bonus chapter: the wedding(s)

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All around them people are kissing, hugging, jumping, dancing. Hermione, Ron, Ginny, and Mateo all join Harry and Miranda. Ron flies over to Harry immediately, fiercely hugging him. "We thought we lost you, mate," he manages in a choked whisper.

Miranda and Hermione beam, watching their boyfriends embrace emotionally.

"It's like we don't exist," Hermione says fondly.

"Who needs them," Miranda laughs wetly, squeezing Hermione's hand.

Hermione feels the ring on Miranda's finger, and gasps excitedly, yanking Miranda's hand up to her eye level.

"He proposed?!" Hermione squeals loudly.

Miranda nods, a tear rolling off of her chin as Hermione embraces her tightly. A pair of creamy, bruised, bloody, and very freckled arms wraps around her too, a kiss pressed to her shoulder. Ginny. All of their faces shine with joy and tears and dirt.

Hermione sighs appreciatively, "It's gorgeous, Harry!"

Miranda is hit with a wave of emotions all at once as their group continues to expand in size. Neville and Luna coming over, Fred and George, Bill and Fleur, Dean and Seamus, Sirius, and Evelyn cradling a blue haired baby close to her body.

Thank you. She thinks to herself. I love you, she cries into their arms.

I'm sorry.

Her heart aches for the faces missing, and she staggers backward, suddenly winded by the weight of it all.

Sirius gives Harry a huge hug and whispers in his ear, "You did good, kid. You did good." For the first time, Miranda notices, Sirius looks his age. His face is pale and drawn, eyes sad and worn with affection, almost like he can't believe it's over. Can't believe he's the one left standing. He looks guilty.

"I'm so sorry about Rem-" Harry's eyes grow watery, but Sirius shushes him.

"James and Lily would be so proud of you," he grips Harry's shoulder. "And I know Re—" his voice catches, wobbling on the name. He swallows thickly, "I know Remus would be too. I certainly am." He inhales deeply, "Because of you his son will get to grow up in a better world."

The baby has begun to cry.

Miranda and Harry are married not more than a week later, it's a small ceremony, just family and close friends. They didn't want to wait any longer. To them, it feels like they've been waiting their whole lives.

Hermione is Miranda's maid of honor, Ginny and Evelyn her bridesmaids. Ron is Harry's best man, Sirius and Mateo groomsmen. They are to be wed outside, in a meadow that they decorated very minimally, a leafy archway at the front. Miranda is wearing a simple yet beautiful, white midi dress, tulle and covered with stars. Her hair is loose, a flower crown resting in her soft curls and a bouquet of gardenias and lilies in her hands.

Hermione fluffs Miranda's hair and smooths her dress out while Ginny raises a glass of champagne, still in her bathrobe.

"You should really change Gin, we have to go in like five minutes!" Hermione exclaims, snatching the goblet out of her hands.

Miranda laughs lightly, "I think Hermione's more nervous about this than I am."

"Are you?" Hermione asks, "Nervous I mean?"

"No," Miranda replies lightly, shrugging, "I thought I would be, but I'm surprisingly relaxed."

Hermione smiles, "It's because you love him so much isn't it?"

"Maybe." Miranda tucks a piece of hair behind her ear shyly, causing Hermione to fuss with it again. But her stomach is in knots, dread that has nothing to do with how much she loves Harry creeping in as it always tends to these days.

There is a crash behind her and she jumps, tensing, all her nerves on edge as she whips her head around to find the source.

"Sorry," Ron's voice calls from down the hall, "tripped on my bloody dress robes."

Miranda shuts her eyes, willing her heartbeat to return to normal. Her hand grasps unconsciously for her wand.

"Miranda?" Mateo knocks at the door.

Hermione frowns, "You sure you're okay?"

"'Course," she smiles thinly, smoothing her dress. Miranda turns, heading for the door. It's time. Mateo and Evelyn will be waiting in the hallway, they are both walking her down the aisle today. Miranda tries not to think too hard about her mother.

Hermione catches her by the wrist before she can go. "Don't forget to breathe," she kisses Miranda's fingers. "Okay?"

"Okay." Miranda nods, smiling gratefully at her best friend— her sister. She takes a deep breath and opens the door.


Of course she's ready, Matty.

I'm ready.

You look beautiful.

She knows

I know.

She links arms with her aunt and her brother, turning the corner and starting to walk down the aisle. She smiles at her friends standing on either side of her. Luna and Neville, Seamus and Dean, the whole Weasley clan, Dobby, blowing his nose loudly. Even those who can't be with them, she knows are looking down from wherever they are. Finally she locks eyes with Harry, a smile playing delicately on her lips as she nears.

"I love you," he mouths, winking.

"I love you too." She whispers back, meeting him at the front, Evelyn and Mateo kissing her cheeks and going the rest of the wedding party.

Minerva McGonagall clears her throat, "Dearly beloved we are gathered here today..."

The ceremony speeds by, and there is not a dry eye in the house when McGonagall finally pronounces them man and wife.

"You may-" She stops, shaking her head knowingly. Harry didn't even wait for her to finish the sentence before grabbing Miranda and kissing her, the crowd clapping their hands wildly.

Harry grins at Miranda, "You're stuck with me now Mandy, for better or for worse."

"No place I'd rather be, Potter." Miranda leans in for another kiss, Harry dipping her back slowly.

Their friends envelop them in a group hug, Hermione raising an eyebrow at Miranda cheekily, "I told you there was going to be a wedding."

"We get it," Miranda teases, "you're always right."

"Hopefully she's right about one more thing." Ron interjects seriously, before dropping down onto one knee.

Miranda and Ginny's hands fly to their mouths, and the boys whistle.

Hermione's jaw drops, "What on earth are you doing Ronald?"

"Well I'm trying to bloody propose," he gestures to the small ring in his hand, "if you'll have me."

Hermione nods vigorously, and Ron sweeps her up into a kiss.

Now you're the only one left.

Oh, shove off.

The pressure's on, bro.

Hermione and Ron end up having a huge wedding a couple months later. All of their extended family attends. The wedding party is so large that Mateo is part of the bridesmaid group instead of the groomsmen group, leaving room for all of the Weasley brothers. Miranda is Hermione's maid of honor, and Harry is Ron's best man. Hermione looks even more gorgeous than usual in a long lacy white dress. Molly Weasley sobs the whole time.

Miranda and Harry move into a cozy two story house, just like they dreamed of years ago. Mateo and Ginny move into the neighborhood too, as do Ron and Hermione. They like living close to one another because they never want to have to make an effort to stay friends. They've all been through hell together, and god be damned if they weren't going to go through heaven together too.

Hermione decided to return to school, finish the forgotten seventh year. Ginny signs with the Holyhead Harpies, a female Quidditch team. Miranda, Mateo, Ron, and Harry decide to train as Aurors. There is a special program for young adults like them, allowing them to jump right into action in order to capture all of the remaining Voldemort followers in Britain, although Harry has voiced interest in getting a teaching degree.

Miranda is afraid of all the happiness. It feels conditional. It feels like with every day that passes, they have more and more to lose.

Harry cries in the shower at night, after they've gone to bed. When he thinks she won't see him, won't hear him, won't know that he's broken too.

He won't talk about it, and neither will she.

It is much easier to pretend.

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