Chapter 3

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A/n: hey guys so sorry it took so long to get chapter three up. Had a lot of problems come up when I wanted to work on it. I just got I up and ready. So enjoy chapter 3 N20 out!!!!

Your POV

Me and the others had just arrived back to the castle and we had just back from the Village.

Glimmer: Another victory for us.

Bow: The Horde Does not stand a chance now that y/n is here with us.

Glimmer: another win for us. That puts us at 2 and the horde still zero.

Y/n: You keep score?

Bow: yep after all we're the best friend squad.

Y/n: is that seriously what you call yourself.

Adora lightly punch's my shoulder and laughs.

Adora: got a problem with that bro?

Y/n: no am fine.

Glimmer: oh no I forgot about the meeting today.

Adora: meeting? What meeting glimmer.

Bow: The princess alliance meeting is today.

Y/n: Princess alliance? what's that?

Glimmer: I'll explain on the way. By the way y/n my mom wants you to listen in too but cringer has to wait in your room.

Y/n that's fine right.

I pat cringer on his head and told him to go to our room. He walks off to our room to take a cat nap.

Y/n: okay let's go.

Time skip

Y/n: so after a humiliating defeat by the horde the princess alliance just disbanded???

Bow: that's correct the only members left are glimmer, her mom queen Angela, princess Spinnerella and princess Netossa. But they will not be able to make it today.

Y/n: only if they didn't disband we could finally beat the horde. Someone should try and get the team back together.

I noticed the three of them stop.

Y/n: what???......did I say something weird.

Bow: no it's just that sounds like an awesome idea. Glimmer has been trying to get her mom to do the same thing.

Adora: yeah but if we can get glimmers mom to agree with us we can win this war.

Glimmer: yeah let's go.

No one POV

Y/n stood in front of the queen with adora and the others and explaining to the queen why it would be a great idea to reform the alliance.

Queen Angela: you make a valid point prince y/n but the other princess's need more then us asking them.

Adora stepped forward.

Adora: I can do it. I'll go to the closet kingdom as shera and get convince them to help us and rejoin the alliance.

Queen Angela: hmmm....very well you will leave first thing tomorrow morning.

Glimmer: really thanks mom......I mean your majesty.

Time skip
Next day

I had just woken up and when there was a knock at my door.

Y/n: come in.

Your POV

The door opens and adora walks in with a smile on her face.

Adora: hey you ready to go.

Y/n: yeah just give me a minute.

Another time skip

We had just arrived at the kingdom of Plumeria.

Glimmer: looks like we finally arrived.

Bow: yeah so what's the plan??

Glimmer: well I was thinking that we.........

Y/n: Wait where's adora?

We look around and could not find her.

Y/n mind: we did she go????

No ones POV

Before your question could be answered there was a sudden flash of light behind you, cringer, bow and glimmer turn around and see adora had transformed into what You believe is her shera form. She also was holding up the wagon that was full of supplies.

Y/n: sis what are you doing.

Adora/shera: what I told the queen I would go as shera. Besides if I was adora could I do this.

She starts to lift it up and down with one hand. As if it was a weight

Y/n: showing off much there.

Cringer growls in agreement.

Bow: hey guys what's that??

Bow points in the distance to a cloud of black smoke in the distance.

Shera/adora: must be coming from the horde camp.

POV change

Your POV

????: your here

I turn around and saw a tan girl with light blonde hair wearing a green and pink dress.

Glimmer: princess perfuma I am commander glimmer of.......

Before glimmer could finish the princess made a bouquet of flowers appear in her hand then she made a flower crown appear on both mine and bows head. He seem happy about it. She also made a flower necklace appear on cringer neck.

Bow: cool I get a hat

Correction really happy and cringer smells his follower necklace and does a cat like sneeze.

Sunddenly her eyes go wide I follow her eyes and saw she was staring at adora.

Perfuma: oh my......everyone come quick it''s.

The princess and a large group of people gather a Adora.

Perfuma: the universe as heard our pleas and has sent the legendary Shera to us save our home.

