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Next morning 

All were ready to for the journey Avi was hugging her mother and telling her to come soon to her while Pallavi comforted her all the while . 

Soon Adhvik came inside. He without sparing a single glance towards Pallavi he went near Avi 

" Are you ready buttercup lets go " 

Avi nodded while he carried her in his arms while he assured Pallavi here after he will take care of her ... Pallavi just nodded in response .. 

Even though Avi was sad to go away from her mother but she was excited at the same time to meet rest of her family . 

when she got out of the mansion she was surprised to see a big que of different luxurious cars lined up all black in color she for once opened and closed her mouth like a fish while Rishabh and the boys chuckled at her amusement 

" don't laugh " 

she pouted and snuggled into Adhviks arms more she was shy. while Adhvik just pulled her closer and asked rest to stop teasing his buttercup . 

" So baby tell us which one do you choose for the ride ." Adhvik asked 

Avi quickly looked up and looked at every car parked for her 

she pointed at the pitch black Mercedes -Benz Sprinter parked while Adhvik looked at all giving " See I told you look " while rest rolled their eyes . even though staying away from her for so lonf years he knows her taste in things very well . 

he took her to the Sprinter while Rishabh opened the door for them . seeing at the interiors they heard a small gasps 

Shock was an understatement she was beyond shock . And her trance broke when she heard a click sound guess what her brother took her picture in a weird expressions . It was Aahan 

She tried to snatch the phone from him but he was fast to dug her . 

" This gonna be my phones wallpaper" He teased 

" thats not fair" she whined and rest chuckled 

while Adhvik made her comfortable on a recliner seat near the window and securing her with the Seat belt. while rest took their seats and Adhvik yet again took the driver seat he wants to make sure that no bummer should hit her and will he let any driver do that job 

nahh . 

She once again bid adieu to her mother. And their journey to the airport started it will take them 1hr to reach Venice airport all the way Avi was enjoying the scene outside the moving car when she felt a tug on her sleeve .. 

" Hey Piccolo well didn't got much time to gel up and I guess soon to be your favorite brother I guess " it was Arhaan while Aviana giggled well she already love her family her brothers are the best part of it and they all are her favorites . 

they spend time talking and knowing about each other 

And soon enough they were standing in the Airport clearance . As usual Adhvik was yet again carrying her in his arms . After the security check they moved towards the other lane while they walked in the other lane . 

She looked at Adhvik in utter confusion while he asked her to look in front 

" that's our ride buttercup " 


And ladies and gentlemen it was her 2nd time to get shock her eyes were ready to pop out any time. 

Adhvik was enjoying these he loved to see her expressions every-time . 

It was priceless . 

They greeted the air hostess and pilot and went inside. 

the interiors were more classy. 

wait how much rich they are ? 

" don't make your baby brain work so much buttercup " he said playfully 

was she too loud she again thought 

" nope but you know we know you so well " He chuckled while she pouted. 

" but why these is all black n white cant we change the colors " 

" your wish our command baby we will change the color combination as you wish" 

" yepieee " 

she squealed 

Adhvik made her comfortable on the big sofa 

she was leaning in his comfort while the flight take off. 

After some time 

" You know you are so warm like a bear ... can I call you bear no but you are so big and also cute so I will call you BOO BEAR" 

Adhvik loved whatever she calls him 

" You loved my nickname" 

Adhvik smiled 

" I loved it buttercup " and he gave a small kiss on her forehead . 

they both talked for a while well she talked and he listened and soon they both drift in a peaceful slumber Adhvik was holding Aviana tightly in his arms. 

Adit saw and he secretly clicked their picture. and send it in the family group . 

Family group 

Poppy : My little baby 

Pops : Damn she is grown so beautiful 

Chucks : ohh my cutie pie .. 

Choti maa : ohh my baby looks like an angel 

Nonna : cant wait now ... 

Dad : shhh all let her sleep 

All : Shut up Rishi we are on chat on whispering around her sleep wont get disturb 

Silently keeping the phone away he carried Aviana to the Bedroom and while he felt a sudden emptiness again..

",Shh Adu go back to sleep your baby is with her Dodo I am taking you to her "

Aagam sweetly whispered getting the assurance he once again slept in a dreamless slumber . Without any fear and worry ..

As soon as Aagam made Adhvik lay beside Aviana he took her in his arms again. 

After 10 hrs of Journey 

All were finally at there mansion..

Standing in front of Razdan mansion she was yet again shocked...

Is it a dream...

" No baby it's not a dream"  Aagam whispered in her ears this time she was in his arms... For Rishabhs dismay ... He wanted to the one holding his baby in arms and take her inside which he didn't got the chance earlier..

Damn the nostalgia hits again..


It's been one month now The Razdan's had welcomed their little munchkin in their life ..

Rishabh like usual day holding her and rocking her and just gazing at her lovingly.

The doctor had reassured him numerous times about her health issues since she was a premature baby ..

Little Aviana was very curious and calm baby she rarely could get fussy but boy when she did Rishabh would get Panic hard which amused boys and Pallavi..

Like usual babies she would just eat sleep and shit but when she is awake she always be in either Aagam's arms or in her father's and she her favourite pastime was to stare at their face and move her hands around like she wanted to touch it ...

She needs lots of skin to skin so sometimes Rishabh has to sleep bare chest.

He was all in his trance which was broken by the loud ringing of his phone which startled Aviana and woke her up..

