|24| A Marriage Of Inconvenience.

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Lady Camilla wore a long white dress and a flower crown on her head. Stella used to wear a flower crown during beauty pageants, and Lady Camilla did the same as it was a special day. The flower crown made her feel close to Stella, knowing her daughter wouldn't be in attendance.

Lady Camilla wished she could go back to when Stella was a child. She felt bad about not spending enough time with her, especially when Stella was a young girl.

I missed the first time she walked and talked. I missed her first day of school. And I missed all her graduations. I wasn't there during the critical moments in her life. Even when she died, I wasn't there.

Lady Camilla rubbed the stray tear falling off her left cheek. She hoped it didn't ruin her makeup. It was her special day; she kept noting.

The side door in the throne room opened, taking Lady Camilla out of the trance. Li and Ibrahim came inside, dressed in white and blue robes, respectively. They walked up the steps and took their customary seats.

"Cam, how is Stella?" Li asked with a grim expression. It intimidated Lady Camilla.

"She's getting better, Madam Li," Lady Camilla replied.

"Good, good." Li nodded.

The side door opened again. King Solomon and Nash came in, wearing red and yellow robes, respectively. The former had a gold crown on his head. They went up the steps and took their seats.

The four didn't utter a word at first. The silence clutched Lady Camilla's stomach, making her gulp. She felt naked and judged as their eyes scrutinized at her. She glanced sideways, and the armored guards watched her from their stations.

"Camilla, do you fathom why you are here?" King Solomon asked. The kindness he had shown last time wasn't there. In its place was the grimace of a ruler forced into a repugnant situation.

Nash had informed her last time that if she failed to procure the wings, she would marry the buyer. That morning, a messenger arrived at her home with a message from the four rulers. She was to meet them immediately. But before doing so, she had to wear the clothing they bought her: The long white dress.

She bowed. "Yes, My King." She never knew who the buyer was. Even when she had the wings, it was a mystery on who had acquired them.

"You have caused quite the storm, Camilla," King Solomon said, his voice echoing in the large room. "You issued a bounty that would allow one of them to live in Virtue City. We never approved it. When we told you to retrieve the wings, we had hoped you would hire experts. Instead, you turned Sin City into a hunting ground. And from what we have discovered, the wings are not in Hervana anymore. Someone else possesses them." King Solomon stood. "And for that, we have to move to Plan B."

Lady Camilla put a hand on her chest and looked at King Solomon. "I apologize for failing you, My King. When I found out the identity of the one who had attacked Stella, I wanted them captured and brought to justice. I let my anger blind me. And for that, I apologize once more."

"Nonsense!" Nash shouted. He stood and pointed a finger at Lady Camilla. "You knew what you were doing, Little Milla. You always do. This false 'I am a delicate woman, please forgive me,' act may fool the others, but not me. You have ridden the coattails of your dead husband for too long. It is time you face the consequences of your failures."

"Cam," Li interjected. "When you placed the bounty, you affected not only Sin City, but our city as well. The workers have vacated their posts in pursue of the bounty. This has left many businesses in the heap of collapse. If we do nothing about it, our economy will collapse within a week."

"Once more, I apologize for my actions," Lady Camila said with gritted teeth. Every time she apologized, she felt unworthy. Although her rank was lower compared to the four rulers, Lady Camilla deserved as much respect as them. So why was she seeking forgiveness? Her actions were for the betterment of Virtue City. If the economy fell, then she would steer it back up.

"Would you like to know who the buyer is, Little Milla?" Nash grinned. "He is, after all, going to be your husband."

Lady Camilla's heart thumped faster. Her palms became sweaty, and her fingers and toes danced with nervousness. She swallowed the lump in her throat. Before she and Tomas got married, they had promised each other to never remarry in the event one of them died first. But her imprudence placed the promise in jeopardy. Now, she would be someone else's partner, taking their last name and losing Tomas'.

She had no say in the matter. The Founding Families were powerful. If she declined their wishes, then who knew what would happen? They might harm Stella. Or her.

"Have you heard of Barb Malley?" Li asked. "He's a tycoon from–"

"Techno City," Lady Camilla completed the sentence. "Why do you ask?" She had met Barb five times. Once in Wonderland City when she was on her honeymoon. And the rest after Tomas passed.

"He was the buyer," Li said.

"What Li means is, you are marrying Barb Malley," Nash chimed in.

Lady Camilla covered her mouth with her hand. She wanted to laugh but stopped herself. If the four rulers weren't there, she would jump up and down in joy. This is fate. There is no other elucidation.

Lady Camilla had coitus with Barb the four times they met alone. The first time, Barb confessed his admiration. The second time, he admitted liking her. The third time, he confessed his love. And on the fourth, he conceded his obsession.

Barb Malley was one of the most influential men in the world. His business-savvy mind led to the evolution of Techno City, transforming it into a powerhouse. It was home to the most groundbreaking technology in the world.

Barb was the only man Lady Camilla had considered marrying after Tomas' died. He was affectionate whenever they were together. They had kept their affinity a secret. But since they were to wed, then he must have divorced his wife as promised.

With him by my side, I can take over the world. "I accept," Lady Camilla said. The four rulers looked shocked as expected. They didn't know about her relationship with Barb. If they did, they would use it to their advantage before leaving her in the dirt like always. "When am I to marry him?"

"Today," King Solomon said.

Lady Camilla expected the answer after the messenger had handed off the wedding dress that day.

"I hope you said goodbye to your daughter," Nash said.

"Why?" Lady Camilla asked.

"When the wedding concludes, you will depart Hervana and never return." Nash grinned.

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