Going Back Home !

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Rishabh and Pallavi reached Pallavi's home it was small and warm with a welcoming aura . Rishabh looked around carefully each walls had Avis childhood pics with her mom and seeing each he wished his would have let him and his boys part of this frame 

A lone tear escaped from his eyes. 

Pallavi - Rishi.. 

Rishabh - call me Mr Razdan I am Rishi only my loved ones has the right to call me by my name. 

Pallavi was heartbroken hearing this but now can she expect anything than this it was evident. Before anyone could say anything Rishabh got a call he went out to attend it meanwhile Pallavi was packing necessary things for Aviana. 

few mins later Rishabh came inside with some papers in his hand 

Rishabh - sign this .. 

his tone was cold void of any emotions towards his wife . while Pallavi looked puzzled ... 

She took papers from his hand and started reading . And soon enough it was like her whole world just stopped 

Pallavi - Rishabh you can't do this to me ... this .. this 

Rishabh - why .. Pallavi why can't I do this ... 

Pallavi - you are talking about becoming the sole custodian of our daughter Rishabh ... she wont be .. 

Rishabh - If my daughter can leave without me for 12 years then she will learn to leave without her mother as well Miss Singhal ... It was not me it was you who took this step you compelled me to take this step . And now that she know that she have such a huge family who loves her dearly I will not let my daughter leave here in this hut and that too with you wont be possible I am taking away my daughter from here , Thank you for looking after for her for this these many years here after  I will raise my daughter . 

Pallavi - please Rishabh I had my reasons , it was the matter of her safety 

Rishabh - for god freaking damn sake I am her father Pallavi I would have died but wont let a anyone touch a single hair of my any child stop your act there and sign this papers right away will be leaving tomorrow morning with my daughter her family is waiting for her. And yes according to this agreement you will only get to meet my daughter when I will allow you to meet her . 

saying he just walked away leaving behind a devastated Pallavi .. How will she survive without her daughter ? But she can't be selfish right ... Maybe she will be more safer with her father than here and after today's attack she is more concern for her daughter's safety maybe someone got to know her and Her daughter's whereabouts...

Guess the Decision is taken ...

She packed all Avis stuffs and kept in Rishabh's car trunk ...

Other side

Nishant was sitting beside Avi while she was taking nap ..  while boys went to finish some work..

Slowly Avi opened her eyes this time alot easier than earlier... Damnn she could feel her legs buzzing to stand she never had this habit to be at a same place for long time...

" Avi are you mad why  " ...

She heard her best friends concened yet angry voice she can sense his anger very well .. Damn it will be a tough time for her to manaofy her best friend... She mentally had a silent prayer to God that this boy will be easy to manaofy or else the Little girl has to do lots of hard work damnn she will get tired na doing so much

" Buddy I just wanted to go use washroom na " .. she battled her eyes maybe it will help to lessen his anger ..

And yet again she tried to get up from the bed ..

" Dare you keep a toe Miss Aviana Singhal and I will cuff you right away"

And there was another angry voice she looked at the side where Pranav was standing... From his puffy eyes it was evident he didn't slept whole time... He was a complete mess and was literally battling to come inside and see her ones he can't bare a scratch on her .. let alone it was not less than any nightmare for him to see her in the pool of blood ... The only thing that always came in front of his eyes was how Aviana dived in that spot and she took bullet .. It was a horrific nightmare for him still he could feel shiver down his spine ...

He was accompanied by kiyara looking at them it was clearly seen she literally dragged him inside to meet her but guess it was at wrong time ..

Aviana - Buddy you are angry with Avi .. Dida buddy is angry with me ...

Before she could say much she was lift by Pranav in no time and took her to washroom while kiyara followed them to help Avi ...

After 5 mins

Pranav brought back Avi and made her comfortably sit on bed ..  but he didn't said a word to her ...

" Buddy are you angry with me .. but i am toh not well na still you will not talk with me "

Avi was trying hard to make Pranav talk but this time Pranav was ready to teach her how to take care of yourself and not to dive into any problem and hurting is all excluded ...

" Kiya tell miss Aviana i am not talking with her "

Listening this she became little sad

" Pranav what are you doing see my baby got sad because of you.. you should cheer her up and idiot Rathod you are making my baby sad " ...

She pulled his ears while he yelped in pain ...

" Ouch kiya you are supposed to be in my team but you are supporting her that's not fair no one is in my team atleast my dear brother can I expect a backup from you " he pouts

And as he said last line all eyes were fixed on Nishant who was now stucked in between while in one team was his soon to be bhabhi and his best friend and in a other team his very own Brother ...

Damn this girls always teams up together and moreover his brother always sides them so its three against one always... And like he expected Nishant sided Avi ..

Huh Pranav felt betrayed by his brother...

