Test Of The Leader Pt 2

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The next day during training Emiko and the others were talking on they need to protect Lincoln in order for him master the sealing symbol.

Lisa: Even though I never believed in the supernatural I must now say we must protect Lincoln until he can master the symbol

Jake: Now I know why we've been training all these years to protect the chosen one

Lori: Yea and now our number one priority is to literally protect Lincoln at all cost

Lincoln: No! Everybody must remain on the mission, the martian empire has been defeated but now we must protect the people from the demons

Clyde: Lincoln we have to protect at all costs

Lincoln: No I will put the lives of my friends and family at risk

After the Ultra Team was done their ultra morphers began to ring and said "Demon alert, demon alert, an unknown demon is attacking in a construction site". The Ultra Team saw that Lincoln was missing and noticed that Lincoln went to construction site to phase the demon on his own. Meanwhile in the construction site the demon was already there waiting for Lincoln until he finally saw him.

Robtish: We meet at last Tiger Warrior

Lincoln: I would say the same demon

Emiko: Lincoln we're here to help

Lincoln: No Emiko, I don't want you to get hurt, I lost enough comrades and I don't want to lose my wife

Robtish: Are you going to let a girl fight for you?

Lincoln: Leave my wife out of this, Henshin, Ultraman Dyna, Lincoln

Emiko and the others couldn't believe that her husband wanted to phase the demon until Leo said.

Leo: We can't let him fight alone

Clyde: Leo's right we have to help him

Emiko: Let's go

Ultra Team: Right, Henshin

The Ultra Team charged into as they saw more demons trying to attack Lincoln. Emiko saw that Lincoln was losing his fight and before Robtish can use his final blow, Emiko and Luna took the blast for Lincoln and they both survived.

Ultraman Dyna: No this isn't what I wanted to happen

Ultraman Belial: Luna!!

Ultragirl 80: Emiko!!

Robtish: Wow sixteen for the price of one this will be a great deal

Lane: *Appears out of nowhere with his face covered up and attacks the Ultra Team leaving them injured*

Robtish: Demon Prince, what are you doing here?

Lane: The TIGER WARRIOR is my opponent not yours, as your prince I order you to leave this battle to me or I'll take you down with him

Robtish: Sorry to disappoint you're highness but your father sent me to defeat the tiger warrior and what's what I'm going to do

Lane: So be it

The three warriors fought each other through the construction site, Lincoln de-morphed and used his sword to crystallize Robtish killing instantly.

Lane: Alright tiger warrior it's now just and me

Leo: Lincoln don't fight him

Lincoln charged into battle against his secret brother also using his tiger spirit to help but he is also exhausted from the previous battle letting Lane win easily.

Lane: Heh this victory was so easy but this is not the battle I was expecting, tiger warrior we'll meet again and we'll battle to the death

Leo: Luna!

Lincoln: Emiko! *Contacting Joshua* Father we need help

Joshua and Rita came to the injured team back to the house to recover and Joshua checked Luna and Emiko's wounds and luckily their not fatal and they'll ok in the morning just like the others.

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