Now What Do We Do Now

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(This is one of my favorite chapters!)
Minho "So earlier, before.. this. You were talking about..escaping! That's right! You were talking about how we could get out! Now is a good time to share the information."
"OK babe." I looked at Newt, then Minho and nodded. "So there has to be somewhere that the greivers come through, right?" I look at both boys for their reactions. When they give none I continue. "Well, their way in could be our way out! We just need to find it."
"I like your idea babe. It just sounds like a suicide mission." Minho said disappointed that my idea wasn't good.
"Just think about it. We could go during the night when the greivers and out in the maze. Then there's less of a chance we'll meet one." The more that I think about it the more that it sounds like a suicide mission. But for me its escape or die trying.
"True. True. But how will we carry the babies?" Minho asked still looking for a fault in my plan.
"Me and you can hold the babies. It'll be fine." I kissed Minho to keep him from objecting my idea again. I don't have much more to argue about it.
This time Newt said something. "Who is gonna go? How are we going to get people to come? Should we send someone to see if its really an exit first?" Newt kept blabbering on. I eventually tuned out.
When he finished I responded "Newt, stop. It'll all work out." Newt seemed taken aback by my comment.
"OK. I just want to make sure you have a plan not just an idea. But your reasoning is legitimate. I think it'll work with some planning and plotting we could be out of here!" He was smiling. Newt looked up at the sky and yells "How do you like that WICKED!"
"So..when should we do this planning. I wanna get out!" I yell excitedly.
"Woah. Woah. Woah. Not so fast babe." Minho said. "You just had babies, like an hour ago. You aren't ready to leave nor are they." Minho looked concerned for me.
"Minho, why don't we make a plan, tweak it, perfect it, and then-" I began before I was (rudely) interrupted by the for opening and Alby walking in. I was so comfortable with Newt and Minho I forgot that I was naked. I let out a yelp trying to cover as much of my body as I could.
Alby rolled his eyes. Minho stood up and walked over to Alby, handing Newt the baby.
"You were making plans to leave! Without the rest of us!" Alby was furious. I was so nervous. Alby, when he's furious like this, is stronger than Minho! And Alby might attack me. And Minho was right, I don't have my strength back. I can barely sit up.
Alby quickly shoved Minho out of the way and walked over to me. I decided to use a trick that Minho taught me, act like I'm defenseless. Then, when they're caught off guard you make your escape.
I began to cry. And cry. I held my baby close to me and cried even more.
"Ain't gonna work this time, girly." Alby said. I was terrified. So I cried more, real tears. I did not want to die the day I became a mother.
I hugged my knees as close to my chest as I could without hurting the baby.
I moved my back against the wall and I put my head down, not wanting him to see the fear in my eyes. But also, so I didn't have to watch him deliver whatever punishment he though was deserved, for whatever I did.
I glanced up for just a second and watched Ably pull his large hand over his head and come down rapidly at my body.
I prepared for impact.

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