bonus chapter: whoa, babies

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Miranda smiles as she hangs their first picture on the wall, wiping her paint covered hands on her jeans as she steps back to admire it. The photo of all of them in sixth year, she put it right above the fireplace. Harry finishes painting the opposite wall, and joins her, wrapping his strong arms around her waist and putting a chin on her shoulder lovingly, "It's a bit lopsided Mandy." He smirks.

Miranda whacks him on the arm with her paintbrush, splattering cream colored paint all over his shirt, giggling.

He gasps dramatically, "You're going to regret that." He takes his paintbrush and swipes a streak of yellow on her nose daringly.

Miranda shrieks, taking more paint and throwing it on him. Harry does the same, and soon they are chasing each other around the room, wielding their paintbrushes. Somehow, they end up toppling over on one another on the ground, Harry hovering over Miranda with a huge grin on his face. Her bandana has come off her head and her hair has undone, golden locks spilling out across the wood.

He takes his thumb and wipes a bit of yellow off her cheek, lowering himself to kiss her. Harry runs his tongue across her lower lip, and her mouth parts, kissing him deeper, they roll around on the floor, covered in paint.

Harry kisses her neck teasingly, nipping at her sensitive spots in a way that makes Miranda moan softly into his ear. "What do you say we get out of these clothes?" he whispers, sliding his hands up her torso.

"Smooth." She hides a smile, inhaling sharply as he throws off his shirt, raking a hand through his hair. Her eyes travel down his abs, and she brushes her fingertips over his scruff.

"I see you checking me out." Harry's mouth quirks up mischievously, carrying her bridal style to their bedroom.

Yes, Miranda and Harry finally got their happily ever after, but nothing is perfect. They both still carry the weight of the war in their hearts, they still have nightmares, and anxiety. They still fear waking up with the other gone, fear that he's not really dead, fear that they are not safe. They forget sometimes that they are allowed to be happy now. Allowed to live their lives freely, without worrying about the wellbeing of the entire world.

"No!" Miranda jerks awake, drenched in cold sweat. The room spins in shadows and flashes of green light, and she reaches for her wand, tumbling out of bed, scraping her arm on the bedpost.

Pain blooms across her elbow, and she cries out.

"What?! Miranda?" Harry flips on the light, fumbling for his glasses as he comes over to where she is rocking back and forth on the hardwood floor. Harry cradles her to his chest, stroking her hair, "It was just a dream Mandy, I'm here, we're okay, you're okay."

"But Matt, he- and Ginny was- and Ron and Hermione-" The dream had felt so real. It's the same nightmare she's been having for months, everyone dead and gone, her unable to save them.

"Matt is perfectly fine and asleep next door with Ginny, Ron and Hermione are also asleep next door. Come back to bed." Harry notices the cut on her arm, which has started to drip blood on the floor.

"I lost you," Miranda shakes her head, tears flowing rapidly down her cheeks. "It was my fault— I didn't— I lost you. You were—"

"I'm right here," Harry says firmly, grasping her hand. "I'm right here with you, Miranda.

"I'm sorry." Miranda says tearfully, exhaustion setting in.

"Don't apologize love, you've got nothing to be sorry for, let's clean you up." Harry picks her up off the floor, Miranda's eyes dull. Slowly, he undresses her, putting her pyjamas in the sink, and then turning the shower on. He helps her clamber in, and tilts her chin back, letting the hot water wash over her skin.

Miranda can barely feel it.

She sinks to the tile floor, hugging her knees. Harry stares at her helplessly for a few moments, before climbing into the shower beside her, clothes and all. Miranda is not sure how long they sit there, silently.

When they finish their shower, Miranda slips on her favorite jumper of Harry's and climbs into bed beside him. Harry snuggles close, pulling her into his broad chest gently, rubbing her back in small circles until she falls asleep.

The dream plagues her every night for the next two weeks, and now Miranda has taken to wandering the house instead of sleeping. Preferring to stand watch in their living room from phantom threats than be tormented by them in her rest.

In those two weeks, Harry is "excused" from Auror training after failing his psych evaluation, the gang finds a local pub that they christen as their spot, they attend three funerals, and Bill and Fleur announce they are having a baby. In those two weeks Miranda receives a call from the grocery store asking her to please come down as soon as she can because her husband is hyperventilating in the frozen foods aisle, she opens a letter from her friends from Ilvermorny asking how she's doing and she finds she cannot answer, and she finds hair ribbons in one of her mother's old trunks and sobs for two hours and eight minutes straight.

They visit Sirius and Evelyn every Saturday, and try to pretend things are normal. Except Evelyn won't walk past Regulus's room, and Sirius has trouble looking the baby in the eye.

Miranda rises late on this Saturday morning, scrambling to get ready for their visit to Grimmauld Place. The two month old is already extremely mischievous, and loves to morph his features.

