. As I was walking something in the air seemed strange.

I arrived to the front door of the house. I was about to open it when I found it was opened a bit. I walked in. No one was there.

"Liam?" I shouted. I then went to the kitchen where Liam usually is. "Liam! This isn't funny!" I started looking more around the house.

"Liam! Aj! Kyle? Leo!?" I shouted frantically. Where are they? I looked around for about five minutes when something caught my eye.

A envelope was near the door, it had a black symbol on it. What could it mean? I picked up the envelope. Instead of opening it I first ran my right hand gently across it, feeling the dark symbol.

I slowly opened the envelope. I opened it and saw it was a note. It said
"Dear Maya,

You must be reading this, since you live with Liam I suppose. You are siblings. I now have Liam in my hands. You have a three months before he is dead.

-Love Your Father, King Wyatt"

This can't be real! Liam taken!? How? And a king is my father? But where do I go I only have three months too.

'Calm down Maya' I told myself taking deep breathes. I looked back at the envelope and it had a kingdom name on it. The kingdom name was called "Northern Aria".

I went to where we keep our books and searched for the kingdom books. Aha! Right here it is. I grabbed the book and opened it.

Turning pages One by one until I found the right page. Northern Aria was quite a ways away. First of my question is, how did a king of another kingdom come to Westaria and manage to take someone?

Oh well, now that I found out that I have to save Liam. Where are the others?

I started running towards the docks. I have to stay strong for Liam, and make sure we get him back.

The docks came in sight, so did the others. "Aj! Guys!" I yelled my voice cracking a little from fighting back tears. How am I going to tell them?

Aj and the others came out. "What's wrong M?" Jackson asked.

Um.. how do I start? I took a huge breath and prepared to tell them EVERYTHING. "Liam has been taken by the king of another kingdom and wants me to go to the kingdom within three months or Liam is most likely dead," I said really fast.

The crew looked shocked, besides Aj, Jackson, Terrance, and Theo. The four looked at each other then at me.

"Maya, I think it's time we tell you what we know," Aj said. He then motioned for me to follow them into the ship.


Ba boom! Third chapter released! I might start fangirling from what I have planned for more of the book. 😏😏

Anyways I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

What is it Aj and the others have to tell Maya?? Can you guess? 😱

Next chapter shall be longer and more, Intense 😏😏😏

Poof! I shall now stop babbling and go off to write the next chapter and the next and so on and so on.

Ask me questions too if you want! I'm an open book! (Not really)

Sorry for the short chapter too. The next one will be longer and 😏😏 you shall find out next time

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