The Beginning 1

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Note: The characters are aged up and I don't intend to add lemon scenes in this












Ronnie Anne-15

Now onto the story:

Ronnie Anne felt her blood boil as she heard about the latest incident between Lincoln (her soulmate) and his sisters. Believe it or not, he had ten sisters and out of them all...Ronnie Anne liked Lily the best. Mainly cause she was the closest sister to Lincoln and looked up to him a lot. 

"Lincoln, you need to stand up to your sisters. Think about it, your sisters have used you for everything that they need without so much as a thank you. The only one who doesn't is Lily and she's five years old." Clyde said. He has long gotten past his silly crush on Lori since she started college. He instead focused his attention on his soul mates, Haiku and Penelope. 

"I could if it was possible. If I try then my sisters would resort to violence, jokes and shunning until I do what they want. My parents don't help matters either since they have never put their feet down on them for years." Lincoln said.

"I figured as much. No offense to your parents, but they should really grow a backbone. If things continue like this then it wouldn't be surprising that one or all of your sisters end up with a criminal record." Clyde said.

"I have hopes for Lily. The others however...." Lincoln started to say before Ronnie Anne interrupted him.

"I'm sorry Lincoln, but there's so much that I can take until I put my foot down. Your sisters are a problem and if something isn't done then who knows what they'll do next." Ronnie Anne said with an irritated tone. She calmed down a little when Lincoln placed his left hand on her right hand.

"Calm down. Things will get better. We just need to give it time and maybe..." Lincoln started to say before she scoffed.

"Time? They've been like this for years and have never changed no matter how much you do for them. They need to learn that there are consequences for their actions." Ronnie Anne said.

"I hate to say it, but she's right...something needs to be done about them." Clyde said. 

"Sigh...I know, but I don't want any harm to occur to you. You know what could happen if they take things too far in the quest for revenge." Lincoln said. Soulmates are bound to each other which means if one dies...the other would soon follow. This is the fate that has fallen on lots of people due to careless actions of others. 

"You worry too much. I will do something and if they decide to take revenge...I can handle it. No problem." Ronnie Anne. Lincoln stared at her for a moment before sighing. He hopes that his sisters wouldn't do anything that awful to his soulmate. People who do with either lose their own soulmates, go to jail, face public humiliation or become...marked. The Marked are people who have committed a great sin against another pair of soulmates. They are treated less than dirt and will never have a soulmate for the rest of their lives. He have seen them walking in the streets wearing rags while people glared and shunned them. It was a fate that no one wants to receive and if some of his family became that way....

A life of hardship awaits them. Lincoln quickly shook this thought out of his head, his sisters wouldn't become one of them. They know better....


Hope you enjoyed this short chapter...Bye 👋

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