Confronting The Past

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The next morning Lincoln told his father that he's going to see the world in his tiger form, which being a tiger spirit can travel any where in the speed of light. Meanwhile with the Ultra Team, Emiko was first person to wake and when she got out of her bed she saw that Lincoln left a note saying.

"Honey I went to drop off the kids at school and I'm going to walk later, I'll be right back soon love Lincoln

P.S I made your favorite sandwich enjoy"

Emiko knew what her husband meant by going for a walk, it means that he wants to clear his mind for what happened yesterday thinking that it was his fault for what happened yesterday and she couldn't enjoy her favorite sandwich without worrying of her husband's well being.

Chozen: Hey Emiko you ok?

Emiko: No my Lincoln thinks it was his fault that we were injured for what happened yesterday

Leo: It wasn't his fault he doesn't know that as his family we have to look out for each other

Lori: I literally understand on how it feels ever since we kicked him out eight years ago we're trying to make things right trying to make it up to him

Jake: Lori you may be one of his biological sisters but we still don't forgive you for what you did to him

Leo: Jake's right, you eight don't know what he has been through and what he endured

Lincoln: *Looking at the sea at the Japanese bay*

Demon within Lincoln: Face the facts Lincoln it is your fault that your wife is injured

Lincoln: It wasn't my fault, she took the blast for me so that I wouldn't be harmed

Demon within Lincoln: She's a fool to be with a loser like you

Lincoln: Nobody calls my wife a fool

Demon within Lincoln: You're weak Lincoln you always have been weak

Lincoln: Sticks and stones may break my bones but you'll never take me down

Demon within Lincoln: Then let's fight

Lincoln saw his inner demon coming out his body and he remembered that his biological father is a demon which made him half demon and half human but as the demon came out of his body he was full human now.

Demon Lincoln: You're weak Lincoln Loud, as long as you have bad memories of your past I'm going to be more powerful

Lincoln saw that the demon was growing stronger and stronger with every bad memory he would remember the everything bad that he had endured and he saw the demon growing stronger and told a lady in japanese.

Lincoln: Gyazā no kodomo soshite shutoku suru sorera to Anzen-sei *translating* Gather the children and get them to safety

Lincoln continued fighting the demon until he heard a group of familiar voices and yelled out.

Leo: Lincoln!

He saw Leo, Lori, Donna, Jake, Chozen and Emiko coming to help him.

Leo: Is this a private game or anybody can play

Jake: We told you since you were eleven years old, we'll never abandoned you

Donna: Yea we're a family, we fight for each other

Emiko: We're always by your side, my love, in good and bad times

Chozen: Remember everybody you have redeemed

Lori: You literally helped us to redeem ourselves, freeing us from Lynn's evilness and showed us the light and we want to make things right

While the others were fighting the demon, Lincoln began to remember good memories of his past, with his old family and his new family, Leo, Donna and Jake sticking up for him, Chozen becoming his friend and brother, helping many people becoming from bad to good, helping orphans finding good homes and families and his mentor Joshua always treating him a real son and Emiko loving him for who he is, just like he loves her for who she is. With good memories the demon is getting weaker and weaker.

Lincoln: You were wrong about me demon I'm not weak but you are a coward

Demon Lincoln: You won this battle but you'll lose the war

Lori: We'll literally see about that

With the demon finally destroyed, Lincoln and his family went home and everybody was to see Lincoln save and sound, Lincoln heard his twins coming home from school happy to see their parents.

Yin & Yang: Mommy, Daddy!

Lincoln & Emiko: Yin, Yang! Oh our little angels how was school?

Yin & Yang: It was ok

Chozen: What ? No hugs for your favorite uncles & aunts

Yin & Yang: Uncle Chozen!

Chozen: Aww you two little angles

Yin & Yang hugged their uncles & aunts while Lincoln saw that his family is his reason to fight on, his wife and his children are his reason to live.

Joshua: I'm proud of you son

Lincoln: Thanks father *hugs Joshua*

Lily: I'm happy that you're home again big brother

Lincoln: I'm happy that I'm here with you too Lily

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