Prepare for impact

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I prepared for impact. But the impact never came.
I looked up slowly, only to see my worst nightmare. Alby hand smacking me unconscious. I don't remember anything more.
The next think I can see is blurred figures running around me. I can hear Jeff shouting "She's coming through! She's alive!"
And I heard Newt barking orders and yelling back at him "No dip she's alive! She never stopped breathing you bloody idiot!" I start to giggle at Newts response but it hurt to move so I stopped.
I realized that I must've been out for a while for anyone to be belief that I was dead. Hoping I'm dead is a different story.
I prop my head up and look around but its kind of hard to see over something in my way. I look and realize that its my own stomach! Wow! What happened.
Newt must've seen my surprise because he walked over and knelt down next to me. "You've been out for over a month Jess." Newt began. "You're pregnant again and you've been out for a month. Alby beat you up terribly. You have bruises all over you. All over you." Newt smiles a bit a the last part.
I tried to sit up and I screamed. It hurt so bad. I began to sob quietly. "I'm I'm what! How! How am I pregnant again?! I got knocked out like 2 hours after I gave birth!"
Newt looked at me. "I don't know. It puzzles me as much as it must puzzle you."(A/N omg! The 'you' is word 250!)
I put a hand on my stomach. It hurt a lot to do it but I did. And as I did I smiled weakly at Newt.
"At least I'm not dead." I say with a weak, pained smile. "Where is Minho? Does he know?"
"Jess..." Newt begins nervously "Minho is.."

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