The Future

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Years went by and my mother died or should I say mysteriously disappear. My Father ,Many, married my Stepmother, Lady Sun, and with that I had 2 new stepsisters, Sunrise and Sunset, but me and my stepfamily didn't really get along. I always thought it was because the lunar and solar race had a giant world war about three million years ago, but who knows maybe its just family issues.

It was another day at the castle. My family moved here after we found out that we had royal blood in our veins and that's how we became the rulers of Universe, a kingdom that only ledges know of. Me, Sunset, and Sunrise each had a job or a royal duty. Sunrise rises the day, Sunset makes the world get ready for the night, then well.... I make the night.

I got dress for another day. I wanted to wear my regular cloths but my Stepmother told me that scents I'm a princess now, I had to dress like one.

"Lurana I told you before you're a princess now so dress like one and don't be late for breakfast!"


Well that was pleasant.

I went downstairs to get something good to eat for breakfast. Suddenly out of the blue.



I fell to the floor with a small person toppling on my back.

"Ha-ha gotcha."

It was Sunset.

"Ok ok you got me, but you better be ready because I'm going to get you good later."

We got up and once again and headed down stairs.

"Mmmmm oatmeal and French toast." I said this to myself quietly.

I was trying to savior the peace that I had until my stepmother told me and my stepsisters what we had to do today.

"Ok girls now Sunrise you will go into town and present the new opening stores, While Sunset you will go and help the villagers and record any problems around town, and last but not least Lurana."

"Yes ma'am?"

I was a little nerves. Not because of her, but because of the things she makes me do. For example, Last week she made me clean the whole castle and then go and dust the chimneys. I was covered from head to toe in soot.

"Lurana you will stay here and take over for the maids in the castle. And if you're wondering which maids I mean all of them. And after that help the stable men with cleaning the horses' stables please."

I sighed.

"Yes mama."

"Good. Now you are dismiss." With that we all headed to our stations.

After breakfast I went to my room but instead of working I grabbed my starboard, got into regular cloths and made my way down to the creek. There I saw my friend Nighttime, Prince of the nighttime sky, and favorite cousin Starlight, The ruler of the stars.

"Hey look its Lurana!" said Starlight with a usual two-bit grin. She then enveloped me in a hug.

"Ha-ha hi Starlight how are you?"

"Fine same as usual. You?"

"Ha same here."

"Hey what about my hug?" said Nighttime with a sad, but happy smile.

I smiled even more and gave him a hug. We all sat down on the bench talking about what was happing in our "lovely royal lives". After a while we all headed back. We really did want to stay but, we didn't feel like getting a scowling from our parents and also a giant punishment.

"By guys see you later."

"Later lu!"

"By Luna."

I headed back, but of course I'm too late and I get busted.

Great. Why didn't I see this coming again?

"So...would someone like to tell me what they were doing for the last 30 minutes!?"


I knew that the next thing that was going to happen was not going to be pretty.

"Umm... at the creek?" I said getting ready for the hurtful words that were going to come out of my stepmother's mouth.

"Lurana this has gone too far for far too long!"

here it comes. I shut my eyes getting ready for the next word that was going to come out of my Step Mothers mouth.

"Lurana I hereby forbid you too leave the castle ever again!" she then stormed out of the room and locked the door with a forbid spell.

Great locked up in a tower for who knows how long.

[Sigh] Lets just hope it's not permit.

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