Would This Be Considered A Date?

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We walked hand in hand to a small, poorly built wooden building that Minho had identified as the kitchen.
When we walked inside I expected to see a dark room with a small wooden table, and some stone knifes with wooden handles. Instead, I saw a near state of the art commercial kitchen. Every type of knife, pot and pan was somewhere in the neat, organized kitchen.
"Woah." I say as I walk in. Minho chuckles.
"Cool isn't it." He says with his perfect smile and his perfect voice. I can't help but have a crush on him.
I notice a boy carefully and quietly cutting some vegetables on the left side of the room. Minho walked over to the boy.
"Hey Frypan." Minho said to the boy. FryPan must have been the boys name, or at least nickname, because the boy stopped cutting and turned around. The boy, FryPan, looked around the room and when his eyes met mine he smiled. I was totally confused by this, and my face must have shown it, because the boy, Frypan, frowned.
"You must be the new greenie." Frypan said as some sort of explanation.
"Yes, I'm Jess." I responded introducing myself. FryPan smiled once again.
"Well, greeie, Jess, you must be hungry." FryPan said turning back to the vegetables that he had been cutting.
"Actually, I am." I responded smiling,  although he couldn't see my smile. FryPan was still turned away from me. Only Minho could see my smile, his expression looked confused. I only shrugged, he shrugged too. Frypan turned around with a plate of food and he looked at me.
"Its a ham sandwich." Handing me the plate and turning back to the vegetables. "Minho you want a sandwich too?" Minho nodded and Frypan turned around with another plate of food handing it to Minho. Minho quietly thanked Frypan and began to walk to the door. Just before he walked out the door he motioned for me to follow. I didn't have anywhere else to go, and I don't know anyone else, so I followed Minho out of the kitchen. Once outside I saw that everyone else had food and was eating in around the same spot on the ground.
"Follow me." Minho whispered and began walking away. He was walking in the direction of some trees. Hesitantly I followed. I didn't know where we were going but I followed. Blindly.

We walked for what seemed like miles and miles, like we were never going to get back. But it was probably only a half of a mile or so. The further we walked the darker and darker it got. I was starting to get the creeps. We got to a point where vines were blocking our path, a wall of vines.
Minho pushed back some of the vines and motioned for me to walk though.
I walked through, and what I saw was amazing.
There was a break in the tree branches above so the little grotto was light up perfectly. Minho walked in letting the vines fall back into place behind him. He smiled as he walked over to where I stood in the middle of the grotto.  Minho sat down on the ground. I followed suit sitting on the ground of the grotto that seemed almost as perfect as he was.
"So...." I said trying to get a conversation started.
"So....." he said half mocking me half trying g to think of something to say.
"So, would this be considered a date?" I said almost smirking. Minho shrugged.
"Do you want it to be?" Minho replied. "Cause I do." I opened my mouth and had something to say but I forgot about it. The perfect Minho waned to date ugly me?
I can't believe this!
I could only smile.
"I'd love for this to be a date." I smiled at him.
We were official.

Edit 1: 7/30

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