The first time Miranda and Harry visited the couple, things had been a little chaotic, both Evelyn and Sirius had been thrown into this with no idea how to raise a child, especially not a Metamorphagus. Teddy's favorite toy was the wolf stuffed animal.

Miranda pulls on a pair of jeans and feels a little resistance as she slides them past her midriff, they are tighter than they normally are. She frowns, staring at her reflection in the mirror, her breasts and butt have been looking bigger lately too. Her bras barely fit. How odd, she thinks to herself, pulling on Harry's Weird Sisters tee and heading downstairs.

Harry smiles, and pecks her on the lips, returning to his cooking, "Morning love, I was just about to wake you." He scoops a helping of eggs on to her plate and hands it to her, but for some reason the very smell of them makes Miranda want to gag. She holds a hand to her mouth, stomach lurching.

"You okay Mandy?" Harry furrows his brow in concern.

"Mmhmm." She nods her head, swallowing hard, "Just maybe no breakfast today."

"Okay, Harry smiles, taking a sip of tea, we should probably head out anyways."

The pair joins hands and Disapparates with a pop, landing in front of the entrance. Miranda knocks on the door twice, and Evelyn opens it, looking a bit frazzled, baby in her arms.

''Thank god you're here." She hands Sirius the baby, hugging them both, "I desperately need adult conversation."

"Hey!" Sirius says indignantly, Teddy babbling away, "I'm an adult." Sirius promptly returns to making funny faces at the baby, Evelyn rolling her eyes.

"I think he's about to say Padfoot." Sirius tells them earnestly, "It's on the tip of his tongue I just know it."

"Sirius he's only two months old." Miranda laughs, reaching out her arms for the boy. "Hello sweetie pie!" She cooes, bouncing him, "Can you say Mandy? Mandy?"

The little baby only gurgles, blowing a raspberry, and Sirius beams proudly, "I taught him how to do that. Didn't I tell you he was advanced, Elle?"

Harry takes Teddy from his wife, tickling the little boy's chin, which makes his hair go blue, "Yes, Uncle Harry's here, I'm your favorite I know."

Miranda watches Harry play with the baby and her heart nearly bursts from the adorableness. The rest of the morning passes fairly quickly, Teddy goes down for his nap. Sirius insists on sleeping with the boy, in his dog form of course, and Evelyn makes some sandwiches for Miranda and Harry, talking quietly with them in the meantime.

Miranda touches a hand to her temple, she feels fatigued. Harry and Evelyn both notice, Harry taking her hand with worry, "Are you alright Mandy?"

"Yeah," she brushes hem off, "just tired lately." That's what happens when you don't sleep anymore, funnily enough.

Evelyn peers at her niece closely, as if she is trying to work something out.

"What?" Miranda raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"Nothing, nothing, just- no never mind," Evelyn waves them off. "I won't keep you any longer, I'll tell Sirius you said bye."

They arrive back at their house, and Miranda leans against Harry in exhaustion. He kisses her forehead softly, "Are you still up for dinner with everyone tonight?"

She nods, "I'll be fine Harry, I'll just take a quick nap."

Miranda simply cannot get comfortable, and before she knows it, it is time to get ready for dinner. She decides on a maroon sweater dress, again feeling that tightness when she puts on the clothing. Miranda puts her hand on her hips, rotating in front of the mirror.

"Honey!" she calls to Harry in the bathroom.

He pokes his messy haired head out the door, wearing only pair of dress pants, "What's up Mandy?"

She tilts her head at the mirror, "Do I look like I've gained weight recently?"

He walks over cautiously, "Why do I feel like that's a trick question?"

Miranda laughs, "It's not, I was just wondering."

"You know I love you no matter what Miranda." He hugs her from behind, the scent of his cologne overpowering Miranda's nose, which normally she would like, but apparently not today. She clutches a hand to her stomach and gags, racing to the bathroom, hurling the contents of her lunch into the toilet. Harry follows her, holding her hair up as she continues to vomit.

"Miranda are you sick? We can skip this thing tonight if you're not feeling well, you should-" Harry starts to say, but Miranda cuts him off, a terrifying thought wriggling it's way into her brain.

"What day is it?"

"Saturday," Harry frowns confusedly, "are you-"

"No, no— I meant what's the date?"

"The twentieth...I think- why are you-"

Miranda doesn't even hear him as she feverishly counts back on her fingers, muttering under her breath frantically. "Fuck, how could I have- fuck!" Her beats are short and shallow, and she feels dizzy. She gags.

"You're scaring me love, what's the matter?"

"Harry," she whispers, biting her lip, "I think- I think I might be- pregnant..." Her voice catches on the word, and her legs tremble, her mind racing a million miles an hour. Pregnant. She couldn't be— what if she was? What the fuck was she going to do?

