I Must Know More

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I looked around and realized that I couldn't see anything beyond the metal box I was standing in. The same metal box I had arrived in.
The boys were still completely surrounding me. I looked around and noticed that, the boy that 'Newt' called, 'Minho' had jumped in the box with me.
"Hi." I said nervously. The boy smiled at me.
"Hi. I'm Minho." He held out his hand for me to shake.
"H-h-hi." I repeated shakily. I couldn't believe that I was so nervous. I just met the guy. I really only get nervous when I'm crushing on some- oh, no way! I can't be crushing on him that quickly. Well look at him I thought to myself, and as I looked over his perfect body and perfect hair. The more I looked at him the more I liked him. He was just perfect.
"So what's your name?" He asked, still smiling.
"Um...hi....your perfect- wait! What?" The boy only chuckled. "My name is...I don't remember!... I don't remember much of anything!" The boy chuckled again, probably at my idiocy, there was no way that we'd end up together.
I looked at Minho with a confused, and innocent, expression. When he saw my confused expression he stopped chuckling.
"Its normal. For you not to remember pretty much anything. But its not really forgetting everything... its like almost everything...but like.." he rambled on like that for a while. I thought it was weird, that he was just rambling on like that. He doesn't seem like the type....unless! No way! There is no way he could have a crush on me! He's perfect and I'm fat, ugly and scarred. All the way up my arms are cuts, that I deserve, for being fat and ugly. I deserve every cut I gave myself. Every night a cried myself to sleep. Every ti-
Minho holding my hand brought me back to reality. I must've given Minho another confused looked because he let go of my hand and blushed. "Sorry." Was all he said. I blushed and gingerly put my hand out for him to take. He reluctantly took my hand.
"You must be hungry. Let me show you to the kitchen. Frypan'll make you something to eat." Minho said looking at me. And he looked...nervous.
"First, I need you to answer me a few questions. I must know more. More about where I am. What this place is. Why I'm here." I looked into his eyes. And he looked at the ground, avoiding eye contact. I decided not to ask him why he's so nervous. He might get even more embarrassed if he does admit that he likes me. My stomach grumbled really loudly, embarrassingly loud.
"Well...." I said starting to laugh. "Maybe we should have dinner first."
He smiled at me and chuckled, "I'd think so. That was loud!" He joked.
We walked to 'Frypans' kitchen holding hands, smiling, laughing like children going to play on the playground. Not knowing that all of that was going to change. At this point we were just...happy to be happy. It seemed like he hadn't had that in a while.

Edit 1: 7/29

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