Here It Is

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(Short chapter, lots of imagery, maybe too much. And this is a lot of Jess's thoughts, witch are similar to mine. I'm ADHD (like Albert Einstein) so you might get confused. Just let me know if you do. I'll try to reword it)
Minho carried my bridal style to, what I hope was, the infirmary. I couldn't see anything, my face was soaked with tears. I buried my face in Minhos shoulder. When we finally got to the infirmary Minho laid me down on the familiar bed, in the familiar room, with the familiar Med-Jacks, Clint and Jeff. I got to know both of them pretty well, because I'm a med jack. And I trust them and all, but I'd like Newt, or as Minho calls him, Dr. Newton, there to make sure it all goes smoothly.
Newt walked in and I was instantly relieved. Newt was the second closest to me. (A/N: Not like a brother. When I write the second book it will be weird if he's like a brother) And even if Newt was not the best doctor in the glade, maybe the world, that is still want him here. Minho knelt in the bed next to me.
Newt was pretty sure he knew what was going on but wanted to make sure: "So..the baby is coming?" Newt half asked half stated.
I nodded between sobs. Minho turned to him "Yes, care to help Dr. Newton?" Minho said the last part with so much sass I didn't know how Newt would respond.
Newt only shrugged it off and knelt next to Minho. Minho had turned back around. We were kissing.
Newt blushed feeling out of place. And I realized something: I'm going to have to be naked. Now I truly only want Newt and Minho in here. I blushed.
Minho gave me a confused look "What's wrong baby?"
I looked at him with a face that said 'seriously' Minho looked offended.
*"Minho."* I whisper to him. *"Your not gonna like this but I have to give birth naked."* I frowned waiting for a response.
None came. The three of us sat there in silence for a few moments.
Finally, breaking the silence Newt asked me:"Jess, who would you like in here? Its your choice." I looked up at him. Should I say what I want, for only him and Minho to be in here, or should I say what they think on gonna say, 'it don't matter, just get it over with.' I start to sob. But the longer I wait the more painful it gets.
"I only want you two in here." I say once, I stop crying. Minho nodded, and smiled a little. First for the baby, second that I spoke what I wanted not what others wanted to hear.
"Well, we gotta get this over with sooner or later"Newt tells me. "Should we start now?"
I nod nervously. I know that with Newt I'm in the best care possible, but Newt has never done this before, I've never done this before. None of us have ever experienced birth before. And here we are.

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