She Is

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"No Jess, the truth is, that I'm.. I'm...I can't even say it!" Teresa screamed with frustration.
"Fine. Tell me later." I said annoyed.
"Tom, would you be a sweetheart and tell them, for the both of us." She said in her sweet girly voice again. She locked hands with Thomas and gave him a sweet kiss.
"Fine, she's sick. We don't know how." Thomas said. I know that he knows more. I'm just happy he said that much.
"I think you know more." Minho said accusingly.
"That's right, I do know more, much more. I just don't think you need to know." Thomas said snobbishly.
"Well then you should tell us!" Minho snapped.
"I should, maybe,but do I have to? never." Thomas replied very, very snobbishly. But I didn't want to see these friends fight. And I most certainly didn't want to listen to these two bicker the whole time. However long that may be.
"Guys, guys! You're friends! You shouldn't bicker and argue over small things." I intervene.
Thomas gave me a scowl, as if he wanted to keep arguing. As if he wanted to ruin his friendship with Minho.
"Woah, woah, sorry! You can keep arguing if you want." I sassed back at Thomas. Minho is really rubbing off on me. I'm so sassy.
"Stop sassing me Jess." Thomas replied with a scowl.
"Although I hate to interrupt this sissy fight, shouldn't we be looking for a way out?" Newt intervened.
"True. This place is giving me the creeps."(250) Minho said with a shiver.
"Ya, let's get outta here." I replied looking around the small room for an exit. Sadly all I saw was beige walls. And a rectangular crack in the wall? That looks suspicious.
I walk over to it and feel around it. It falls right through. Its a door!
"Hey guys! I found it!" I say with glee and pride. I opened the door. The group walks over to me.
Many of them said "Nice job" or "Thanks Jess"
But then Teresa went through and I heard her talking to Thomas and saying "She just got lucky." I tried not to get mad.
Minho was the last one through the door, he held the door opened for me. How sweet.
We wandered into another dark hallway.

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