The Gathering

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After sitting with me for roughly another hour, Newt got up and scheduled The Gathering with Alby.
Today is the day! The Gathering! I'm so nervous! At the very least Gally is going to be upset with this. FryPan will be upset that we didn't tell him before. Jeff will he upset because I probably won't be able to do my job, cause I'm with a bunch of boy who don't understand girls. Its almost time!
"Minho." I say looking over at Minho. "What do you think is gunna happen?" I ask. Minho simply shrugs.
"I don't know. Hopefully nothing bad. Or irrational." Minho chuckled "Oh wait. Galleys gunna be there. Nothing is rational around him." He saw that I was not laughing and, therefore, he stops laughing. "I'm sorry. I'm just trying to lighten the mood a bit,"
"I appreciate it Minho. But its not working." I say frowning. "What if Gally tries to kill me!" Minhos face was shocked.
"If he tries to kill you, I'll kill him." Minho said proudly. I felt safer after Minho said that.
At the gathering everyone takes their seats. I have Minho on my left and Newt on my right. I smile at both of them nervously as Alby gets the gathering started.
"Everyone take your seats. Thank you. Apparently Jess, and Minho, have some news. I don't know what it is." Alby takes his seat. I'm suddenly regretting calling this meeting. Its too late now.
"Minho, do you wanna tell them?" I whisper-ask him as we stand up an walk in front of everyone.
"Nope. You wanted to call the Gathering." Minho said, afraid. The mighty Minho afraid? No way!
"Everyone, hi." I begin not knowing where to start.
"GET ON WITH IT!" Gally yells.
"Um...well.." I begin nervously. "I have some news. Im-im pregnant."
There were gasps from the crowd. Many of the boy whispered to those around them.
"Well then." Someone says. The room goes quiet.
"Why are you two so idiotic! Were kind of battling greivers and doing dangerous stuff EVERY DAY!" Gally yelled. Standing up "We need to get rid of that baby!"
Great my worst nightmare is coming true! I roll my eyes, its my natural defends against tears.
"GET HER!" Gally yelled running at me. Minho shoves me behind him.
"Run." Minho whispers to me.
I turn to run but feel a similar sensation creeping up from my stomach to my face. Morning sickness. I won't get far before they catch me. But Minho will stop them for long enough, right?
I sneak just outside of he homestead before I throw up. I must've been there for 10 minutes, throwing up before Thomas ran up to see if I was OK.
"Are you OK Jess?" Thomas asked,
"Get away from me!" I respond. I was immediately sorry. But its too late now.
I begin to hear yells and screams from the homestead. And that's when reality hit me: There is a mob of angry teenage boys coming to kill me and my unborn baby.
I try to run but just throw up again.

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