Chapter Two

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Lori POV:

When we got to the hospital, Lincoln was immediately rushed to the operating room. Meanwhile my family and I were sitting in the waiting area waiting for news. As we did so..most of us were either glaring at dad or trying to distract themselves by any means necessary. Which meant telling jokes or watching this boring soap opera that was on in the waiting area.

"Girls...I know that I messed up, but glaring at me won't make me feel better." Dad said.

"We know. We're just really angry at you for not checking the camp site or caring so little for Lincoln that you suggested that we stay." Luna Said.

"But..." Dad Said before Mom cut him off.

"But nothing. Lynn...What were you thinking? You made us leave all our phones at home and even suggested that we stay at the campsite despite the fact that your son just got attacked by a wolf. Plus what would happen if those wolves returned and hurt one of the others or if you son died due to your decision. When we get home after we hear more about our son's are so sleeping on the couch for a long time." Mom said making Dad sigh and look down at the floor. Part of me felt bad for Dad while the other said that he deserved it for what he was placed the family through. What's worse is that Mom was right in her statement...

What if Lincoln died because we decided to stay? Or if those wolves came back to try to kill one of us? Just thinking about it almost made me want to cry...but I managed to stop before one of the others noticed. I was the oldest and as the was my responsibility to set an example for the others. If I started to cry now..then that would make the others cry and Mom and Dad were already stressed as it is. 

"L..Lori? Is Linky going to be okay?" Leni asked.

"Lincoln is strong Leni. He'll be okay." I Said making her smile a bit before she started to worry again. Before long the doctor arrived to tell us what's happening with my brother.

"Hello Loud Family. You should be happy to know that you got your son back just in time." The doctor said.

"What do you mean?" Mom asked.

"Well...if you got here any slower than your son would've gotten an infection. Luckily..his wounds aren't that bad, but he'll have to wear a cast on his leg and keep it easy for the next couple of days." The Doctor Said. 

When the doctor said that...we were all glad that our son/brother would be okay. Too bad..that this was the start of something dangerous. Because after this brother would become a werewolf.

Author Notes:

How was the chapter?

Any suggestions?

Bye 👋

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