Chapter 4 ( fixed up )

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Your POV

Today was another meeting and I sat next Adora as they discussed how to deal with the horde. And strengthen there defenses against the horde.

Queen: does any one have any ideas how to strengthen our defenses against the horde army??? Who would like to go first.

Glimmer raises her arm in the air and waves her hand to get her mother's attention.

Glimmer: me me me me me.

Queen: anyone besides glimmer wants to go first??

There was silence no one spoke. Queen Angelia sighed in defeat.

Queen:....fine glimmer what would you like to add.

Glimmer: mom I mean your majesty you should let me, bow, Adora, and y/n continue our princess recruitment mission. If we can from a new princess alliance the rebellion would actually stand a chance for once.

Queen: the princesses withdrew from the last alliance. They chose to focus on protecting their own lands.

Glimmer: so what we are supposed to do just give up? Please, let me try. All I am proposing is a diplomatic mission.

Queen: so what do you propose?

No ones POV

Glimmer smiles and presses a button on the table and a holo image appeared. It's shows the hordes symbol and the kingdoms symbol.

Glimmer: anyone approaching bright moon by sea needs to pass through the salinea sea gate. It's controlled by princess mermista now that her father is retired. With her on our side the rebellion could control the seas. We need this alliance with her, mom.

The table holo-map vanished and the queen spoke.

Queen: the journey is treacherous, glimmer. I'm not sure.

Glimmer: Don't worry, mom. With both she-ra and the he-man, we can conquer anything.

Y/n&Adora: uh, we are going to need a boat.

Bow,glimmer,glimmers mom mind: they really are twin siblings.

Glimmer: with she-ra, he-man and a boat we can conquer anything.

Bow:  also an experienced  sea captain.

Glimmer grumbles in annoyance.

Glimmer: with she-ra, he-man, a boat,and an experienced sea captain,.......We.....can conquer anything.

Queen: very well.

Glimmer gets a look of Surprise and smiles hearing what her mother says.

Glimmer: YES!!!!

Glimmer uses he teleportation powers and disappears then reappears next to her mom with her arms around her neck. Then she gives her mom a kiss on the cheek.

Queen: I mean it glimmer. No violence and no collateral damage.

Glimmer reappears by you and wraps her arms around you, bow, and Adora.

Glimmer: thanks, mom, you won't regret it.

With that she teleports you all out of the meeting room.

Queen Angela sighs.

Time skip

Your POV

Me, Adora, bow, and glimmer had just arrived at the harbor. Cringer decided to stay back at the castle. I didn't mind because I knew he hated being in and near the water. We walk into a building built into the side of a cliff over looking the harbor.

When we enter I take notice that it is a bar and see a lot of people drinking or horsing around.

Bow: this is so cool. Seaworthy is just like as I imagined it. Everyone here looks like a real pirate.

Glimmer: focus bow. We are just here to find a sea captain.

Bow: no pirates.

Glimmer: no pirates.

Bow: arr.

Y/n: seriously bow.

Adora: none of this people look qualified to sail a boat.

Y/n: I agree with You sis none of them appear to be anything close to a sea captain.

Glimmer ignores us and heads towards the bar. She walks up to the booth and gets the bartenders attention.

Glimmer: excuse me.

The bartender looks at glimmer with a serious expression.

Glimmer looks back at the bartender and starts to looks nervous while she speaks.

Glimmer: uh, we're looking for a sea captain to take us to salineas.

The bartenders points at a table in the back were an arm wrestling match is going on. Glimmer and the others see its a fish man vs a human man. The fish man loses as the the other seems pleased with his victory.

????: I won. Drinks all around put it on my friend here's tab.

No ones POV

You and the others walk up to him. Once you were close glimmer speaks.

Glimmer: uh, hi we were told you're a sea captain?

Sea hawk: I am the one the only sea hawk has my reputation preceded me?

You and Adora look at him with a questionable look that says " really that's your name".

Bow: your name is sea hawk? That is the coolest name I ever heard!!!

Glimmer steps forward.

Glimmer: captain sea hawk, I am princess glimmer.  We are interviewing potential sea captains to take us to salineas. Would you like to apply for the position??

Sea hawk let's out a small chuckle that turns in a laugh.

Sea hawk: apply for the position I am the one and only sea hawk. I'm offer only sparkles.


Glimmer:/it's glimmer/.

Adora: okay.

Y/n: just because you have "sea" in your name. Doesn't really tell us anything about your actual qualifications.

Adora: yeah his right.

Seahawk stands up and leads forward with a smirk.