" Okay I am sorry buddy don't be angry with me na plishh i got a ouncy na and how will this get better if you won't talk with me "

And he heard her sniffing... Her ultimate weapon she knows that he can never see her shedding a single drop of tear ...

" Avi is Solly "

And she hugged him instantly... Her cuteness can melt a stone then who is this Pranav Rathod to not get melted in a second well his anger was just a facade inside he was damn scared .. scared of loosing any of his sibling ...

His heart was craving for an assurance and with one hug from his little angel he is assured that she is fine... But the thing that now she has a family as well and moreover she has brothers he is bit insecured as well ... Maybe now she won't give him much importance like she used to give him ...

Well this thoughts can wait right first he needs to be in this very moment spending time with Avi rest can be seen...

" See didn't I told you Avi this idiot Rathod can never be angry with you"

Avi and Kiyara high-fived while Pranav just sighted he have to kneel down infront of this two ladies always.. well he always thinks how on earth he falled for the very raven haired girl how on earth she can read him like a open book and can never be scared of her ...

For others he is a most intimidating guy who can be deadliest than Lucifer himself while this girl makes him feel like a kid who will be sulking since his girlfriend can just catch his emotions... She has the power to strip his facade...

Pranav was engrossed in his thoughts while he watched his dear girlfriend and dear sister having all imaginative talks making all sorts of cute faces ...

Just when there nostrils hit with a chocolaty aroma of Hot Chocolate which instantly made Avis stomach growl ...

And there was her brother standing with hot chocolate for all ..

" Hot chocolate for me " she squealed..

While Adit chuckled at her cute antics ..

" Ofcourse her highness it's for you" he handover one glass to her and passed others one by one.. when He passed a glass to Pranav he was startled Adit had a warm smile which can warm anyones heart indeed he is mama bear of the family he knows everything like mama's know..

He encouraged him to take the glass ...

" Yummm Dodo who made this yummy hot chocolate it's delicious than mama's one yumm I want to drink it daily ask them to make it daily for me " ...

She said while licking her lips

" Ok then I will make it daily for you Ana "

He said while ruffling her hairs ..

While Avi had a expression of shock her brother knows how to cook and so well damn lesser did she know her very own brother has a very famous chain of cafes and restaurants...

Adit was enjoying his baby sister's cute antics he actually wants to keep this suprise for her he will himself give the tour of his all restros ...

Soon enough Pallavi came in her room with her Mr Bunny while Rishabh followed her ...

" Mr bunny maa give my Mr bunny i missed him so much "

Pallavi gave her Mr bunny..

" Dodo meet Mr bunny my best friend.. And Mr Bunny meet Dodo my brother say hii both of you"

The moment Adit realised who is this Mr bunny he had a little tear in his eyes it was the last gift by his Bhai to their baby sister.. And she had treasured it so well... Indeed it was special to her without knowing that the person who gifted her is most special person in her life...

"Maa now we will stay here only na with Papa and Dodo we with our family and Nishi buddy and Dida will also stay with us "

Pallavi was controlling her tears how will she tell her Daughter that the family is only hers the last string is broken she broke the last string to call them as her family.. How will she say that hereafter she has to stay without her ...

But she has to tell her ..

" Baby actually you are going with your papa and brothers to Bulgaria to stay with your other family members.. "

" Maa you are also coming"

" Baby listen you know right mamma has a cafe here she have to look after many things here if she will go with you then who will look after I ... I will come but after some time I need to wrap things here and it will take time"

Avi was sad her mother won't be coming with them ... Her innocent heart is not understanding anything big people talks her mother gave the perfect escape of work to not go with them ..

" Stella look at me don't be sad my baby you will have lots of people there who are waiting for you don't you want to meet them "

Avi nodded she always wanted a big family where there are grandpa grandma uncle's aunts and her siblings ... Finally her dream will be fulfilled...

"Can Nishi buddy and Dida will join us "

The moment he took their names Rishabh now looked at Pranav why is this guy seems familiar to him ..

While Pranav was ready to say a no

But Rishabh just said yess ..

He don't want to see his daughter sad ...

Pallavi just walked out ... While Pranav followed her..

" Maa is there anything you are hiding "

" No "

" You made all the lame excuses right of cafe and everything.. what all happened when you went home "

" I want you to go with my daughter you are her bodyguard i want you to be with her always.. my daughter is safe with with her family but outside you have to take care of her "

" These are not my answers and going to Bulgaria is off the charts you know.. "

" It's my order to you... You have to follow it just be like a shadow to my daughter.. "

Saying she walked away.. while he just sighted he sat on a nearby chair holding his temple going to Bulgaria will be tough ...

" I will be with you"

Pranav looked beside his Girlfriend sitting right by his side she is always with him no matter what.. she can read his unsaid words too ...

The New Journey will be tough ...



Holla all

Here is the next chapter

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Till then

See ya



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