Dark Hallway

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We went through curve after curve of that hallway. Feeling the walls for the first way out. But the walls were smooth and cold, like metal. This place gave me the creeps. But so does many other things, greivers, Gally, poisonous snakes, suspicious people who can mind talk. As I said, a lot of things.
"Hey, I think I found something!" Someone ahead of me said. I couldn't recognize his voice. The only voices I an recognize are Albys, Chucks, Newts, and Minhos. But Frypan and Teresa also have unique voices that u can sometimes pick out from he rest.
"Where are you Jeff? What did you find?" Minhos voice came from right next to me. Even now, in the dark not having any idea where we are going, Minhos voice still calms me. It almost makes me smile. But alast, we are still in the dark, not knowing where we are going or what's next. For all we know this 'something' could be a room filled with greivers. Or people ready to kill us. Or worse. I don't even wanna think about it.
"I'm over here. Just follow my voice." The boy Minho called 'Jeff' said in response. Jeff. Where have I heard that name? Oh ya, he's a med Jack and one of my closest friends. I'm surprised that I couldn't pick out his voice. But he has sort of a typical voice. (A/N: this has noting to do with the actor in the movie, he had no lines and therefore 'Jeff' does not really 'have a voice' in the movie if you understand me, in other words Jeff's voice is up for interpretation)
I started to think really hard. I was trying to remember where he's voice came from.
"Jeff, where are you?" Someone else called. His voice sounded vaguely familiar. Clints voice maybe? Clint was another med jack. I should recognize his voice too.
We walked down the hallway and it led us to light. Light! Light! I've never been so happy to see light. And I'm also surprised that my boys didn't cry at all. I think they were both asleep.
We all walk into the light. But when I look around I realize that I'd almost rather be back in the dark than see what I'm seeing.

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