A Surprising Gift

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This is a book of fluff just with Papa Oda anf Chuuya and there life. It is tied to the fanfic Pursuit of Happiness.

Oda gasped as his eyes shot open. He looked at the time on the bedside clock. Shit, it was almost 12 in the afternoon. How could he sleep that long? Oda doesn't remember much from last night, all he remembers was downing glass after glass of whiskey. He was going to kill himself and then... Oda's eyes widened in realization. Last night he had found an abandoned baby in the freezing cold. He jumped up and he ran around his apartment looking for any sign of the baby. Oda reached the living room and he sighed in relief when he saw the infant swaddled in a blanket laying on the floor, asleep. The fire Oda made last night had long died out, which was fine since the baby was warm now. Oda looked at what the baby came with. There was a note pinned to his onesie. He pulled the note off and he unfolded it. Inside the note was his name, and a little information about him.

"Chuuya... Seems I was right... you are only one month..." Oda said sadly. He was at a loss as to how someone could just abandon a child in the cold like that, anyone with common sense knew he wouldn't make it through the night. Oda is just glad he found him before that happened or worse. Oda picked the infant up and the baby whimpered. Oda shushed him and he gently rocked him. Oda felt his forehead and he looked at him worriedly.

"You have a fever... probably from being in the cold for so long... Don't worry little guy... I'll make sure you're properly cared for." He says holding him close to his chest.


Oda headed to the closest supermarket to him. Oda had his own car but considering he didn't have a carseat for Chuuya that wasn't the route to go. And him walking would have been too cold and too far, and with Chuuya already being sickly. Oda didn't want to risk it getting worse, so he opted for taking the bus. Oda arrived at the supermarket within 30 minutes, and when he stepped inside he headed right to the baby aisle. Oda looked through the milk, and he read the back of the containers seeing which one was the best. He picked the best one, he then moved a little bit further down the aisle and he got diapers. Oda went the next aisle over and he looked at baby clothes. He smiled as he found a few he liked, he was an infant so for now plain wasn't too bad. He got some bibs, pacifiers, rattles, a suction for nose congestion, and more. He got all the needed necessities for a baby. Oda would have to call a taxi to get back home since he now had a bunch of baby stuff to get home. Oda also before he headed out and paid; he made sure to get some medicine for Chuuya.


Oda got home after another 40 minutes. And when he got home he immediately stripped Chuuya of his onesie from the previous night, and he made a bath with lukewarm water. Oda washed Chuuya within 15 minutes trying not to keep the infant in the bath too long. Oda took him out, dried him off, put baby lotion on him to which he played with Chuuya's little feet trying to keep him calm, and he put him on a clean diaper and new onesie. Oda then picked him up and he headed towards the kitchen and he made Chuuya a bottle, but before feeding it to him he gave him his medicine first. Hoping it'd kick in soon. Oda sat on the couch and he tried to feed the infant but everything he did, Chuuya would just spit it back up. That night was extremely hard for Oda. Chuuya was crying loudly now and he was so inconsolable. No amount of rocking, walking around, humming, or patting stopped his cries. Chuuya's face was flushed red and he was getting hotter and hotter. Oda dealt with this for 3 days and he realized this was an issue that was not getting better on it's own. So he made the first appointment for the next morning so Chuuya could get the proper medicine and help to feel better.


Oda sat nervously with the infant as he whimpered in his hold. Oda felt so helpless the baby sounded so miserable and he couldn't stand it.

"Oda Sakunosuke?"

Oda stands up and he walks over to the nurse. He follows behind the nurse.

"Hello, so what's going on today with your little one?"

"I don't know..." Oda said honestly. The nurse can hear the worry in his voice. "He's been crying mostly nonstop... and then when he does stop he whimpers like he's in pain. I've tried everything... I don't know what to do." He said honestly.

The nurse rubbed Oda's shoulder. "It's okay." She smiles. "We can figure it out together. Also the front desk told me you had found the baby?"

"Yes... he was outside in the freezing cold. Someone just left him... All they left was a letter with his name and his information. I didn't realize it was pinned to his onesie until I had got him warmed up."

"I see. Well now is a good time to get everything checked. We are going to give him a well check up okay? What's the little guy's name?"

Oda nodded. "His name is Chuuya." The nurse was very gentle with Chuuya as she picked him up, and put him on the scale. Getting his weight. He was only six pounds. It was very concerning because by now he should have gained a pound or two. The nurse took his blood pressure which was a bit high. And she took his temperature which was a 101.1. The nurse had a lot of concerns and she would discuss them with the doctor. The nurse took Oda and Chuuya into the room and she sat down for a moment, entered information into the computer, and then stepped out. Oda gently patted Chuuya as they waited on the pediatrician, after 20 minutes she came into the room.

"Hello. I'm Doctor Lan. And this little guy must be Chuuya huh?" She smiles.


Dr. Lan checked everything over again that the nurse did, and she listened to his heartbeat and breathing. And she could hear all the congestion in his lungs. And she checked his ears.

"Alright Oda, so I think that Chuuya has a bit of a sinus infection and cold, and he also has an ear infection. Which the good thing is; it can all be medicated. This is why he was so fussy. It was most likely from him being outside in the cold so long. And as far as his weight and him not keeping milk down, I want you to try skim baby formula. It will be a lot more soft for him. He should be able to keep that down. And for that little fever just give him over the counter children's motrin."

"...Okay... thank you Dr. Lan."

"And don't worry okay?" She said comfortingly. "You're doing your best and if you have any questions at all please call me okay? I promise you he will feel a lot better in a few days."

Oda nodded. She was right. Oda just needed to relax. He couldn't freak out, there was a little one depending on him now.


Oda felt relief when Chuuya started to feel better gradually after his doctor's visit. His fever subsided completely within 2 days. He sounded a lot less stuffy and he was sleeping well, and was less fussy. And the skim milk was the best. Chuuya was able to eat a full bottle and keep it completely down, and Oda knew it was working as Chuuya was finally gaining a bit of weight. Oda currently had Chuuya laying on the bed, and he heard Chuuya's happy cooes as Oda blew raspberries on his tummy. Oda chuckled and he smiled, and rubbed his little cheek. Oda had noticed in the short time he had Chuuya, he had felt complete, happy, less lonely. Oda at first had thought about giving Chuuya over to the adoption agency, but now he couldn't bear the thought. Oda would adopt him, he would love him, and he swore he would protect this precious baby with his life.

To Be Continued...

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