|37| The Beginning.

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Don stared at Sky's lifeless eyes. Back at the auction, he thought they looked bleak. At the time, Don didn't know what had made her angry. Now he knew why. Barbie had killed Sandie. And with Sky dead, Barbie would get away with it.

There was a whole side of her he hadn't seen–the one where she cared for her late sister and would do anything for her. After they had defeated The Maad Doctor, he hoped he would see that side of her.

"Don, Pipi needs to speak to you," Pipi said.

Don stood and looked at Pipi. "What is it?"

"Your mother is alive."

Don's heart missed a beat. He didn't know how to process the information. It was sudden, and Pipi said it bluntly. "You're lying."

"Pipi never lies to you, Don. Pipi may not tell you the whole truth, but he never lies. Your mother is alive, and you've already met her."

"Who is she?"

Pipi pointed at Gigi.

"Gigi? Just because we have the same hair color doesn't mean she's my mother."

"She told me your actual name was Donatello."

Don gasped. How does she know it? Only he and the matrons knew it.

The matrons had found him outside the orphanage's door inside a basket. He wore white clothes with a nametag above his left breast that read Donatello. They never saw who left him there, and Don had assumed his parents never wanted him. So when he left the orphanage, he avoided using his full name.

Gigi went to them. "Can I talk to him?" she asked Pipi. Her hands had healed.

Pipi nodded, then left without saying a word.

She hugged Don. "Donatello, I am happy to meet you again."

Don stood there like a statue, not knowing if he should hug her or not. Even if she was his mother, she was still a stranger to him. "We've met before?" he asked.

"Quite a lot, Donatello."

"Call me Don."

Gigi smiled, and Don saw a bit of himself in her. Maybe she was his mother. And if that was the case, he had many questions. But he didn't know where to start.

Why is she showing up now? Didn't she know I was alive this whole time? "Is my father alive?" he asked.

"Yes. He is in Magic City if you want to see him. It will be the first time in centuries the two of you are meeting."

"Centuries? I've only been alive for twenty-three years."

Gigi sighed. "There is something you should know." She began telling him about her history and the curse. Then she warned him about The Elders before revealing he was also cursed.

"The magic inside me will corrupt me the more I use it? And in the end, I'll want to destroy the world?" he asked.


"That's not scary at all." He saw the frown on her face. He couldn't blame her. No one wanted to live a cursed life. He couldn't imagine what it was like losing loved ones while being immortal. He was lucky enough to lose his memories whenever he was reborn.

"You are handling all this information well," she said.

"It's been a long day." He chuckled, then glanced at Sky. Even in death, she looked angry. "When I was the bad guy, how many times did I try to destroy the world?"

"I told your friend ten times, but the truth is it is more than a hundred times," she said.

"And The Elders always kill me?"


"Good to know." He blew air out of his mouth. He thought he was another abandoned kid who grew up to live a life of crime. Now he learned he had magic and a curse. And to make matters worse, he would try to destroy the world if he wasn't careful with it. "And who is my father?"

"Drake Hardy," she replied. "I will tell you more about him once we leave this place." She looked at the destruction around her and shivered. "So many deaths here."

Don looked at Sky and asked, "Is it true magic can bring someone back to life?"

"Yes, but those are dangerous forces. You do not want to play with them. They always want something in return."

"Sky saved my life twice. I owe her."

"All right then, carry her."

"Huh?" Don scratched his head.

"If you want her to live again, then we have to go to Magic City. Your father can help you revive her. But you have to carry her. We will not find a carriage until we are away from this mess."

"All right, give me a minute." He strolled to where Pipi was and hugged his best friend. "I came to say goodbye."

"No, this is not goodbye, Don. This is until next time, my friend," Pipi said.

Don gasped. "You said my instead of using your name."

"Don't make a big deal of it, Donatello." Pipi shook his head. "That's such a cool name." He grinned. "So, where are you headed?"

"To meet my father." Don looked around before his eyes met those of Barbie, and he turned away from her. "Will you be all right?"

"Yes. Pipi will find The Outlawz first, and then he's going after the man who tried to kill him."

Don patted Pipi's shoulder. "Best of luck. A new adventure awaits us both."

Pipi hugged Don for the last time. "This is only the beginning."


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