You Are My Sunshine

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Oda was nervous as he gently rocked Chuuya on his lap. Chuuya was 3 months now, and since Oda was trying to adopt him a social worker from the adoption agency checked in with Oda once a month unless otherwise needed. She always came in and made sure there was food, running water, a place for Chuuya to sleep, that he wasn't abused or hungry. Oda knew he had well over provided for Chuuya, so he didn't understand why he was so nervous. Maybe it was because when Oda looked down at the little boy snuggled in his arms, he couldn't imagine after all this time Chuuya getting taken from him over some stupid reason.

The social worker had just come from checking the bedrooms. She wrote a few notes on the clipboard she had and she smiled. "Well everything seems in order here. Just keep up the good work and you'll be able to finalize your adoption in no time. I am sorry I know just from checking in often you're a good parent, and I am sure this is a hassle but we have to check like this. A lot of children are abused and neglected."

"I know." Oda says softly. "I don't mind. I know you're just doing your job. I'd rather you check often than not and a child ends up very hurt or worse."

She nodded. "Well then I will be on my way. I have a lot of other check ins. But I hope you and little Chuuya have a good afternoon."

"Thank you." Oda follows the woman to the door and he waves goodbye, and closes the door gently after she leaves. Chuuya coos and Oda gently kisses his little cheek and he holds him up. Chuuya nibbles on his hand and Oda smiles.

"I promised you a park date didn't I?" Chuuya coos happily and he kicks his feet. "Yes. Yes I did." Oda says talking sweetly and he carries Chuuya into the room to get dressed properly. Oda lays Chuuya down and he changes his diaper first so he would have a fresh diaper. While Oda was changing him Chuuya was looking around the room, and Oda hummed softly as he looked for clothes in the dresser.

"Ah here we go." Oda went over to Chuuya and he put him on a red onesie.On top of the onesie Oda put a white bib to catch his drool or spit up. He didn't really have it anymore but there were days it was bad. Oda slips Chuuya on a light blue jacket with fuzz on the inside, it also had a hoodie that was shaped like rabbit ears. And last but not least Oda put him on a blue winter hat. Oda then dressed himself warmly, Oda was buttoning up his shirt and when he looked up his eyes widened as he saw Chuuya flipping onto his stomach. Chuuya giggled as he looked up at Oda.

"Ah no! I missed it!" Oda quickly grabbed the cam recorder he had on the night stand and he started recording, and he looked into the camera. "So I sadly missed the action. But Chuuya just rolled over for the first time. One of his first big milestones. I am very proud."

Chuuya rolled back over onto his back and Oda had caught that. Oda smiled and he blew raspberries on Chuuya's stomach, making him laugh. Oda put his finger out and Chuuya wrapped his hand around Oda's finger, and he was feeling a love like no other.


Oda took Chuuya to the park just like he promised, and Oda recorded little moments at the park. He realized quickly Chuuya did not enjoy the slide so much, Oda thought maybe going down the slide scared him so he stayed away from it. Oda then tried the bouncy horse, which was too much shaking because Chuuya threw up some of his breakfast much to Oda's despair. He had to use the whole bib to clean off the spit up, and he had to throw that one away because it was so soiled; and put a new one on. The only thing that was really a hit with Chuuya was the swing. He seemed to enjoy the moment of gently swinging back and forth, maybe it was because Oda had a baby swing at home. He often used it to put Chuuya to sleep, and it even played music. So maybe this was more comforting and familiar to him. It was around lunch time when Oda finally left the park with Chuuya, he now had a carseat so he didn't have to take the bus or a taxi. Oda strapped Chuuya into his carseat, and the little ginger baby yawned. Oda smiled and he gently kissed Chuuya's forehead.

"Go to sleep, little one. We'll be home soon."

Oda was not even a good ten minutes into the car ride home before he looked in the rear view mirror and saw Chuuya asleep. Oda was pretty tired himself and would probably take a nap with Chuuya when he got home, the term sleep when the baby sleeps was the truest statement Oda had ever heard. Between night feedings and early morning wake ups Oda was thoroughly exhausted but everyone said it would get better, but even if it didn't Oda wouldn't change it for anything in the world. For the first time since the orphans had died, Oda was finally starting to feel whole again.

To Be Continued...

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