Sea hawk: qualifications? I once ran the 50-klick Galebreath Gauntlet. In less than 20 klicks. I maneuvered the serpentine with a nary chip why the paint in my ships Baow. My shanties are considered so desirable, that sirens throw themselves into the sea at the sound of them.

( a/n: for the record i hade no idea what shanties were until I looked it up.  )

Bow lets out a gasp of amazement.

Sea hawk: also because I can tell I bet your wondering...........yes my mustache is naturally shiny.

Adora&y/n: no we weren't wondering and We don't care.

He runs his thumb through it smiling and it shines.

Bow: it is shiny you are hired.

Y/n: seriously bow???

Glimmer grabs the back of bow's shirt and pulls him back.

Bow: ow.

Sea hawk: woah there, kid what makes you think you can afford me?

Glimmer smiles and speaks up.

Glimmer: I assure you, captain sea hawk, money is no object.

Sea hawk smiles and pulls a slip of paper from his shirt and sticks it out handing it to glimmer. She looks at it with a grossed out look before taking it.

She opens it and very one leaned forward to get a look. Glimmers jaw drops a little seeing the price. You and Adora send a glare towards him while bow looks concerned and glimmer speaks again.

Glimmer: money might be an object.

She then gets up from her chair with an upset look.

Glimmer: you know what? Fine we'll just find another sea captain.

You and the others start to walk away before he reply's

Sea hawk: good luck with that.

You and the others stop before looking back at him.

Sea hawk: you won't even find another soul. Who knows the treacherous route to salineas as well as I do. I brave it often to visit my very close personal friend, princess mermista.

Glimmer gains a shocked expression and let out a gasp of surprised.

Glimmer: you know her???

He than smiles and gives a snarky reply.

Sea hawk: do I????

Adora laughs and walks back up to the table.

Adora: okay. Well, here's the deal. One round against me and my brother winner takes all.

Y/n: yeah you win, we leave you alone. We win you take us to salineas. At no cost deal.

You held out your hand and sea hawk looks at it before retuning his gaze back to you and frowning.

Sea hawk: that's a terrible deal. But I am undefeated at arm wrestling. So let me show you kids how it's done.

As soon as he takes your hand you just hold it there letting sea hawk struggles with it.

Glimmer: this is so dumb.

This went on for 3 minutes Until you got bored and brought your hand done winning the match.

Y/n: I win your turn Adora.

Adora went next and she struggled a little as sea hawk began to smirk thinking he could win.

Sea hawk:  ha is this all you got. I once beat a tyrosaur with biceps the size of my head. In an arm wrestling match that lasted two weeks.

Adora then slams her arm down winning the match.

Y/n: Yes way to go sis.

Sea hawk:.........well, truth be told, I let you two win so as to,...."cough"boost your confidence.  I was thinking about heading over there any way.  Come on kids, with me! Forward to adventure!!

Unknown to you a black shadow stood on the balcony watching you and Adora as you leave.

Back in the fright zone

Shadow weaver: Adora and her brother are in seaworthy. I'll be giving you one more chance to bring both Adora and her brother here.

The camera shows she is talking to catra.

Catra: uh, didn't hordak just order you to stop going after Adora.

Shadow weaver: and who is going to tell him you?? Besides he never said anything about her brother.

Catra glares at shadow weaver.

Shadow weaver: Besides if we just get adora's brother here. Who do you think will come here to rescue him??

Catra sighs and looks a way from shadow weaver after she mentioned you. As a image of you appears in her mind.

Catra: fine. About time you start treating me like a force captain anyway. I'll bring Adora back along with y/n. No matter what it takes.

Shadow weaver: oh you won't be going alone.

Catra looks back at shadow weaver confused.

Sw= shadow weaver

Sw: You'll be joined by force captain scorpia.

A shadowy image is seen walking up behind Catra and Catra takes notice of the heavy foot steps and turns around looking up a bit seeing scorpia. They look at each other before scorpia finally speaks and joyful smile appears on her face. 

Scorpia: kitty. Just so you know I'm a hugger.

Catra looks confuse before replying.

Catra: huh? What?

Before Catra can say anything else she is brought into a hug by scorpia. Catra grunts as she tries to escape the hug. She finally escapes and jumps out of scorpia hug like a cat.

Catra lands in front of shadow weaver and glares at her.

Catra: is this some kind of joke?

Sw: scorpia will see that you are kept in line.

Catra: ugh. Okay, whatever. Your at least giving me a vehicle, right?

Sw: something like that.

We now see Catra with an angry look on her face. The camera zooms out and we see Catra on a crappy old ship in the water the hordes symbol on its sail.

