The guardian's protectors get in the way

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We finally got to the racer shack. Solar and I both got a racer and we pulled it out of the shack. We were about to leave when suddenly.

"Halt. Surrender and handover the Princess or you shall die trying."

I was wondering how they found us when suddenly her own question was answered.

Sunrise and Shadow did this.

"Look there. See, I told you Prince Solar escaped and he was going to take my beloved sister."

I didn't like were this was going one bit so I did the only thing that came to me. I hoped on with Solar on a racer and started it. It started in a heartbeat and soon enough we were heading into the woods.

"Luna what are you doing! We're going to die now!"

I tried coming him down.

"Look, just keep driving into the woods and we should be out of here in no time. We just can't bump into sha-."

We suddenly crashed into something right out of the blue and fell onto the grass.


We didn't know what happened or knew what we bumped into, but I could already tell that it wasn't good. The sky started pouring with rain and everything got darker.

"Well, well, well look at what I found. Two royals in the middle of the forest."

I knew who it was and all I wished for was her to be gone. Shadow.

"I hope you know that you'll never escape. You'll never win. You're hopeless, but sense you don't want to listen I will just have to start taking everything from you."

She started to do something, but I couldn't make it out because of the pitch black scenery and pouring rain. A flash of lightning came and I saw Shadow make a sword. She then stabbed solar.


I got myself up and stumbled toward him. He was gasping in shock as the blood ran down his skin. It was the most horrifying thing to see. My heart started to hurt. It felt like a million knives went threw it over and over again. It then went through my head at what I was feeling. I thought we were just friends but now I see were lovers and now my lover will die in my arms.

"Luna I'm sorry you have to see me like this in my last moments, but I just want to say this. The night I met you was one of the best days of my life and I will never forget it. Lurana starlight moon I'm going to say my feelings about you right here and right now. I love you."

He kissed me with passion but then it was soft till no movement and that only told me one thing. Solar was gone.

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