Chapter One

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Narrator POV:

It was an ordinary night in the Woods were we find the infamous Loud Family who were sitting around the camp fire. The parents were having fun while the kids were all miserable because their parents had them keep their phones and all of their electronics at home.

"Come kids..Aren't you having fun?" Rita asked.

"Are you kidding? This trip literally bites...We don't have any electronics and there's bugs everywhere." Lori said.

"Plus What if one of us gets injured..How was we supposed to get help?" Lucy added.

"Kids..This is the safest spot in Royal Woods besides what are the odds that.." Lynn Sr. said before he heard something growling in the bushes.

"What was that?" Lola asked.

" was probably just the wind sweetie as I was saying..." Lynn Sr. Said before the heard more growling come from the bushes.

"That was the wind?" Lincoln asked before a wolf jumped out of the bushes scaring everyone.

"So...This is the safest spot in Royal Woods?" Rita asked.

"Well...The website did say that there could be some wolves in the area." Lynn Sr. Said.

"So you let us camp out in an area that has wolves? Are you insane Dad?" Lynn Jr. said before the wolf stared to walk towards them before it tried to jump on Lily. The others sans Lincoln froze while he started to run towards the wolf and push it away from his sister. When he started to get up...the wolf bit his arm making him scream. Eventually Lincoln kicked the wolf in the stomach making him let go...only for the wolf to swipe at his back leaving deep gashes. 

"Are you guys going to do something?" Lincoln cried before the wolf bite his leg and stared to pull him towards the woods before Lynn Jr. grabbed a huge branch and started to swing at it...saving Lincoln's life.

"Thanks Lynn." Lincoln said. 

"No Problem. By the way...We better get you to the hospital." Lynn Jr. said.

"But what about the camping trip?" Lynn Sr. Said.

"Forget about the camping trip. If you haven't noticed Dad...Lincoln's hurt and we have no way to call for help. Besides this is technically your fault for stranding us out here without telling us that wolves frequent the area." Lori said.

"Lori's right. If you didn't suggest this trip in the first place then Lincoln wouldn't have been placed in danger. Besides if anything..He's a hero who saved Lily from being that wolfs midnight snack." Leni said before she helped Lynn Jr. carry Lincoln to Vanzilla meanwhile Rita glared at her husband before starting to pack up their stuff. 

As Lynn Sr. watched this...he sighed and started to think that he should  have told them where more information about their camping destination before they left the house. As the Louds finished packing, they quickly raced to the hospital unaware that the wolf changed Lincoln.

Which leaves only one question...

Will his change be temporary or permanent?

Author POV:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋 

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