Scorpia: oh, I just love boats. Don't you? Wind in your hair, ocean on every side, miles and miles from the nearest dry land, watery death awaiting at the slightest mishap.
Man this sure is the life.

Water splashes up almost hitting Catra she shrieks and falls backward.

Catra: yeah, I'm really gonna need you to shut up.

Scorpia: Are you seasick?

Scorpia picks up Catra holding her like a baby.

Catra: aaahhh!!!!

Scorpia: just focus on me, okay? It'll help.

Catra: put me down!!

Catra pushes scorpia way and falls out of scorpia's arms and stands up walking away from scorpia.

Catra: what is wrong with you?

Catra looks forward and she sees something that made her stop in her tracks. the camera rotates and we see Lonnie, Kyle, and Rogelio staring at Catra.

Catra: what are you looking at? Get back to doing boat things.

They scatter running around the boat.

Catra mind: I wonder what y/n doing right now.

POV change

Sea hawk: welcome abroad the dragons daughter III.

Adora scoffs.

Adora: what happened to the dragons daughter one and two?

Sea hawk: tragically, they went down in flames.

Bow: how did that happen?

Sea hawk: I set then on fire.

He jumps to the front of the ship and shouted out to the sea.

Sea hawk: Adventure!!!!!

Adora: are we sure about this guy?

Glimmer: he just needs to get us there.  Besides that is y/n doing okay over there???

Adora and glimmer ignored sea hawk as he babbled on and look towards you as your head dangle over the edge.

Adora: hey y/n you doing okay over there??

Y/n: yeah just not good on boats.

Adora: your just like Catra she hates getting wet when she doesn't want to.

Your pov

I look at Adora and ask her the question that has been bugging me for a while.

Y/n: hey Adora how do you know Catra also what can you tell me about her.

Adora: well that's a long story.

Time skip with Chiba Adora telling chibi y/n everything.

Y/n: that explains a lot.

Glimmer: why were you asking about Catra y/n??

A light blush comes to your cheeks and you try to cover it up.

Y/n: reason I was just wondering.

Adora stares at me and a smirk appears on her face. Suddenly the ship starts rock viciously.  Your face goes green and you lean over the side and puked. Just than a sea monster come out of the water in front of the ship and let's our a roar. You and Adora stand up and got your swords ready.

Y/n mind: this might get my mind off my sea sickness.

Y/n&Adora: we got this....... by/for the power/honor of....greyskull!!!!!

Both you transform and jump at the sea monster pushing it back in the waters.   

Sea hawk: could they always do that?

Bow: yeah.

Just than glimmer takes notice of where they are and looks at sea hawk.

Glimmer: can I see the map.

Sea hawk: sure here shimmer.

Sea hawk takes out the folded map from his pocket and hands it to Glimmer. She takes the map and growls. She teleports to the top of the mast and unfolds it takes a look than out to the sea. She than glares at sea hawk and reappears next to him.

Glimmer: where are we?? We're way off course!!!!

Sea hawk: well to answer your question besides sea travel I also provide a live action sea adventure.

Glimmer: just takes us to salineas now. We are running out of time here.

Sea hawk: yes right away.

Adora and y/n resurface from the
Water back in there normal forms.

Y/n: okay. we got it.

Adora: yeah we should be all good.


Back with Catra

No ones POV

On the horde ship kyle looks out through a telescope and Catra appears on a small lookout tower behind him and shouted out to him.

Catra: why have we stopped?

Kyle gets startled by the sudden shout of Catra's voice and turns around saluting.

Kyle: the sea gate is blocking our path. There is no way past, force captain Catra.

Catra: WHAT???

Catra jumps off quickly lands on Kyle's shoulders takes the telescope from him and jumps off his shoulders knocking him to the ground. She than lands on ships railing and looks out the telescope to the sea gates. She sees it is closed and protected by a barrier.

Catra: oh. Shadow weaver didn't bother to mention that there was a massive gate. Blocking the way to seaworthy?

Scorpia: wait didn't you learn about the salineas sea gate in force captain orientation?

Catra: there's a force captain orientation?

Scorpia: oh, yes, there is.

Catra groans in Annoyance snd she suddenly heard laugher and turns her head and sees Lonnie, kyle, and Rogelio goofing off.

Catra: alright all hands on deck!

The three stand at attention.

Catra: we're finding a way through that gate. If y/n of Adora comes capture both got it!

Scorpia: ooh, impressive captain yell.

Kyle, Lonnie and rogelio look at one another than Lonnie raises her hand.

Lonnie: uh whose this y/n guy and why is he important.

