Getting Closer

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(Sorry for the slow update)
(4 months after 'The Infirmary' Jess is 8 months pregnant. I'm skipping alot of time, and this book is halfway done)
"Minho." I said looking over at him. Minho was on the other side of our little shared room. He was just about to fall asleep.
Minho grumbled some sort of response. Probably 'ya babe.' Or 'what's up.'
"Minho." I repeat. I can feel hot, burning hot tears running down my face. "Minho I don't want the baby to be born in the maze. We need to get out. And I think I have an idea."
Minho looked up at me sleepily. "Can't we talk about this in the morning." He was so tired he sounded drunk. His words slurring together to the point where I almost couldn't understand him.
"I don't really think that's a good idea, but whatever you wish baby." I climbed into bed next to him and almost instantly fell asleep.
*-*-*The Next Morning*-*-*
I woke up and tried to stand up with no avail. My baby bump was getting in the way of everything. So instead of standing up and getting out of bed like a normal person, I rolled off the bed with a squeal.
My squeal woke Minho up, as it often does. I was careful to make it louder this morning so he'd wake up. I carefully pulled myself onto my feet as Minho woke up just a foot or so away from me. Minho climbed out of the bed and helped me up. Being 8 months pregnant makes it hard to stand up. Or do almost anything.
"So what I was saying last night.." I said leaning against Minho.
"About escaping right?" Minho said, proud that he remember even if he was only half asleep. He smiled, it was a goofy smile. Not his normal, alluring, perfect smile that he charmed me with from day one. But don't think that our relationship is based on looks. Its not even plausible. I'm just an ugly piece of klunk and he is prefect. Minho is funny, and kind, and a lot like me. And that's why I love him. Not for his looks-
"MINHO!" I scream grabbing my stomach. "The baby is coming!" I begin to sob. "It hurts! It hurts!"
"OK baby. I'll help you." He picked me up bridal style and ran off in the direction of the infirmary.

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