|25| Lose The Battle. Win The War.

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Pipi sat on the roof of his apartment building, his legs dangling over the edge, watching Sin City drown in chaos. Gunshots echoed in the sky, followed by cheers. People had left their jobs to hunt Don and Sky. It was a once in a lifetime opportunity to upgrade their lives. It would be stupid for them to waste it.

Pipi had a radio receiver next to him. He had hacked into all radio broadcasts in the city. With its antenna raised to its maximum height, it barked one piece of information to another. He switched channels after a few seconds, trying to learn where Don and Sky were.

"Ah saw them at the docks."

"Ah saw Don at an Inn with a fat lady on his lap. Ah think it was Joan. Sky was with a sweaty bald man at the Inn's reception. They were kissing and touching. It was beautiful."

"Don and Sky have left our world, pa'ner. Aliens took them, and Lady Camilla is covering it up with the bounty."

No one knew their definitive location. The involvement of conspiracy theorists wasn't helping either. "Pipi needs one of you to be sure of where you last saw them."

It had been hours since he got to the roof and wasn't close to finding them. His body ached, begging for him to return to his apartment and rest. But with Barbie gone, he would be alone in there. He didn't want to sit and think about what had happened with The Outlawz and Reed. He would worry about that once he found Don and Sky.

He changed channels. At first, the same nonsense corrupted the channels, and more conspiracy theorists appeared. Then, by luck, he heard a masculine voice saying, "Am ah speaking to Admiral Carlton? This is Flight Officer Frank. Over."

Pipi knew Edge Carlton used to be the Fleet Admiral of Hervana's navy. He hasn't used the title of Admiral since becoming Marquess. So, why now? Before jumping to conclusions, Pipi listened to the conversation.

"This is Admiral Carlton," Edge replied. "Tell me the status of your mission, Officer. Over."

"We have eliminated tha target. Ah repeat, we have eliminated tha target. Over."

"Superb work, Officer. You and your team will receive gold medals once this mess ends. We still have two fugitives to hunt. Over."

"Admiral, there's something else. Two people matching the fugitives' descriptions were seen in Archaic with Bones. Over."

"Return to the ship, and we will hunt them as a fleet, Officer. Over."

"Will do, Admiral. Over."

Pipi stayed silent as static played on the receiver. It had been a while since he saw Bones. He had met them once. He had gone with The Outlawz to meet them after Jojo wanted to introduce Scarf to her sisters.

He wasn't dull. He concluded the fugitives Edge spoke of were Don and Sky. And if Bones had them, then that was a problem. No one would stop them from getting the reward.

They never involve themselves with matters in Hervana. Why now? Pipi knew there was more to the story. If he wanted to find out what that was, then he would have to find them and ask. If they're after the reward, then Pipi knows they won't kill Don and Sky... Unless Don runs his stupid mouth.


Barbie regained consciousness and sat upright. A high-pitched noise ranged in her head, forcing her to cover her ears with her hands. She hoped it would stop the pain, but it didn't work. She closed her eyes and clenched her jaw, withstanding the suffering until when it faded.

She rubbed off the dust from her face with her hand then glanced around. The bombs had reduced the base into rubble. Limbs, headless bodies, decapitated heads, and mutilated bodies covered the ground.

The stench of iron filled the air, and pools of blood covered sections of the ground. Though her heart ached for the dead, Barbie's eyes lit up, and her mind sparked with bloodlust. Why am ah excited about seeing corpses?

She stood and walked around aimlessly. She didn't know where to go or what to do. She felt lost, and it angered her. It was why she didn't want to join La Familia. She almost died for a cause she didn't believe in. Equality between men and women? She didn't believe in such nonsense. Men and women had different roles to play. The former were providers, and the latter were caretakers. Why would she want the perfect system destroyed?

Ah am so lucky ah didn't die. Now ah can find John and we can leave this city. Tears welled in her eyes as she thought of her sweetheart. She had been selfish, and it almost cost her a life with John. Ah have Pew Pew. Ah don't need La Familia anymore.

"Barbie," a voice called from behind her.

Barbie turned and saw a bloodied Billie sitting on the ground, leaning on a destroyed pillar. Her clothes were stained red, and more blood dribbled out of the wound on her forehead.

"Help... me," Billie said in a rough voice.

Barbie chewed the inside of her cheeks. Her mind screamed at her to not do it, but her heart said otherwise. If she helped Billie, then she might end up helping others. She wanted to leave and find John.

"Barbie," Billie called, tears running down the corners of her eyes. She seemed in pain. "Help me."

Barbie looked at the sky and screamed. Her sympathetic nature had overpowered her bad side. John, wait for me a little longer. She went to Billie and helped the woman to her feet. "Ya don't seem to have major injuries apart from the cut on your forehead. Count your lucky rocks and praise who you pray to."

"Thank... ya," Billie said, clutching her ribs with one hand. She could walk without Barbie's help. "We have to find Mother Queen."

"What if she's dead," Barbie said, but she didn't care about Gigi. She wanted to leave and find John. What if he had returned and was looking for her?

"Mother Queen... She..." Billie coughed out blood. "She can't die."

"How sure are ya?"

"You'll see." Billie cut off part of her shirt's sleeve and rubbed off the blood on her forehead. Then she tore the other sleeve and wrapped it around her wound.

They searched for Gigi and came across bodies buried under debris. Whenever they pulled out the body and it wasn't her, Billie would sigh in relief. Barbie had doubted Gigi was alive until when they spotted a woman with white hair from afar.

"Mother Queen!" Billie shouted, then limped towards Gigi.

Gigi stood atop a pile of rubble, staring at the sky. The cloak she wore flapped behind her as the wind blew. She turned and jumped to the ground.

Billie hugged Gigi the moment the woman touched the ground.

Barbie stood back, staring at Gigi with wide eyes and an open mouth. "How...?" The words failed to come out of her mouth. What she was seeing shouldn't have been possible.

"Oh, this?" Gigi glanced at her severed arms and half-torn torso. Her organs stuck out of her body, but no blood came out. "It will heal in time." Dark energy flowed around her wounds, slowly restoring her body to its original state.

"How...?" Barbie didn't want to believe it was magic, but she couldn't deny what she was seeing. She had lived her life dismissing its existence. Yet, there it was, stitching Gigi's arms and torso like she was a doll.

Gigi closed her eyes and sighed. "It is a long story that involves a witch, a warlock, and angry elders. I will tell you another time." She opened her eyes and stared at Billie and Barbie. "I cannot believe we lost everything. I was foolish to believe my inside source. He set me up."

"Who did?" Barbie asked.

"Nash Gunnar," Billie replied instead.

"Isn't he a leader in the Founding Families?"

Billie nodded.

"And ya were working for him?"

"With him," Gigi corrected Barbie. "I never thought he would take it personally after I refused to go after Lady Camilla. I wanted to take down Edge first, seeing as he led Sin City. I should have known better."

"Don't blame yaself, Mother Queen. We will make him pay," Billie said.

Gigi started laughing.

Billie and Barbie exchanged confused glances.

"Nash, Edge, La Familia; they do not matter anymore," Gigi said. "Nothing I did ever mattered. I did it to pass the time until when I saw my son again. And now that I know he is alive, it is time for me to meet him."

"Ah am confused," Barbie said. She looked at Billie, and the woman shrugged. "Who's ya son?"

"Don," Gigi said, making Barbie and Billie gasp. Then, she looked at Barbie. "I want you to take me to where he lives. He will be there waiting for me."

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