Chozen Vs Lane

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2:30 pm Royal Woods, Michigan, USA. The Ultra Team saw that the Dark Ultragirl Camearra and her generals are attacking throughout the world, the team made a plan to defeat the generals, knowing that with the generals out of the way, victory will right down the corner.

Lincoln: Alright everybody this the plan, Clyde told us that there are ten generals attacking through out the world with their armies, so we're going to divide and conquer

Clyde: Great idea buddy

Lincoln: Leo will go with Luan and Leni, Ronnie Anne with Lori and Luna, father with Mom and Lily, Lisa with Lucy and Lola, Jake with Donna and Lana, Chozen with Lane, Emiko and I will go together

The team separated into a bunch of teams and teleported to London, Berlin, Tokyo, Paris, Moscow, and Seoul.

UltraMother: Good Luck out there honey

UltraFather: You too babe

The Ultra Team took down the armies of the like if they killing flies, meanwhile in Seoul with Chozen and Lane, Lane wouldn't looked at Chozen with a death glare and saw Lynn Sr in a mirror saying "take down Ultraman Belial and take his morpher, pretend to be him and kill them one by one, slowly and painfully".

Ultraman Belial: *Talking in his communicator* Everyone we took down two generals, two down ten to go

Ultragirl 80: *Answering in her communicator* Good job you two, victory is as good as ours

Demon Prince: Chozen I saw a demon soldier he's getting away

Ultraman Belial: Alright let's get him *runs into the alley where Lane pointed* huh where'd he go?

Demon Prince: *Slashes Chozen's communicator and now trying to attack him*

Ultraman Belial: Lane what's the meaning of this ?

Meanwhile with the Ultra Team in Moscow, Ultragirl Sega felt something was wrong and that involved her husband Chozen.

Ultragirl Sega: Chozen!

Ultraman Leo: Leni what's wrong?

Ultragirl Sega: It's Chozen he's in trouble

Ultraman Leo: Go! We'll handle this, contact the others and see if anyone is available

Ultragirl Sega teleported to Seoul, contacting every member of the team to see if anybody was available to help save Chozen, Lincoln and Emiko answered the s.o.s and teleported to Seoul too as fast as they could. Meanwhile Chozen was ready to confront Lane the traitor once and for all.

Ultraman Belial: I always knew that you were a traitor, after master Joshua and the rest of our family agreed to help you

Demon Prince: Joshua is not good person, he attacked and called me weak

Ultraman Belial: That wasn't him it was a demon

Demon Prince: Enough talking, time to battle

Ultraman Belial fought against the Demon Prince through out the entire city of Seoul, many civilians saw in shock on what was happening, a giant mecha fighting a giant demon, the battle continues into the forests of South Korea.

Ultraman Belial: I can't believe you, you betrayed your own family again

Demon Prince: This isn't for me, this is for Jena, I've been fighting as a warrior to free her from death for years but it was never enough, my father and sister aren't like that, they always keep a deal

Ultraman Belial: Until the day they find you useless than there's no deal

Demon Prince: You don't know what you're talking about

The two warriors are evenly matched but only one will be the winner, they fought through out the forest, through the mountains until the hit the harbors, Ultraman Belial now injured he sees his former ally ready to slay him, luckily Ultragirl Sega and his team mates just in time to stop the fight.

Ultraman Belial: Just finish the job already

Ultragirl Sega: Nooo!

Lane saw what he was doing, he wasn't just harming the ones he loves but also a family who trusted him, he drop his sword and cried out.

Lane: I'm sorry Jena I've failed you, I'm sorry everybody I was just desperate, kill me, kill me already I have no reason to live

Chozen: No as I said it once and I'll say it again, we're let you live and see us win and you'll what a coward you are

Lincoln: Besides we defeated all the demon generals, what's the worse that could happen ?

Lane: Don't you understand, they're not dead, they got revived, I'm the spy, I've been telling my father about your plans

Emiko: You did what?!!

Lane: He ticked me again, I'm a monster, everything you fought for is all in vein

Lincoln: You make me sick

Chozen, Leni, Lincoln and Emiko heard Lane's confession of being the spy, they're taking him to Council of Kung Fu to see what his fate will be.

To Be Continued

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