Harry's eyes grow wide, "But- but we always use the protective charms we-"

Miranda shakes her head, "Not that one time, remember...oh god I'm pregnant." She starts wringing her hands.

Harry grins, "Oh yeah, that was a really good-"

"Hey!" Miranda snaps her fingers, "Focus! Having a major freakout here!"

"We don't know you're pregnant," Harry pacifies, "I'll do the charm and then we'll know for sure."

He taps his wand to her stomach and murmurs the incantation, Miranda watches with bated breath as the sparks on the tip of the wand go green, as in positive.

So you are pregnant." Harry says, waiting for her reaction.

Miranda starts hyperventilating, "I can't be- no- I can't do this, Harry- I'm not ready to—"

"Hey, whoa, whoa, whoa, slow down love, take a deep breath, we're going to be fine. You can do this." Harry soothes, smoothing her hair. "We can do this."

"Harry I still have nightmares," she wails desperately, "like a fucking five year old.How am I supposed to raise a child? I'm going to mess them up. I'll be a bad parent, I-"

"It's normal to have nightmares after all we've been through, but this, this is something we can do, if you want to. You'll be an amazing mum." Harry touches her cheek gently, "Besides we'll have loads of help, we've got four babysitters living right next to us."

"What if I can't protect—" Miranda chokes on a sob. It was all happening so fast Everything was happening os fast. They were so young. They had so much left to do and to- what if she wasn't ready? "I don't think—"

"I think we can." Harry murmurs earnestly. "A baby, Mandy."

"Is that what you want?"

"If that's what you want. Is that what you want?"

"I— I don't know," Miranda is paralyzed with fear. "I don't—"

"We can do this."

"I'm scared, Harry," she whispers.

"It's up to you, love." His eyes lock with hers, hopeful and loving and honest, "We got this, I promise."

A nervous smile spreads across her face as she presses a hand to her belly, "I think we're having a baby."

Harry places his hand over hers, "We're going to have a baby." He leans into kiss her. "Do you want to tell them? Tonight I mean?"

Miranda nods, rising up from her spot on the tiled floor and straightening her dress.

Harry smirks, "I knew your chest looked bigger."

Miranda scowls and hits him in the arm, "Harry James Potter!"

"What?" he holds his hands up defensively, "Can't I admire my hot wife?"

"You are impossible," Miranda shakes her head, "and you need to put on a shirt."

He winks, "Are you sure you want me to?"

"I'm going to leave without you." Miranda rolls her eyes as she puts on her boots, Harry grinning all the while.

Tonight they're having dinner at Hermione and Ron's, Hermione welcoming them all in merrily, warning them each before they sit down that Ron insisted on cooking tonight.

"Oi!" Ron shouts from the kitchen, "Are you talking about me?"

"All good things Weasley, don't worry." Miranda replies, laughing.

A clatter of pots sounds from the kitchen, and a muffled "Bloody hell!", then another bang.

Hermione bites her lip, "Ron, are you sure you don't need-"

"Doing fine darling, don't worry about a- OW!." Ron yells, "I'm alright Hermione, I'm alright, dinner's almost done people."

Hermione closes her eyes wearily, "He's going to burn down the house."

Finally, dinner is served, well delivered more like. Mateo and Ginny made an executive decision and brought over a pizza, much to Ron's protest. However, he stopped complaining once he started eating. They talk and laugh late into the night, and Miranda only feels the urge to throw up once, when Ron smothered his 100th slice of pizza in ranch.

"Where's your liquor Hermione?" Ginny asks from the kitchen, head in a cabinet.

"Top left from the sink." Ron answers as Ginny returns with a bottle and glasses.

Harry and Miranda share a look.

"None for me Gin." Miranda says with a smile.

"Me neither." Hermione echoes.

"Why aren't you drinking?" Miranda queries.

"Why aren't you drinking?"

The girls stare at each other for a moment.

"Are you-"

"Are you-"

"I am!"

"Oh my god!"

Hermione and Miranda scream with excitement and get up to hug one another.

Mateo looks completely bewildered, "Does anyone else not have the faintest clue what's going on?"

"They're pregnant you idiot." Ginny laughs, kissing her boyfriend's cheek. Matt's jaw drops.

"I'm going to be an uncle?!"

"Yeah sweetie, Ginny shakes her head at his cuteness, and I'm going to be an aunt. Apparently these four have been very busy." She waggles her eyebrows suggestively.

Hermione and Miranda grow bright red, and Ron and Harry pound each other on the back heartily.

"So much for all our help." Miranda whispers into Harry's ear.

"At least we still have Gin and Matt."

But they didn't, not more than a month later, Ginny and Mateo also found out they were pregnant. There must be something in the water, I mean honestly. Hey, at least all their kids will be in the same year at Hogwarts...






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