Light and the darkness battle to the death.

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"! O no, no, no please solar come back to me. Come back to me!"

He was gone and I couldn't do anything about. As for shadow she was just laughing about it, like if it was a joke.

"Hahahah. See Lurana all you do is make mistakes and keep making them were ever you go. Now... it's your turn to die and suffer.

I spoke, "No shadow it is your turn to suffer and die. You took away my home, you took away my love, and now you are going to pay!"

Suddenly it became dark and I had no control over it. The next thing I know the guards arrive and I'm taking shadow down with all I got.

"Princess Lurana what are you doing stop this at once!"

I stopped but I started to take it all out on the guards. I was telling myself to stop but my body wouldn't listen to me!

"Guards Princess Lurana won't stop because her powers aren't under control. This is all Prince Sloar's fault! He cursed her in his last moments."

I suddenly remembered in my dream. My powers weren't under control. This must be it! The dream must have been a sign. I looked and saw all the guards defeated because of me. I knew I had to get my powers under control somehow. Suddenly I thought of my friends and family and for some reason it worked.

"Well, well, well look who finally got control over their powers. Lurana."

"I'm going to take you down Shadow even if it's the last thing I do. Now let's do this."

I punched Shadow but forgot all about her sword and then she cut me. I took my little pocket knife that I had just In case of emergencies and did the same. Shadow was in pain now.

"Ah- you dirty little brat! You look like a princess but you fight like a cowardly warrior." She said this to me like if she was about to blow.

I started heading for shadow but she somehow stopped me. "You aren't going to get me that easy. Especially scents we're the total opposite."

Then with that she disappeared and I couldn't see her!

"Come out and face me Shadow!" suddenly I heard her as if she was everywhere.

"Hmm...well Lurana where am I? Am I here?

She pushed me.

"Or there? Hmm"

She kept punching in my gut and cutting me with the sword.

She was getting on my nerves with this little trick of hers. "Come on out shadow and fight me like a man! Or are you afraid of losing?"

After that I knew I should have taken it back because Shadow came right at me with all her might and that means this battle was getting dirty.

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