Catra looks at them and realizes what she said.

Catra: oh right you three don't know y/n is adora's twin brother.

Kyle, Lonnie and Rogelio: WHAT!!!!

(A/n: okay I know Rogelio really doesn't talk in the show. but this is my story so in this he does.)

POV change

Back with you and others

your POV

We had just arrived in salineas the ship hits land and bow is the first of on off the boat. You and others take notice of the village it was deserted.

Y/n: about time. I am so glad to be off that boat.

Bow: what happened here?

Sea hawk: hmm. Very odd indeed. If I know the princess mermista, and I do, something's amiss.

Than we suddenly hear shouting.

?????: halt! Halt! Halt, I say.

The us turns to the sound of the voice. They see what appears to be a guard in the distance  holding a spear.  He starts running towards us.

Salineas guard- Sg

Sg: halt!

He stops in front of use catching his breath. Once he does he stands up straight and looks us in the eye.

Sg: what's your business in salineas?

Glimmer: we've come to speak with princess mermista.

Sea hawk pushes his way forward.

Sea hawk: tell her Sea hawk is with them she'll be excited to see me.

Quick scene change
No one POV

We now see the group standing in front of the princess of salineas and she does not look happy.

Mermista: ew, who let him back in here?

Sea hawk: princess. Oh, it's been too long. I have dreamed of you night and day since we parted

Y/n mind: ugh I think I am be sick.

Mermista: uh-huh. And who are you people.

Glimmer walks forward along with the others the guard from before pushes see hawk out of his way with his elbow.

Glimmer: princess my name is glimmer of bright moon. We've never met, but our parents fought in the rebellion together.

Mermista: oh, yeah. I remember hearing about the old princess alliance. My dad said it was a total....disaster.

Glimmer frowns hearing this and lowers her head.  Sea hawk then takes that opportunity to charm the princess. He steps closer to her.

Sea hawk: I didn't think it was possible, but your beauty grows greater with each passing day.

The guard pushes sea hawk back.

Mermista: will you quite it? I'm trying to talk to my new friend twinkle.

Glimmer: / it's glimmer /.

Mermista turns her gaze to the guard next to her.

Mermista: butler, can you bring us hors d'oeuvres.

Sea hawk: ooh, hors d'oeuvres!!

Mermista: for everyone but sea hawk.

Y/n: your guard is also your butler?

Mermista: as you can see I am a little understaffed right now. Everybody fled because the gate is falling apart or whatever.

Y/n&Bow&adora&glimmer: WHAT!!!!!

Y/n mind: she doesn't seem to care or she does not to care at all.

Mermista walks up to a waterfall near the throne and makes the water stop flowing revealing a window overlooking the kingdom.

Mermista: yeah, I know right? It figures I'd inherit a kingdom that is crumbling, but it's totally fine. I'm handling it.

Y/n&Adora: / doesn't seem that way to me /.

Mermista: It's just kind of inconvenient, because the horde won't stop attacking us.

Glimmer: why is the gate falling apart??

Mermista: I mean, who knows? But it's getting weaker everyday and if the horde tries attacking us again, we're pretty much dead.

Y/n mind: you are if you have that kind of Attitude.

Glimmer: the horde is the reason we're here. We want to rebuild the princess alliance. None of us standing chance on our own. But we might be able to stop them together.

Mermista walks away from the window and the waterfall reappears.  She than let's out a small chuckle.

Mermista: sure, because that went so great the first time. Why should I help bright moon? It's not like they ever done anything to help us.

No one said a thing until Sea hawk spoke up.

Sea hawk: mermista if I may hmmmm.

Mermista: NO! No more shanties. Why did you bring him here??? He is so annoying!!!

Bow: I thought you said she liked you?

Y/n: yeah so why she so pissed to see you than.

Sea hawk: we have a rich, complicated past.

Mermista walks back to her throne.

Mermista: If you mean that time you got us kicked out the dolphin social. Because you challenged the doorman to a duel, then sure.

Sea hawk leans back and sits on mermista's lap.

Sea hawk: I don't recall that.

Mermista:Then the time you set our gondola on fire in the tunnel of love.

She pushes sea hawk off her and he hits the ground. He quickly stand up and chuckles.

Sea hawk: that I do recall.

Your POV

I stand watching them bicker and out of the corner of my eye I see Adora walk towards a wall with symbols on it.

I stand next to her and examine the wall it was written in the originals writing.

Adora: this is first ones writing.

Y/n: yeah it appears so.

Quick POV change

Mermista turns her gaze towards you guys.

