How I became me

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It all started when I was a kid. It was a cool winter night. My mother and I were watching the sun set and as the full moon rise to see the stars awake from there slumber. It was all wonderful, but the real reason I came out here was to see my favorite person in the whole wide world.

"Mommy where is the moon man?" My mother just smiled.

"He's up in his home in the moon."

"But why" I cried wanting to see the one legend I believed in.

"Don't worry Hun. You'll get to see him one day."

But I didn't and I knew right then and there the man in the moon was fake.

It was a cold winter night. The stars were shining brighter than usual and the moon seemed to have turned into a light shade of dark blue. I decided to go out and take a look.

"Mom I'm going outside."

"OK Hun but don't stay out too long. You'll catch a cold."

I went outside and shut the door behind me. There I saw the blue crystalized moon. I saw a spot in the middle of the iced over lake and decided to take a seat. I gazed at the beauty of the moon. It was all just breath taking.

"Perfect." I sighed and formed a small smile on my lips.

Suddenly something didn't feel right.

[Crack, crack.]

I tried to get up and run, but before I could even move I fell in. It was cold and dark, but I heard a soothing voice speaking to me. It was a male's voice.

"You are Lurana Starlight Moon, daughter of the man in the moon".

"The man in the moon?" I was a little shocked at first, but I was grateful because I didn't know who I was or what was happening.

Once I was on stable land, or ice, there was a woman. She was tall, slim and looked like she came from a star. She told me she was my mother and that we had a lot of caching up to do. She took me to a little cabin in the middle of the forest. It was cozy, but a little lonely. My mother saw my face and smiled.

"Well just make yourself at home" and with that she left the room. I knew that I would have to get adjusted to everything, but I already felt like I was at home.

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