Minho is...

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"Jess, Minho is..." Newt began. "Minho is still in the maze. We is not sure where he is or if he's hurt or what." Newt looked pained by what'd he'd just said. I just wanted to hug him. I tried to reach my arms out but he only pushed my arms away. "You need to rest Jess."
"Yes, but." I move with the intention of sitting up. "I need to go find Minho."
"No, you don't." Newt said with a stern and firm, yet concerned voice. "I don't want you getting hurt too. I care about you Jess." Newts eyes became glossy. As if he was about to cry. For me? Or was it for Minhos disappearance? Or both?
Movement out of the corner of my eye brought me back to reality. (oh there goes gravity. He knows he so mad but he can't give up that easily, nope he won't have it. Does anyone else like Eminem)
Newt was standing up. He was walking away.
"Newt, don't leave!" I somewhat shouted.
"Jess I'm just checking something. Ill be right back." Newt had nearly made it out of the door when I interrupted his dismissal again.
"Newt I don't wanna be alone. I don't wanna be alone ever again. I'm just a weak little girl who thinks she's tough." I begin to sob. I can't believe Alby changed me this much but he did. I'm just a fraction of my former self. "Where is Alby? I wanna talk to him." Newt looked at me with sad (250) eyes.
"Jess, Alby felt so guilty for what he did, he killed himself in the middle of the night. He was long gone by the time we figured out what was going on. I'm sorry." Sometimes I enjoy Newt telling things to me straight, not like I'm a girl and I can't handle it. But right about now I feel like a little girl who can't handle it. Probably because I'm pregnant again. Too many hormones.
And then a voice brought me back to reality."Jess? Are you okay?" Newt asks me looking concerned.
"No Newt! I'm not okay!" I scream with every ounce of strength in my being. "Minho isn't back yet! I've been out for a month! I haven't seen my babies yet! And someone killed themselves because of me!" I screamed. I was loud enough to wake the greivers. Newt walked back over to me. "Jess, can you please stop being a pessimist for once. I was just about to go get your babies and see if Minho is-"
"Hey guys! I'm back." Newt was interrupted by a voice from the doorway. I didn't even have to look. I knew who that voice belonged to. Minho. "Minho is? Can you finish your sentence please Newt." With his usual sass.
"Well obviously your right here. Or maybe the real you is still in the maze and what we see right now a figure of our imaginations." Newt joked.
Minho saw that I was awake and ran to my side.
"Its been so long. Too long." He knelt down next to me and put a hand on my stomach. I felt like crying again. Happy tears.

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