Her face scrunched up meaning she would cry ...

"Oh no Stella please don't cry I can't handle you when you cry " He mutures pleadingly while looked at his wife ...

Who without wasting time got up and took the baby in her hand ...

" Hello"

" RISHABH YASHVARDHAN RAZDAN" his mother's voice made him jump instantly...

" Uh- good afternoon Momma" He nervously chuckled ...

" Are you even 50 years old grown ass freaking man even Rishabh because I don't think so." His mother yelled ..

And before she could say anything more his father saved him but guess what it's his roasting day today because they are ready to grill him alive ...

" Boy are you looking to get your ass beaten! It's been a month now you went with boys on this shit of a suprise vacation of yours and not a single call atleast inform us that you all are alive your brothers are worried out of minds even you duck idiot didn't took a security team with you screw you damn son because I guess I need to teach you importance of safety when you are in your damn 50's and when you are father of 5 boys .." His father yelled ...

Surely his ass will be screwed since he had broken his father's rules damn maybe he is the Mafia lord whom everyone fears off but this man is still a kid infront of his parents and now he is in danger ...

" I am sorry Dad something very important came up which kept us very busy " He vaguely explained since he wants to suprise and wants to see the priceless expressions of the family when they reach next day ...

" Hmm just come back because your momma is turning whole mansion up and down"

" Just handle her for one day old man  and ask everyone to be present "

And before he could get another set of earful he just cut that call ... Because you cannot say Yashvardhan Razdan old man just like that and leave the tale to tell ...

He had a big smile on his face his family will have a shock of their life

He quickly went inside and saw his baby sleeping peacefully in the arms of her brothers...

" Who was it " Pallavi asked

" Dad " he said in a bored tone while Pallavi giggled she know why he gave that tone it's only after he gets grilled by his parents...

" Are they even ready for the shock " Pallavi asked in amusement

" She is going to be the most spoiled , Protected and loved little girl ever " ... Rishabh smiled at his little wonders. ..

Next Day

As promised Yash along with his wife two sons and Younger daughter in law gathered not knowing what is the reason why they are here .

" Will anyone tell us why are we even here dad"
Ritvik asked being impatient ...

" Wait son " Yash huffed even he did not know the reason.

" You aren't planning to kick our asses for some unknown reasons right" Raunak Scoffed .

" As much as I am happy to do that ... But sadly no " Yash scowled ..

While the other two ladies were only rolling there eyes ..

He was finally relieved when maid informed him about his son and daughter-in-law's arrival ..

All walked inside  but wait where is his elder grandchild .. He was only thinking about that when Natasha gasped ...

" Bhabs where is the baby bump oh my god baby where is it "

" Ohh God another boy is out where is it " Raunak gasped ...

" Where is my grandchild you moron Rishi " Yash asked with wide eyes ...

But to his annoyance Rishabh was smiling like a fool

" Stop advertising your teeths big brother and tell us where is my new nephew" Ritvik asked ..

While they heard next sound of shoe clicks and there was Aagam entering with a baby wrapped up in a red silken cloth

" Family meet Aviana Alora Razdan our Princess" Rishabh happily introduced..

" Oh my god" Riddhi exclaimed ..

And they heard a thud as well Natasha looked at her younger brother in law in disbelief Raunak fainted.

Yashvardhan was frozen in his spot right there HE FINALLY HAD A GRANDDAUGHTER.

" Are you telling this truth Bhai is it really a girl" Ritvik couldn't believe..

" I am very much serious my dear brother " Rishabh smiled now holding his daughter and gently rocking her ..

Ritvik huddled closer to take a look of his new born neice . He gasped as soon as he laid eyes on the now wide awake baby , who was looking around curiously...

" Her eyes are just like Aagam " he exclaimed in wonder which caused everyone come closer.

It was true she does look like their elder son.

Soft coos let out of the little one as her eyes landed on her current favourite person her father. Her hand raised and try to touch him , but damn her hands are too short which frustrated her and she took it out only the way babies do ..

She let out a little whimper then wailed loudly making everyone jump on spot ..

Yash sprinted to see what was wrong with his granddaughter.

"Bhai what is wrong with her is she hungry or something" Ritvik and Raunak asked

" Ohh she must be scared to look at your ugly faces you twats " Natasha joked ..

" Hey Stella what happened hmm ? Why are so fussy little one ?" Rishabh cooed ignoring his brothers his parents his sister in law .

While everyone was looking at him in utter utter shock this ..

The Rishabh they know and the Rishabh they are seeing damn are two different persons .

Is he the same man ... Or there Sister in law just hired a doppleganger of their brother..

" She is fine guys it's just her favourite persons currently are her Father and Aagam and when she is awake she likes to touch them Aagam is easier but Her dad and his hight frustrates her " Pallavi explained..

"Shh baby daddy's right here " Rishabh rocked her back and forth to calm her ...

" Well you are stealing her attention" Yash huffed ..

He was annoyed that his son is not letting anyone take her for once ..

" Well that's the creation I created my kid .. so let me bask in it you old man . These idiots I call my son's hated me until they were toddlers , now I have a daughter who actually cares for me and you are getting jealous " Rishabh huffed when the boys protested while everyone else just laughed "

Flashback ends



Holla all

Here's another update

Do give your feedback on the update..

Your favourite scene

Any specific scene suggestion for the family meet do let me know

Till then see ya



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