No one pov

Adora looks towards toward you and the others. Bow smile and give her a thumbs up. You did the same but he gave her a double thumbs up. She sets down the wagon.

Shera/adora: we have heard about the blockade.

The princess and the others smile at her.

Shera/adora: We have brought food and supplies for you.

The princess tears up and smiles.

Perfuma: welcome to plumeria shera.

They crowd starts to surround her
Adora lifts her arm to see a baby hanging off it then a woman hugs her.

Adora: uhhhh.....glimmer what's happening??

Glimmer just smiles.

Perfuma: you must have many questions please follow me.

You and the others follow her adora right behind you.

Short Timeskip

Perfuma: here in plumeria we have the most beautiful trees.

She makes a trees leaves grow on a tree as you pass it the leaves shrivel up and die.

Perfuma: the most pretty flowers.

She makes a patch of flowers grow.

As you pass it they wither up and die. She leads you to the giant tree in the center of the kingdom.

Perfuma: this is the heart blossom
The symbol of our kingdom and the source of all my magical powers.

Y/n: what's happened here.

Glimmer: yeah everything looks dead or is dying.

Perfuma: we hit a little rough patch. But I know with shera's help we will over come these dark days.

Shera/adora: can you give us a minute.

Short Time skip
In a clearing away from the eyes of plumeria kingdom.

No one POV

Adora still in her shera form and she was pacing back-and-forth with a worried expression on her face. You,cringer, bow, and glimmer watch as she does this.

Adora: I don't think I can do this. I really can't do this.

Bow: come on adora calm down how hard can it be?? Just give it a try before you start doubting yourself.

Adora: ok ok calm down Adora you got this.

Adora closes her eyes and lifts the sword the blades tip starts to glow and it shoots at a small green lizard. She ones one of her eyes.

Adora: did it work???

The lizard appearance changed to a white lizard with a horn on its head and two small wings on its back. I look shock at its appearance changed and flaps its new set of wings and flies away.

Glimmer: magical transformation......not healing.

Your POV

I try to hold on a laugh but failed.

Y/n: hahaha.

Adora/ shera: stop laughing it's not funny y/n!!!!

Y/n: sorry sis I was not laughing at you. just see that lizard reaction to it growing wings was funny.

Glimmer: just give it another try just relax and think about healing.

Adora takes a deep breath and closes her eyes she holds her sword to her side in her right hand and raise her left.

No ones POV

Shera/adora: healing healing.

Her left hand starts to glow and build up with energy. she swiftly turns around so she faces you and shot the energy ball towards you.

Y/n: WOAH!!!

You dodge the blast as it was flying by your head.

Y/n: watch where you point that You almost took my head off.

Adora: sorry y/n.

Huge time skip
Back in the fright zone.

Catra was just called by shadow weaver to come to her personal room.

Sw-shadow weaver

Sw: Catra will you so be kind to explain this.

A video plays behind her and it show Adora changing into her shera from and you changing into your He-man form.

Catra: it's just a phase adora's going through I'll bring her back I promise.

Sw: see that you do and you shall also you shall bring her brother back here as well. Am I clear on this matter.

Catra: yes shadow weaver.

Sw: now leave me.

shadow weaver turns her back to Catra and Catra leaves the room. Shadow weaver faces a cauldron of sorts with black liquid inside of it.

Saw: where ever they go my shadows will find them no matter what.

As she says this three black shadowy figures a merge and fly off.

Very short Time skip
In Catra room

Catra sat on her bed and he thoughts were always filled with your face appearing in her mind. She frantically ran her figures through her hair and groaned.

Catra: what's wrong with me why is he always coming into my thoughts.

She than see's an image of you smiling.

She falls back on her bed and looks at the ceiling.

Catra: what is wrong with me???

A/n: and that's chapter 3 sorry it took so long but I'll try not to take to long hope you all enjoyed it stay tuned.
Go to this site if you want to read the manga/comic of the artist who made the the image I am using as the cover for this story.

word count is 1686

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