|36| Revenge.

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Dust traversed in the air like a tornado had crossed Sin City. All buildings had collapsed, and there was a minimal sign of life. Thankfully, Virtue City hadn't destroyed the power station when it landed on Sin City. The street lights highlighted the destruction and some corpses.

Stella came out of the rubble covered in dust. She had fractured arms and legs, and her neck had turned in the opposite direction. But she was alive and breathing like normal.

"Let me heal you, Slayer," Ora said.

Dark magic surrounded Stella like a second skin and healed her body in an instant. She clenched and unclenched her hands, shook her legs, then turned her neck sideways. Everything worked fine.

"Is that your magical power, Ora?" Stella asked.

"Yes, Slayer. My magic has no limits."

"Can I use it?"

"I will have to teach you how. Once you master it, you will be unstoppable, Slayer."

"And with your magic, you want us to rule this dimension?"

"Yes, Slayer. Kekekekeke."

Stella glanced around, hoping to notice a familiar face. She lost her fox skull when Virtue City collapsed, and she had nothing else to use to hide her scarred face. She felt exposed, and her heart ached at the thought of someone seeing her. "Are the others dead?"

"I can sense Pipi, Gigi, and Don's magic," Ora said.

"You can tell who has magic, and who doesn't?" Stella asked.

"Yes, Slayer."

"Why didn't you inform me?"

"I just did."

Stella realized there was no point in arguing with the demon. Instead, she started walking around, hoping to encounter someone she knew.

People's voices gained her attention. She turned to them and saw a group of men and women pulling corpses from under the rubble. They wore red and white uniforms of the Modish Fire Station.

Before Stella went to them, she had noticed a young girl standing alone. "Mommy. Mommy, where are ya?" the girl said.

"Little girl, are you all right?" Stella asked the girl once she was near her.

The girl turned to Stella. Blood covered her clothes. And once she saw Stella's face, she took a few steps back. Fear plastered her face. She screamed, then turned around and ran for her life. "Monster! Monster! Monster!" she shouted while heading towards the Modish Fire Station team.

Stella's mouth soured, and she placed a hand over her burning heart. Tears welled in her eyes, but she tried not to cry. All she desired was to help the girl locate her mother. Instead, she got treated like she wasn't inhuman.

"Will everyone respond this way when they see my face?" she asked.

"Yes, Slayer," Ora said. "The girl's reaction is what humans are like deep down. They shun anyone different from them because they don't fit in the boxes they have created for everyone. And with how you look, you will face worse circumstances than what the girl did."

"What can I do to prevent that from happening?"

"Rule over this dimension. Before the attack, people had loved you. Now make them fear you."

Stella looked at the sky. Part of her expected to see Virtue City, but only the moon stood before her. Tears ran down her cheeks and hit the ground. "Do angels exist?"

"Yes, Slayer."

Stella smiled. "How are they like?"


Stella chuckled, more tears running down her face. "I don't want to wear a mask for the rest of my life."

"Then don't, Slayer."

"That's easy for you to say. I'm the one being judged."

"We share a body, Slayer. What you feel, I experience it too."

"Then tell me what to do. Please, anything. I want this pain in my heart to stop."

"Stella," a woman called her from behind. Stella turned and saw Sky. The mercenary went to her, covered in dust and blood. "It's good ya are alive," Sky said. "Before the others find us, ah want to apologize for trying to kill ya. Ah know what ah did is unforgivable, but ah thought it would be best to do so. Ah was lied to and ah let rage take over me. Ya don't deserve what ah did to ya. And for that, once again, ah apologize."

"Now that you know Barbie killed your sister, what will you do to her?" Stella asked.

"Ah–Ah..." Sky scratched the back of her neck. "Ah don't know."

"You wanted to slay me the moment you thought I was responsible. Now you realize your friend did it and you don't know what to do? My life was expandable, huh?"

Sky bit her lower tongue. "Ah–Ah am sorry." She looked anywhere but at Stella.

"Don't worry. I forgive you, Sky," Stella said.

"Slay her!" Ora shouted.

Sky looked at Stella and smiled. "Thank y–"

Stella pierced Sky's chest with her hand and clutched the woman's heart. Sky gasped, then her wide eyes looked at her chest. Blood dribbled out of her mouth. Stella pulled out the heart, and Sky dropped to her knees.

"Why?" Sky asked as she gasped for air.

"Because revenge is best served on a cold dish." Stella kicked Sky to the ground. Sky was dead by the time she landed on her back. "See you in hell." Stella spat on Sky's dead body, then threw away the heart.

"Yes, Slayer! Can't you feel that? This feeling is exhilarating!" Ora moaned.

Stella knew what the demon meant. Though she had to face the world with her scarred, it felt great making good on her promise to slay Sky.

"No!" someone shouted from behind her. She turned and saw Don. Beside him were Bones, Pipi, Barbie, Gigi, and Old Man Booty. Don walked up to Sky's body and knelt beside him. "What have you done?"

Stella disregarded him and went to Bones. "What now?" she asked Ono.

"Our agreement is done. We captured Sky, and you killed her," Ono said. "Now, we part ways."

"I want to come with you three," Stella said. She displayed a level of confidence she hadn't before. Even though Ono was the one Stella spoke to the most, the woman always intimidated her.

Ono crossed her arms. "We're going after Lilith's Treasure, and we won't be the only ones. It will be dangerous out there in the world of sky pirates. Are you sure you want to come?"

"Indeed. But only if Jojo and Echo are all right with it."

Ono looked at Jojo and Echo.

Jojo shrugged while Echo nodded.

"It's decided then, welcome to the group," Ono said.

"Much appreciated," Stella said.

"What about your mother?" Ono asked.

"She is safer with Barb than anyone else."

"All right, let's go."

"Can I come too, pa'ner?" Old Man Booty asked.

"I noticed you kept looking at Don and Gigi. Don't you want to stay with them?" Ono asked.

"I'm not needed where they're going, pa'ner," he said. "Also, this is not the end for the team that beat The Maad Doctor. We will cross paths with them soon."

"All right, let's go," Ono said.

Bones and Old Man Booty walked ahead of Stella. While Old Man Booty tried flirting with Jojo and Echo, Stella glanced at Don over her shoulder. If the old-timer is correct, we will meet soon. And when we do, I will slay you for ruining my life.

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