|5| One Maad Mama.

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"I need a doctor!" Lady Camilla had shouted after she entered Virtue City Private Hospital. Two guards pushed a gurney beside her with Stella on it. When she had found her daughter in the bathroom lying in a pool of blood, she lost her marbles. She had never screamed like that before. She thought she had lost her daughter, her only child. But then, she noticed Stella's shallow breaths. She was still alive, clinging to the little life she had left.

Lady Camilla remembered the faces of the men and women who pitied her when she walked out of the building. The photographers didn't care about what was going on; they kept taking pictures.

Lady Camilla had ordered the guards to take Stella through the back entrance. She didn't want pictures of her daughter looking vulnerable all over the newspapers. It was supposed to be a day of celebration. Not only because of the auction, but Stella would have found a fiance, and Lady Camilla would have made a lot of money.

"You will be all right, Stella." She kissed her daughter's forehead. When she moved back, she caught sight of the deep wounds on Stella's face, and tears welled in her eyes. Who did this?

A nurse arrived at where they were and said, "This way." She steered them down a long hall and towards the Emergency Room. Lady Camilla didn't need to introduce herself to anyone or sign up anywhere to receive treatment. When she stepped into a hospital, she was the priority. And she assumed they must have heard about what had happened. Word traveled fast.

Two more nurses stepped out of the Emergency Room, took the gurney from the guards, and dragged it inside. When Lady Camilla had tried to enter, the first nurse stopped her. "Wait here," she said.

"No, I'm going in there!"

"To do what?"

Lady Camilla bit her bottom lip. She had no retort. All she wanted was to be close to her daughter. That was all. She realized she would be a distraction to the surgeons. But still, she wanted to be in there with them.

"Sit in the Waiting Room. If there are updates, I'll come and inform you."

Lady Camilla knew the nurse was right. Stella's life was in the doctor's hands now, and there was nothing she could do about it. She hated feeling helpless. Someone in her position should always know what to do.

"Fine," she answered. The nurse entered the Emergency Room, leaving Lady Camilla in the hallway. She cleared her throat, brushed her hair to look more presentable, and then headed to the Waiting Room.

The Waiting Room had chairs and tables in the shape of car parts to the left. A receptionist sat behind the counter to the right, talking on the phone. When he saw Lady Camilla, he hung up and smiled at her. The other people there stared at her as though they had never seen her before.

Lady Camilla sat far from everyone, taking the first seat on the front row. But the problem with Waiting Room was that voices echoed on the walls and floor. You could hear everyone talking if you stayed silent.

And the moment Lady Camilla sat down, the gossip began:

"Stella will die."

"Who would do such a thing?"

"Lady Camilla looks to be in pain."

"She looks terrible."

"She lost her husband, and now her daughter too? Poor thing."

"If I were her, I'd kill myself."

The more they kept talking, the angrier she got. She wanted silence. What happened at the auction would reflect poorly on her, and she tried to figure out a way to deal with it. But she wouldn't be able to do that as long as they were nearby.

She stood up, enraged. "Everyone, get out!"

They looked at her, puzzled.

She pulled up her dress, reached for the revolver strapped to her thigh, and pointed it at them. "You have three seconds to leave the hospital... One."

The people began running away, not wanting to take a chance with her.


A few remained.


They were all gone.

She turned around and saw the receptionist was on his feet, about to run away. "You can stay."

He sat back down, sweating.

She returned the revolver to her thigh sheath. She always carried one in case someone tried to kill her. She had advised Stella many times to do the same. But the woman thought her mother's position was enough to deter people from harming her.

Foolish girl. Lady Camilla buried her face in her hands and started sobbing. She had also found a guard's corpse outside the bathroom. He must have tried to protect her. Whoever slew him was strong. It's a miracle Stella survived.

"Lady Camilla, we found him!"

Lady Camilla had rubbed the tears off her face before she turned to the source of the voice. Four guards stood before her. Between them was John–the man Michael had vouched for to choose servants for the auction.

While heading to the hospital, a guard had informed her that a guest had seen a servant follow Stella. She didn't believe it at first, but then more people collaborated with the story.

The longer she stared at John's face, the angrier she got. "You!" She got up. "This is all your fault!" She struck him with the back of her hand multiple times until blood came out of his mouth. "Tell me who did it."

John remained quiet.

"There are eyewitnesses. You know who tried to kill my daughter."

"Tried?" John looked bewildered.

Lady Camilla snarled. "It was one of you," she said the last word with disgust. Then, she grabbed his chin. "I will make you divulge the culprit's name." She turned to the guards. "Take him to the basement."

The guards had nodded before they left the hospital with John.

Lady Camilla didn't want to torture John, but if she had to, then she would. Her auctions were safe for all involved. But with recent events, would people want to attend anymore?

She rubbed the tears welling up in her eyes. And there's the matter with the wings. Whoever that white-haired man is, I will find him and execute him.

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