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Me and Minho walked along the wall for what seemed like forever. With the others following behind... I assumed. I heard footsteps behind us so we were being followed by someone or something. I just hope that its not a greiver.
We continue walking for several more minutes. Then I see it. A tiny speck of light. It looks really far away. But its there.
"Minho! Look!" I say pointing to the tiny speck of light even though he can't see my hand.
I begin to walk faster toward the light. I can't wait. I hate the dark. I hate it; with a burning passion.
As I get closer the light gets bigger. And bigger. And bigger.
It gets bigger until it finally encloses me in its light. Swallows me whole.
"Minho, over here." I call trying to look for him in the darkness.
"I'm behind you babe." Minho says putting an arm around my waist holding James with the other. "We made it. Now where are the others?"
Newt comes out of the blackness. "I'm here." And Tonnie following close behind. "I'm next."
Thomas walked through to the light "Theresa? Teresa where are you babe?" Thomas started packing back and forth. Back and forth. Back and forth.
There were giggles coming from the darkness.
Teresa stepped into the light. "I was messing with you Tom. I'm fine babe." She said walking over to him and locking their fingers.
The girly part of me thinks cute but the tomboy part of me goes Ew, is that what me and Minho look like? I'm a very conflicted person. Even on the inside. The only thing that all of me agrees on is that I love Minho. And the twins, but that's obvious.
When I tuned back into the rest of the room Thomas and Teresa were flirting.
"You're so cute Tom!"
"No, you're so cute babe."
Ug. So cute! I mean so gross! No cute. Gross. Cute. Gross.
"You guys are gross." I say to Thomas and Teresa.
"Oh come on Jess, you two did the same thing!" Teresa nearly spat at me. Wow, she's being rude. I wonder why. She's usually so nice.
"No need to be rude Teresa." Minho says in my defense. "So let's all just calm down."
"Why should I! I never made a comment when you were doing it!" Teresa yelled. Minho was only making this worse. Ug I can't believe Teresa, what has gotten into her?
"Um...Teresa, why are you being so mean? You usually aren't this mean!" I say as sweetly as I can.
"Nothing!" Teresa replied in a light, feathery, feminine voice followed by a giggle. Man. I really hate girls like that. I just wanna punch them. They give us tomboys a bad rep.
"Really? Are you sure?" I ask curious. I know that she only uses that voice when she's trying to hide something.
"No Jess, the truth is...
(To be revealed in the next chapter 'she is')
(A/N I am a Thomesa shipper, but I also LOVE NewtMas, don't be mad)

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