|26| Live To Fight Another Day.

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Ono wore her brass knuckles before the men attacked. She kicked First Man's ribs and elbowed Second Man in the nose. Then Ono punched First Man's throat, making him fall on his knees and have a coughing fit. She dashed at Second Man and thrust her feet on his chest. He flew in the air before landing on the ground. He laid there motionless.

Third Man thrust a knife at her face, but she saw it coming. She took one step back, letting the knife pass her face, then hauled her foot at his knee. A crack and then a shriek filled the air. Third Man dropped to the ground and writhed in agony as he held his dislocated knee.

Leader Man had stayed behind, watching his men get beaten. He took off his vest and flexed his muscles, trying to frighten Ono. But the only thing it did was make Jojo laugh. "Ah shouldn't have expected man-boys to handle a wench. Only a real man can." He grabbed his crotch. "Ain't that right, wench?"

Ono didn't entertain him. She darted towards him, dodged the sluggish arm he threw, then thrust a low spinning kick. Leader Man fell to the ground, dropping the revolvers strapped to his waist. He did an up-kick and stood in a fighting stance.

"Is that all?" he asked.

Ono aimed for his throat, and Leader Man covered his neck with his hands. But it was a feint. She had booted his knee, stomped his foot, and elbowed his face before he registered what had happened to him.

Leader Man swayed left and right, blood dribbling out of his nose and eyes, but kept standing. "Is that all?" He raised his fists.

Ono kicked him on the chest. He stumbled backward, tripped on a stone, and fell. Those watching from the side laughed at him.

"Go home!" a spectator shouted, and the others nodded in agreement.

Leader Man stood and spat blood on the ground. "Is that all?" he asked again.

Ono gave a sadistic grin, then kicked, punch, and scratch his face. She kept attacking him, increasing the weight of her fist and leg with each punch and kick. Leader Man's blood splattered on her lion skull and clothes. She cackled while beating him to a pulp.

Some spectators started begging Ono to stop. They claimed Leader Man had learned his lesson.

Ono kicked Leader Man's leg as he laid on the ground. "Is it true you've had enough?"

Leader Man's men crouched beside him, casting worried looks at his broken nose, torn lips, and swollen face.

"Why are ya standing there and doing nothing?" First Man asked the spectators. He looked better than the others as Ono had only broken his ribs.

"They won't help you," One told him. "They know what my sisters and I will do to them if they interfere."

"Is that true?" First Man stood and went closer to the spectators. "Do ya agree with what she said? That ya are afraid of her?" He pointed at Ono.

"No," the spectators murmured.

"Are Archaicans known for being afraid?"

"No," the spectators spoke louder.

"What are we known for?"

"Fighting and surviving."

"What are we known for!" he asked louder.

"Fighting and surviving!" the spectators shouted.

"Yes, fighting and surviving. Don't forget it." First Man smiled. He was a better motivational speaker than he was a fighter. "Lady Camilla's rewards will better our lives. But before we get them, we have to kill Bones. They are in our territory. They can't stop all of us. Who's with me?"

"We are!"

"I said, who's with me!"

"We are!" The spectators glanced at each other, then gripped their weapons and headed for Bones.

Ono stood between her sisters. "We can't fight them all," she said. "We should leave."

"Where to?" Jojo asked.

"I wake up from dreaming about my harem and find myself about to be captured by maniacs," Don said, getting to his feet. He had gotten out his restraints. "I don't know about you women," he referred to Bones, Stella, and Sky, "but I'm out of here." He turned away from the women and spectators and ran off.

"Don's escaping. Catch him!" a spectator shouted.

"Like Don, ah don't want to be captured by them either," Sky said, having removed her restraints. "So ah say, let's follow the idiot." She sprinted in Don's direction.

"You heard her," Ono told her sisters. "Follow the idiot."

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