Teaching A Lesson

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The next day, Lola and Lane began recover their bond as brother and sister but Lola wanted to compete against Lily on who was the best little sister to the older brother but Lane didn't actually care, he actually wanted to have some family time since he's been fighting warriors without a break for the past eighteen years.

Lola: Admit it Lily, I have the best brother

Lily: Hey you have your favorite brother and I have mine

Lincoln: *Sigh* little sisters

Lane: Tell me about it, I'll go get some ice cream for Lola

Lane went to the ice cream truck to get cherry flavored ice cream for Lola meanwhile Lincoln and Lily went to Gus's Games and Grub to play video games and eat pizza.
Lane and Lola had great day of bonding together until a demon portal opened and tried to attack Lola but Lola fought back and defeated the demon easily and went home together.

Meanwhile outside of the temple, Lane was asking himself what he should do, which choice he needs to do, until Lynn Sr appeared disguised as Joshua, he could only be outside but not enter the temple because the temple is on sacred ground .

Joshua: Lane Loud you disappoint me

Lane: Master Joshua I'm sorry I know I've been a fool making deals with a demon and I truly regret it

Joshua: More then a fool, you've been spineless, you knew that every action came with price

Lane: I was tricked

Joshua: Tricked or persuaded, life goes on, people come and go, look at Lincoln, he was abandoned and you didn't help him like an older brother would, I raised him as my son and became a warrior of truth and justice, knowing that his own family wouldn't care where he was for the entire bad luck thing, you tried to kill your own family just for a girl

Lane: Hey I learned of the error of my ways, I'm trying everything I can to save the world and my girlfriend, what more do you want?

Joshua: I want you to think of someone else for a change, that's been your problem of these years, it's Lane first, everybody second

Lane: That's a lie

Joshua: No? Then why was there blood all over your shirt the day you were banished?, It wasn't a Halloween party, I'm not going to embarrass you in front of the others but I think you need a lesson in discipline

Lane: What are you talking about?

Joshua: Defend yourself *transforms* Dragon Warrior

Lane: So be it *transforms* Demon Prince

Lane and Joshua fought farther away from town, Lane thinking that Joshua is now turning against him and everyone.

Demon Prince: So this is who you really are? A heartless monster, who pretends to be a good hearted fatherly figure

Dragon Warrior: I'm only nice to others who deserve it, you don't deserve anything

Lane continued fighting Joshua and defeated him in an instant.

Lane: *De-morohs* I will not insulting

Dragon Warriors: *Surprise attack* I hope you learned your lesson

Lane: *Injured* I did, more than you know

Lane saw Joshua leaving further and further until he couldn't be seen, Lynn Sr opened a portal, removing his disguise, laughing that now Lane will do his dirty work. Back at the house everyone was celebrating for their victory of the day but through Lane's point of view, he saw that the entire family laughing at him and saw that mostly Chozen was laughing at him, filled with rage he will harm again.

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