Mermista: and who are they again? Also what are they doing?

Bow: that's y/n and Adora they have magic swords.

Glimmer joins you by the wall.

Glimmer: what does it say?

Y/n: hmmm it tells something about the gate.

Adora: yeah the first ones must of built it. It gets its power from the salinean runestone.

Y/n: yeah it could be that the gate itself is failing because it's losing its connection to its power source??

Adora: that has to be it.

Glimmer: do you think you guys can fix it?

Y/n: I mean I don't know about me but.

Adora: we can try to see.

Time skip
POV change.

Your POV

We stood on a floating pedestal and looked at the runestone it lightly shimmered.

Y/n: uuuhhh....yeah.

Adora: we totally got this.

We both transform.

No one pov

Mermista: wow. Okay. That's different.

She blushed when she looked at your muscles. Both you and Adora point your point your swords at it the jewel on adora's sword glows and your blade glows and a beam of light comes from adora's and lighting comes out of yours. As they hit the power source of the gate. Bow comes up between us and spoke startling us.

Bow: is it working???

Adora / y/n: aaahhh!!!

Y/n: quite bow don't bug us.

Adora: yeah it's harder than it looks.

Both you and Adora point swords at the gate again as the stone absorbed the energy. Glimmer groans.

Glimmer: this might take a while.

Bow than notice something and he Cringes.

Bow: ahh we got a problem.

Your POV

I turn my head and see a boat approaching the gate and on its sail was the horde symbol .

Bow: it's the horde!!!!

Glimmer: what!!!

It fires at the gate hitting it making me and Adora wince in pain.

Bow: what do we do???

Adora: keep them busy.

Bow and mermista go into action.

Adora: go with them y/n.

Y/n: you sure sis???

Adora: I'm sure go now. 

Y/n: on it.

I revert back to normal to conserve strength in adora needed me again and run to go help bow and the others.

Quick POV change

No ones POV

You, mermista and bow go into action. Catra notice the movement and looks through the telescope. She sees Adora at the gate and you heading towards the boat.

Catra: prepare for battle!!!!

Both you and bow land on the ship.

Bow fires an arrow pinning Kyle to the ship with a arrow. Lonnie charges forward to attack bow and you step in the way blocking it.

Lonnie: so you must y/n right judging by the looks of you??

Y/n: yeah and you are.

Lonnie: Lonnie. So let's see if your just as good as Adora at fighting.

Bow jumps in to help but he gets caught by scorpia.

Bow: woah your big.

Scorpia throws bow off the ship.

Y/n: BOW!!!!

Mermista jumps out of the water and saves him.

Y/n: that was a close call.

Time skip

With the defeat of Catra.

The gate is repaired and we are celebrating on the pedestal I look into the water see Catra floating in the water looking up at us. She notice my gaze on her and averts her gaze. She than gets taking by the scorpion girl and dragged away.

Another time skip

We stood on the shore near the gate studying it.

Mermista: what do you know you actually fixed it.

Adora: it's beautiful.

Y/n: sure is.

Mermista's gaze switch's to sea hawk.

Mermista: I guess your gonna be needing a new ship. Since you set yours on fire.

Mermista groans.

Mermista: I suppose you can have one of mine.

The group turns around and sees a sparkling new ship. The butler/guard hits it with a bottle.

We now see sea hawk with his draw dropped seeing the ship.

Sea hawk: she.....she's gorgeous.

Y/n: are you crying??

Sea hawk: no I just got something in my eye.

Mermista: don't set it on fire.

Sea hawk takes a hero pose.

Sea hawk: no promises. But, princess.

Sea hawk gets on one knee and bows his head.

Sea hawk: if I might ask for one more favor.

Mermista groans in annoyance.

Mermista: your always ruining it.

Sea hawk gets back on his feet.

Sea hawk: you should think about joining glimmers princess alliance. She is a brave and strong captain. With her at the helm she is sure to lead the rebellion to victory.

Glimmer: aww. Sea hawk you even got my name right.

Mermista: okay am in.

Glimmer smiles hearing this.

Glimmer: really?!

Metmista: yeah. The horde almost destroyed my home. I wanna help fight

Your POV

She points to me and Adora.

Mermista: your friends over there can turn into 8 foot tall warriors with swords and I want them on my side.

Y/n: awesome we did it.

Glimmer hugs mermista.

Mermista: wow-okay calm down.

Glimmer: you won't regret this I promise.

Mermista: I hope I don't.

A/n: an that's chapter 4 I hope you enjoyed it. I need time to rewatch the episodes to help make these chapters so it will take time. So please keep on supporting me.

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