|4.2| Problem Woman.

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Sky dragged the wings up the flight of stairs and arrived outside her apartment. She stood still and caught her breath. It had been a long night, and all she wanted to do was go to sleep.

She knocked on the wooden door and heard the locks from inside being unfasted. The door opened, and Barbie stood behind it with a smile. The light-skinned woman had one hand on the door and the other on her waist. She wore a pink pajama tank top and shorts with a gray towel wrapped around her head.

"Where have ya been?" Barbie asked. "And what is that smell?" She leaned closer to Sky and sniffed her. Then, she backed away; one hand pinched her nose while the other swatted the air in front of her face. "Ya look the way ya smell."

"Can ah enter?" Sky asked with slumped shoulders. She was too tired to push her best friend to the side and walk into the apartment. Barbie stepped backward, allowing Sky to pass. "Bring those in for me," Sky had said after she entered.

The apartment was small, but it was enough for the two of them–it used to be three before Sandie's passing. There was an open kitchen at the end of the room, and dirty pans, pots, and spoons filled the sink. It had been Barbie's turn to clean them. She had promised to do so before Sky left. But like always, she failed in doing even the simplest of tasks.

Barbie had dragged the wings into the apartment before she locked the door. "Where did ya get these?" she asked.

"Tha same place ah got tha gloves," Sky replied. She laid on the floor and stared at the fan on the ceiling as it spun. The cold air made her sleepy, and her eyelids drooped.

"Did ya succeed?" Barbie had asked after she sat on the couch beside Sky.

"Yes," Sky replied with a smile. "Ah got her."

"Is that her blood on ya?"

Sky nodded. "Mhm."

Barbie frowned. "Did anyone see ya kill her?"

"No." The thought of reading about Princess's death in the newspapers tomorrow brought joy to Sky's soul.

"What now?" Barbie asked.

"Shower. Food. Sleep. In that order." Sky's stomach grumbled. "Ah changed ma mind. Food first."

Barbie moved away from the couch and crawled towards the wings. "They are beautiful. Do ya think they work?"

"Are ya asking if ya can wear them and fly?"

Barbie nodded. "Yes."

"Ah don't know." Sky didn't recall seeing White Hair using them. She didn't think they could either. If they did, then he would have flown away instead of falling on Selena's airship. "Don't worry about it, though. Tomorrow ah will go down to the market and sell them."

"Ah bet we can get eight to ten pouches of gold for them," Barbie had said before she licked the wings' middle part. "This is real metal." She knocked on its surface with her knuckles. "Oh, my gods."

Sky sat upright, alarmed. Barbie said, "Oh, my gods," when she heard of or saw something terrible. "What's wrong?" Sky asked.

"One of the wings is broken." Barbie showed her the dangling piece.

"Ah know." Sky laid back on the floor. She had noticed the broken piece when she wore the thing. The dangling section kept hitting the back of the middle part when she walked, annoying her. She had ended up carrying it in her arms before it became too heavy, forcing her to drag it. "We will take it to a mechanic first thing in the morning."

"This doesn't look like something one of our people can fix," Barbie said.

"It's a good thing ah know a mechanic who isn't from here."



"Ooh, ah think ah've heard of him. But ah've never seen him though. Is he cute?"

"You'll see him tomorrow." Sky closed her eyes. She had decided she wouldn't eat that night. Instead, she would make up for it with a large breakfast.

"What about the metal gloves?" Barbie asked.

"Ah am keeping those. Now, ah would like to sleep, if ya don't mind."

"Go ahead," Barbie said.

It didn't take long before Sky fell asleep. And for the first time since her little sister's death, her mind was at peace.

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