Im What!

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It takes a while for reality and what Minho had just said to catch up with me. And when it dose I have a huge race of emotion.
First I crumple up into a heap on the floor and cry. I sob, into my arms. Minho sits next to me trying to comfort me. How could I be so stupid as to put myself in the situation?
Then I become angry. I thrashed my arms out almost hitting Minho and I screamed "I'M WHAT! I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!" Stomping on the ground and throwing the tester.
It wasn't until Minho grabbed my arms that I began to crumple back into a heap and begin cry again. Minho hugged close to me.
"I'm so sorry." He whispered to me.
I heard footsteps outside the door. Then the clicks of the doorknob turning. The door swung open and Newt walked in. "Do you guys care to explain what's going on?" His tone was quite harsh. I wondered what could be going on that would give him that tone.
Newt looked over at me and his face softened. He walked over to me and sat down next to me.
After a few moments he asked me, "What happened?" I started crying again. But responded to him.
"Newt, this is really nerve racking for me to tell you. And you have to promise never to tell anyone else. Are we clear?"
Newt nodded.
"OK. So well um.." I looked over at Minho who nodded for me to continue. "I-I I'm pregnant." I stutter nervously. Fearing what Newt's reaction will be. The blonde haired British boy only nods.
"Wow." He adds after a couple minutes of silence go by.
FryPan walks in with heavy footsteps, "What's going on?" He demands.
Minho, who holds grudges pretty well was not in a good mood to be around anyone, especially FryPan "Don't you have something too cook!" Minho nearly yelled, he was upset.
FryPan was shocked "Hey your the one who never came to settle this with me." FryPan was getting annoyed. He walked over and knelt down next to me. FryPan looked into my eyes "What's going on Jess." He said softly and sweetly. By now Newt was even getting annoyed.
"She doesn't wanna bloody tell you! Can't you take a hint!" Newt was yelling now. "Why don't you get the bloody hell outta here!" Newt was furious. I'd never seen him like that. I was shocked. Minho was not as shocked as I was, but Minho was still rather surprised.
"OK. OK." FryPan said. Obviously the most shocked of all of us. "I guess I'm not wanted here. Bye Jess." Tears were forming in his eyes as he left the room. You could hear quiet sobs down the hallway As he left the homestead.
Newt looked over at me "I'm so sorry Jess. I don't know where that came from." I looked back at him.
"Its OK Newt. I'm pretty sure you said what we were all thinking. Just British." I said with a smile, trying to lighten the mood. I frowned again when no one smiled "Maybe we should have a gathering to tell at lest the keepers about this." Both boys looked at me in shock.
"What? Isn't it important that they know?" I said. Newt looked at me, then looked away, his expression never changing.
"Its your call." Newt said staring at the floor. I looked over at Minho who was equally shocked.

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